世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/10/27 11:37
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  • My daughter is on a working holiday in Canada.

1.) My daughter is on a working holiday in Canada. (娘がカナダにワーキングホリデーに行っています。) ワーキングホリデーは英語でworking holidayと言います。Working holidayはバケーションみたいなことだから、I'm on vacation.(バケーション中です。)のようにon a working holidayと言います。今娘はカナダの中にいますので、in Canadaと言います。「カナダにワーキングホリデーに行っています」は今カナダに働いていますと同じい意味だが、「働く」は英語でworkなので、working holidayはもう言っていたから、二回に言う必要ではありません。

  • My daughter is on a working holiday in Canada

"Is there any advice you can give her about Canada?" など

  • My daughter is currently on a working holiday in Canada .

  • My daughter is working while vacationing in Canada.

My daughter is currently on a working holiday in Canada .
A working holiday means that you have been given an
extended visa which allows you to gain working experience
in a foreign country while absorbing and enjoying the
cultures and traditions of this country as well.

  1. My daughter is working while vacationing in Canada.
    This means that despite the fact that your daughter is on
    vacation, she is gaining foreign work experience as well.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter is in Canada on a working holiday right now

  • My daughter's working in Canada in a holiday job

Your daughter is in Canada on a working holiday, and you would like to explain that poin to someone. Well, there are a few suggestions above which may fit any scenario.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter is on a working holiday in Canada.

  • My daughter is in Canada right now on a working holiday.

If you want to explain to someone that your daughter is on a working holiday in Canada, you can explain this by saying something like "My daughter is on a working holiday in Canada." or "My daughter is in Canada right now on a working holiday." This is an easy and polite way to say this.

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter s on a working holiday in Canada.

'My daughter is on a working holiday in Canada.' means;

  • The person s daughter is in Canada for work and has extended time to enjoy the trip as a leisure trip as well. Once she is done with the work part of the trip she will stay longer to enjoy her travel experience as a holiday.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • work-holiday visa (n)

  • to work abroad (v)

  • My daughter is working abroad in Canada.

2 common ways to say that someone is working in another country are:

-to work abroad (v)
"Abroad" means in another place.

EX) My daughter is working abroad.

-work holiday visa (n)
This is a special, temporary visa that is possible for young people to get and work in another country.

EX) My daughter got a work-holiday visa to Canada.

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • At the minute my daughter is in Canada on a working holiday.

  • My daughter is in Canada on a working holiday.

At the minute my daughter is in Canada on a working holiday.
My daughter is in Canada on a working holiday.

When you want to explain that you daughter is on holiday, but working at the same time, you can use one of these two sentences. Both should help out, and basically ay the same thing, just a different wording. Pick one, use it, pick another, give it ago, and see what happens. Good luck with them and enjoy it.

I hope this helps.
Have a great day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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