世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/03/19 15:45
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  • I don't get it.

  • It still doesn't make sense to me.

  1. itは指示語で「why it is a problem」を指します。これだけだとぶっきらぼうなので、Would you clarify a little bit more?など補えば良いかと思います。

  2. このItも上記と同様のものを指します。stillは「まだ」「未だに」という100%じゃない状況を指しますので、いまいちピンとこないと伝えることができます。

Zakiyama バイリンガル自由人
  • I don't see why it's a problem/mistake...

  • I'm not following...

アメリカでは「I don't see why it's a problem/mistake.(どうして違うのかが分かりません)」と言っても失礼にはなりません。

I'm not following your explanation(説明に関して少し理解できない部分があります).
Can you rephrase it or tell me how it's related?(もう一度他の言い方で説明してくれませんか。もしくは、あなたの考え方との違いを教えてくれますか。)


  • Sorry, I can't get my head around that. Could you explain it again please?

  • Sorry, I'm missing something. It's still not clear.

  • Thanks for explaining it, but I still don't quite get it!

Any of these statements will suffice. You may always request further explanation if appropriate.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't see any problem here. Can you explain it again?


I don't see any problem with that.


  • Pardon me, I am having trouble understanding it!

the example features firstly, you excusing yourself (pardon me) in case you are interrupting the class.Then you state that you are not understanding what is presently being said, We know its what is in the present, because you have said ''I am having trouble''.

例では、授業を中断させる場合のために、pardon meを使って「失礼します」という意味を表しています。そしてそれから今言われていることが理解できていないことを伝えます。"I am having trouble"ということで、皆、今起きていることについてだとわかります。

Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I don't understand what's wrong here. Can you please explain it again?

It's always good to start these kinds of clarifications with an apology so that it's clear that you would like their attention and that you are being polite. If there's something "wrong," it means that there's a problem. I hope that this helps. :)

このような確認を行う場合には、まずは、丁寧に謝罪(I'm sorry)で始めた方がいいです。これで相手の注意を引きます。

"wrong" はここでは「問題がある/間違いがある」という意味を表します。


Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry but I don't follow you

  • I don't believe I see the mistake, could you please explain it to me again maybe in other words?

When we say "I'm sorry but I don't follow you" this is a way of portraying that you are not understanding the person you are communicating with. It doesn't mean literally that you are following the person, it is an idiomatic phrase.

"In other words" lets the person know that what you have just said is a little difficult to understand so it would be better if you explained the issue or the confusion in another way, maybe using smaller and simpler words depending on the person's level of the language or the subject

"I'm sorry but I don't follow you"(すみませんが、よく分からないです)

"In other words"(別の言い方で)は「難しかったのでより分かりやすい言い方で説明してほしい」という意味合いです。

Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry,could you please explain it to me again.

  • I am sorry I don't understand.

1.I am sorry,could you please explain it to me again.
- This is a polite way to say ask the teacher to try and explain to you in a simpler way.

2.I am sorry I don't understand.
- This is way to say that what the teacher said to wasn't clear enough and you would like them to repeat to you in a simpler way.

1.I am sorry,could you please explain it to me again.
- これは先生にわかりやすく教えてくれないか、丁寧にお願いする言い方です。

2.I am sorry I don't understand.
- これは、先生の言ったことは不明瞭だったのでもう一度言って欲しいというすごくシンプルなお願いです。

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I don't get it?

  • Please explain your point a little further...right now I don't get it1

When we " don't get something" it means it has not registered with our brain ;-D
And we remain in a "state of counfusion" or "have a lack of understanding"
regarding some data that is being presented to us...
We can say ..."I am sorry, can you explain further?...I just don't get it!"

don't get somethingとは、理解できない、腑に落ちないという意味です。 何かを説明されても"state of counfusion" 「混乱している状態」や"have a lack of understanding"「理解できない状態」のままで、なんだかしっくりきません。そんなときには、

"I am sorry, can you explain further?...I just don't get it!"

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I'm missing the error. Could you explain it more?

  • I'm not sure I see where the mistake occurs.

Both of these are clear ways of letting your teacher know that you don't understand the mistake. Beginning with "Sorry," is polite, and immediately lets your teacher know, you don't understand. It is not so much an apology, but more of a way of saying "What was that?" or "Come again?" (Could you please say that agin.)
Then, simply state "I'm missing the error." or "I'm not sure I see where the mistake ocurs."
If you'd like, you can also say "Could you explain it more?" to be sure that your teacher gives you a clearer explanation.
**This is a great question, because you should always let your teacher know when you don't understand something. Best way to learn!


"Sorry" で始めると丁寧です、また、理解できなかったことも伝わります。これは謝罪というよりは "What was that?"(何て言いましたか)や "Come again?"(もう一度言ってください)と尋ねる感じです。

"I'm missing the error."(どこが間違っているのか分かりません)
"I'm not sure I see where the mistake ocurs."(どこが間違っているのか分かりません)

"Could you explain it more?"(説明してもらえますか)と加えることもできます。


Perri DMM英会話講師
  • I still don't understand why it is wrong.

  • Can you explain again please, but be a bit clearer?

  • go over your head

I still don't understand why it is wrong.

By using this sentence you are not disagreeing with your teacher you are just explaining that you are confused and need the teacher to be clearer in their explanation.

You can add the second sentence to the first sentence and say;

I still don't understand why it is wrong. Can you explain again please, but be a bit clearer?

By joining these two sentences together you are telling your teacher you don't understand and what him or her to make it easier for you to understand. It is the teacher's job to find a way for you to understand.

Go over your head - this is an English idiom. It basically means that something is a bit complicated, or difficult, and you don't understand.


Maths and Science go over my head.

I am saying that I have always found maths and science difficult and I don't understand it.

I hope you understand this explanation and it doesn't go over your head :)

I still don't understand why it is wrong.(何で間違っているのかまだよく分かりません)



I still don't understand why it is wrong. Can you explain again please, but be a bit clearer?(何で間違っているのかまだよく分かりません。もう一度、もう少し詳しく説明してもらえますか)


Go over your head - これは英語のイディオムです。基本的には「複雑すぎて[難しすぎて]理解できない」という意味です。


Maths and Science go over my head.(数学と科学は私の頭ではついていけない)


この説明が "Go over your head" でなければいいのですが :)

Jane G DMM英会話講師
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