Could I please ask you to get back to me as soon as you can?
Could you kindly respond in the very near future?
1) Could I please ask you to get back to me as soon as you can?
get back to 人 で「人に後で連絡をする」
as soon as you can で「できるだけ早く」
2) Could you kindly respond in the very near future?
respond で「返答する」
in the very near future で「ごく近いうちに・近い将来に」
I'd appreciate a timely response, thank you very much.
I'd be grateful for a timely response, thank you very much.
I'd appreciate it if you could get back to me at your earliest convenience.
・ I'd appreciate a timely response, thank you very much.
・ I'd be grateful for a timely response, thank you very much.
・ I'd appreciate it if you could get back to me at your earliest convenience.
- timely = 時宜を得た
- to appreciate something = 【この文脈では】感謝する
- to be grateful for something = 感謝する
- at your earliest convenience = 都合がつき次第、ついでがあり次第、というのは直訳となるのですが、実際の意味は、「早めにご返信ください」となるのです。
P.S. 個人的なお好みでよければ、「I'd appreciate it if you could get back to me at your earliest convenience. 」がお勧めします。1番目~3番目のうち、一番丁寧な言い方となると思いますからです。