世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/20 08:50
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  • I want to see the English movie without Japanese subtitles.

  • subtitle(s)

  • caption

[字幕](に相当する英語は、subtitles (通常複数形)、あるいは、captionです。
  • I want to be able to watch movies without subtitles.

こんにちは。 I want to be able to watch movies without subtitles. [字幕](なしで[映画を観れる](ようになりたい。 I want to が「〜したい」、I want to be able to で「〜できるようになりたい」です。 「字幕」は subtitles です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I would like to be able to watch movies without subtitles.

  • Watching movies without subtitles is my goal for learning English.

I would like to be able to watch movies without subtitles. 映画を字幕なしで見られるようになりたいです。 would likeは丁寧な表現になります。もし、友人に話すときなどカジュアルなシチュエーションでは、I wanna be able to watch movies without subtitles.にするといいと思います。 Watching movies without subtitles is my goal for learning English. 映画を字幕なしで見ることが英語学習のゴールです。 どんな目標を持っているの?何を成し遂げたいの?と聞かれたときはこのように答えても良いかもしれません。
  • One day I hope to be able to watch movies without subtitles.

  • I hope, in the future, I will be able to watch movies without subtitles.

  • I hope my English improves to the extent that I won't need subtitles to enjoy a film.

A film (UK) = A movie (US)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to watch an English movie without subtitles

  • My goal is to be able to watch a movie without reading the subtitles

  • I no longer want to read the subtitles when watching an English movie.

A: Why are you learning to speak English? B: I would like to watch an English movie without the subtitles A: What is your goal in learning to English? What are you aiming to achieve? B: My goal is to be able to watch a movie without reading the subtitles.
A: Why are you learning to speak English? (なぜ英会話を学んでいるのですか?) B: I would like to watch an English movie without the subtitles (字幕なしで英語の映画を観たいからです) A: What is your goal in learning to English? What are you aiming to achieve? (英語を学ぶ目的は何ですか?何を達成することが目的ですか?) B: My goal is to be able to watch a movie without reading the subtitles. (私の目的は字幕を読むことなく映画を観られるようになることです)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I would love to comfortably watch a movie without needing subtitles.

  • I want to improve my English so much that I can stop watch movies with subtitles .

"I would love to comfortably watch a movie without needing subtitles" In this sentence you are expressing your desire to learn and master the language so that ultimately you will be able to understand all the content without subtitles . "I want to improve my English so much that I can stop watch movies with subtitles ." In this sentence you are expressing you goals in improving your fluency so that you can watch movies without subtitles.
"I would love to comfortably watch a movie without needing subtitles" この文章では、言葉を習いたい望実を表し、最終的には内容を字幕ぬきに理解したいという願望を表します。 "I want to improve my English so much that I can stop watch movies with subtitles ." この文章では、字幕抜きで映画をみるのに十分なほど会話力をあげることが目標であると表現しています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • my goal is to watch a movie without using the subtitles

  • I aim to one day know enough English so i wont need to use the subtitles

  • One day i will watch a whole movie without the subtitles on

example "one day my English will be so proficient i will not need to use the subtitles function". or "i aim to one day watch a film without using the subtitles". or "one day i will watch a whole film without the help of subtitles".
例 "One day my English will be so proficient I will not need to use the subtitles function". (いつか私の英語が熟練したら、映画の字幕が必要なくなるでしょう。) または "I aim to one day watch a film without using the subtitles". (私はいつか字幕なしで映画を観られるようになることを目標としています。) または "One day I will watch a whole film without the help of subtitles". (いつの日か私は字幕なしですべての映画を観られるようになるつもりです。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I hope to one day watch movies without subtitles, it's why I'm studying English

  • I'm studying English so that someday I can watch movies without subtitles

We use the terms "someday" and "one day" to describe a time in the future when things will have changed for the better. For example: "One day I hope to be rich" "One day I will travel the world" "Someday I want to have kids" "Someday I hope to get married"
"someday" や"one day" は何かが良い方向になる未来の日付を表しています。 "One day I hope to be rich" いつかお金持ちになっていたいです。 "One day I will travel the world" いつか世界を旅します。 "Someday I want to have kids" いつか子供がほしいです。 "Someday I hope to get married" いつか結婚しているといいな。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • My goal is to understand movies without the need of subtitles.

  • I want to be able to understand movies without the need of subtitles.

  • I want to be able to watch movies without the need of subtitles.

In the first example we can talk about the fact that, "my goal is..," to do something and express it's a dream of ours. We can either use the verbs, "to watch," or, "to understand," when talking about movies and our ability to watch and understand them without the need of subtitles.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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