世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/10/19 06:23
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  • I am at this college/university because it was the only one that I gained entry to.

  • This college/university accepted me, so I chose to come here.

  • No other college/university accepted me, so I was left with no other choice except this one.

All three of these answers are good for explaining to someone that you chose the college/university that you are at because it was the only one that you were accepted into.
When you 'gain entry' into a school/college/university it means that you have either had an application accepted or you passed the entrance examination.


大学に”gain entry"するという表現は、貴方の願書を大学側が受け入れる、または、入試に合格することで、入学が許可されることを意味します。

Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I have joined the University that I had initially chosen.

  • I'm attending the University that I picked as my first choice.

  • My first choice was to go to this University.

A simple way of phrasing the sentence is to say: This is the only University that I have chosen to attend.


This is the only University that I have chosen to attend.

Baiden DMM英会話講師
  • A) This was the only school I was accepted to and thus I decided to go there.

  • B) The reason why I decided to go to school here is because it was the only one I was accepted to.

A) using "thus" will mean that your first clause ("This was the only school I was accepted to") is the reason for your second clause ([why] "I decided to go there").
B) By stating "The reason why I decided to go to school here" at the beginning of the sentence you are being more direct with what you are ultimately trying to say. The second clause of the sentence explains why.

A) "thus"は、一つ目の節(This was the only school I was accepted to)が二つ目の節(I decided to go there)の理由であることを表します。

B) 文の始めに"The reason why I decided to go to school here"(この学校に通うことを決めたのは)と言って、最終的に自分の伝えようとしていることをよりストレートに表しています。この文の二つ目の節は理由を説明しています。

Wolfgang DMM英会話講師
  • I decided to come to this university because they were the only one that gave me an offer.

  • I am attending this university because they were the only ones that gave me a place to study here.

I decided to come to this university because they were the only one that gave me an offer.

Here a decision was made because there was no other option.
The word "they" is used because the university has more than one person in it.

I am attending this university because they were the only ones that gave me a place to study here.

In this sentence you may be confused by the word "ONES" because we are speaking about more than one university having the ability to give an offer.

I decided to come to this university because they were the only one that gave me an offer.


I am attending this university because they were the only ones that gave me a place to study here.


Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • It was the only school I was accepted into, so decided to go there

  • I decided to go there as no other schools accepted me

If you are allowed to do something then they say you are 'accepted' to do it
If you make a decision on what to do then you say you 'decided' to do that
'only' means just one (only one) you could also say 'no other'

何かをすることを許されたなら、これは 'accepted' で表すことができます。

何かをしようと決めたなら、これは 'decided' で表すことができます。

'only' は「たった一つ/一つだけ」という意味です、'no other' という言い方もあります。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It was the only university that would accept me, so my choice was somewhat limited!

Well it seems like a sad story but you can always make a joke about it as in the example sentence.
If you have a limited choice, it means that you have few options in a certain situation.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was the only school where I was admitted, so I went.

  • It was the only school that accepted me, so I chose to go there.

When we talk about getting in to college we often talk about 'admission' or 'being admitted' so this is a standard word to use. 'Chose' means 'decided on'.

大学に入学することは、しばしば「admission」や「being admitted」と表されます。ですから、これはスタンダードな言葉です。

「chose」は「decided on(決める)」という意味です。

Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • My decision is based on the college/university that accepted me.

Decision is based on - This means why you made that decision.

"Decision is based on" は、その決断をした理由を伝えます。

Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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