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2018/11/10 17:38
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  • I owe you one!

"I owe you one!" This is an informal way of expressing your thanks or gratitude to a Friend or co-worker. You are thanking them for doing you a favor (ONE) and are acknowledging that you will do them a favor in return! For Example: "I heard you explained the situation to the Boss! I owe you one!" "I owe you one for fixing the mess I made!"
"I owe you one!"(ありがとう/借りができたね) これは友達は同僚に感謝の気持ちを伝えるインフォーマルな表現です。相手のしてくれたこと(one)に感謝して、一つ借りができたと伝えています。 【例文】 "I heard you explained the situation to the Boss! I owe you one!" [訳]上司に状況を説明してくれたんだってね。ありがとう、借りができたね "I owe you one for fixing the mess I made!" [訳]ゴタゴタを解決してくれてありがとう、恩に着るよ
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Cheers.

"Cheers"は一般的に「乾杯」ですが、オーストラリアでは「ありがとう」に使います。 言わば、スラングに近いです。 若い人たちは特によく使います。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Good lookin' out.

  • Thanks.

A simple 'thanks' works in nearly every situation. Its power should not be underestimated. 'Good lookin' out' or simply 'Good lookin'' is an American slang way of saying 'Thank you for looking out for my best interests.'
シンプルな'thanks'はほぼどんな状況でも使えます。その力を侮ってはいけません。 'Good lookin' out' またはシンプルに 'Good lookin'は「私の面倒を見てくれてありがとう」という意味です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks

  • Cheers

There are many way to express thank you in a casual less formal way 'thanks' or 'cheers' are probably the most common ones
あまりかしこまらずに、カジュアルにありがとうを伝えるフレーズはたくさんあります。 'thanks' や 'cheers'は、おそらく最も一般的なものでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Ta"

  • "Shout out"

"Ta." This is an informal British way of saying thanks but has been adopted by a lot of English native speakers. "Shout out." Used when giving special mention to someone, say in a speech or ceremony. "A shout out to my mother and father for all their support."
"Ta." は、イギリス式のありがとうのスラングですが、多くの英語を話す人たちが使っています。 "Shout out."は、スピーチやセレモニーで誰かに何か特別なことを言うと気に使われます。 "A shout out to my mother and father for all their support." (お父さん、お母さんにサポートしてくれたことに感謝の気持ちを表します。)
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Cheers.

  • Thanks.

There is a few ways of saying thank you but the most commonly used would be the examples above.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Much appreciated

  • I'll get you back.

"Appreciate" is another word to use for gratitude. To say, "much appreciated" is a way to casually express that one is very grateful for something that has been done for him/her. When someone offers a favor or unexpectedly gets another person out of a tough situation, "I'll get you back" shows gratitude in a way that implies that the good deed will be repaid. It is important to remember that "I'll get you back" can also imply that a bad deed or harm will be repaid, so make sure that it is a fitting situation and that the manner in which it is expressed reflects the correct emotion.
"Appreciate" は感謝を表すときに使われます。"Much appreciated" はすごく感謝していることを表すカジュアルな表現です。 人が親切を申し出てくれたときや、あるいは苦境から救ってくれたときには、"I'll get you back" と言えます。これは「(親切を)お返しします」という意味です。"I'll get you back" は「(悪いことを)仕返しする」というときにも使われるので、状況と言い方に注意が必要です。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Cheers

  • Thanks a million.

  • Ta

"Cheers" is a great phrase! You can use it the same way as "Thanks". If you are enjoying a drink with friends, you would say it before your first sip. Different cultures have different ways of toasting. "Thanks for coming. Cheers!" "Thanks a million"is more of an American phrase. It just shows that you are very grateful. "Thanks a million for helping me with my homework!". "Ta" is a word most British kids learn when they're nippers. Because children are developing their speech, it's easier just to make this sound. People carry this word with them even into adulthood. "Ta for that!"
"Cheers" は素晴らしい表現です。"Thanks" と同じように使うことができます。友達とお酒を飲むとき、最初の一杯の前に "Cheers" と言います。乾杯の言い方は文化によっていろいろです。 "Thanks for coming. Cheers!" (来てくれてありがとう。乾杯) "Thanks a million" はアメリカでよく使われます。すごく感謝していることを表します。 "Thanks a million for helping me with my homework!"(宿題を手伝ってくれて本当にありがとう) "Ta" は、ほとんどのイギリス人が幼い頃に習う言葉です。言葉を話し始めたばかりの子にとって言いやすいからです。これは大人も使います。 "Ta for that!"(ありがとう)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Big ups!

  • Much appreciated!

  • Thanks a mil!

These are some casual ways to say thank you. Thanks a mil means thank you a million times, basically it means thank you very much. Much appreciated means that you very much appreciate what was done for you. Big ups is almost like a high five that means thank you. Saying thank you is important if you want to be mannerly and have people appreciate your appreciative nature, no one likes it when people don't show appreciation for things that have been done for them. "Thanks a mil for the report you left on my table on Monday." "Big ups for lunch Max, it was delicious!" "Your donations are much appreciated."
これらは "Thank you"(ありがとう)のカジュアルな言い方です。 "Thanks a mil" は "Thank you a million times"(100万回のありがとう)を意味します。要するに "Thank you very much" ということ。 "Much appreciated" は「本当に感謝しています」という意味です。 "Big ups" は、"High five" のありがとう版のような感じです。 人に何かをしてもらった時、「ありがとう」と言うのは大切なことです。これは礼儀です。感謝できない人は人から好かれません。 "Thanks a mil for the report you left on my table on Monday."(月曜日にテーブルに置いておいてくれたリポート、本当にありがとう) "Big ups for lunch Max, it was delicious!"(ランチおごってくれてありがとう、マックス。すごくおいしかった) "Your donations are much appreciated."(ご寄付いただき感謝申し上げます)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Ta

  • Thanks

  • Awesome

A casual way of saying 'thank you' might be: 'cheers' or 'much appreciated' or 'much obliged' or, especially in the north of England, 'ta'. 'Awesome' may replace 'thank you'. It shows informal appreciation to someone for having done something which impresses you. It follows that, if you are positively impressed then you are sharing your admiration with this person - in other words, indirectly, thanking them by showing your appreciation. A: 'I just repaired your bicycle tyre puncture." B: " Wow, awesome!"
thank you' のカジュアルな言い方には、'cheers' や 'much appreciated'、'much obliged'、(特にイングランド北部で使われる)'ta' などがあります。 また、'awesome' でも 'thank you' を表すことができます。これは、相手に何かをしてもらって感動したときに使います。感動をしてその気持ちを相手と共有するわけです。感謝の気持ちを間接的に伝えます。カジュアルな言い方です。 A: "I just repaired your bicycle tyre puncture."(自転車のパンクを直しておいたよ) B: "Wow, awesome!"(あ、ありがとう!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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