世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/03/24 21:11
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  • How long before the flight do I have to check-in?

  • How early do I have to check-in before the departure?

「How long before the flight do I have to check-in? (フライトのどのくらい前にチェックインする必要がありますか?)」

「How early do I have to check-in before the departure?(出発のどのくらい前にチェックインする必要がありますか?)」

どのくらい前?というのはHow long before~?やHow early~?という風に聞くことができます。

DMM EIkaiwa B DMM英会話
  • How many minutes do I have before I have to check in for my flight?

  • Before how many minutes do I have to check in for my flight?

"How many minutes do I have before I have to~"というパターンになります。

「How many minutes do I have before I have to~」というパターンになります。

Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • What time does check in close.

  • By what time should I check in before departure?

This means that you want to have an idea when you should arrive to the airport before check in closes. Depending with the country you can also check in online and you will have to pass that stage when you get to the airport.


Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How long do I have to check in before the flight time?

  • My flight will take off at 2.00 pm, by what time should I check in?

Airlines have check in times that can be as long as two hours in some cases. Usually, if a passenger delays to to check in, he/she misses the flight and has to be put on another flight. This can cause a traveler, especially a business traveler, to miss some important appointments at his/her destination unless he/she is able to reschedule them. So, it is extremely important to inquire about the check in times and be very familiar with them.
So, you may ask:
How long do I have to check in before the flight time?
My flight will take off at 2.00 pm, by what time should I check in?

航空会社は2時間程度のチェックインタイムを設けています。通常、搭乗者がチェックインタイムに間に合わなければ、フライトを逃し別便を予約しなければいけなくなります。このような場合、旅行者は(特に出張の場合は)リスケできない限り大切なアポイントメントを逃すことになります。 ですので下記のようにチェックインタイムを確認して、良く把握しておくことはとても重要です。

How long do I have to check in before the flight time?
My flight will take off at 2.00 pm, by what time should I check in?

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What is the earliest time that I can check in?

  • What is the latest time that I can check in?

  • When should I check in for my flight?

You can ask the first question if you want to know the earliest available time to check in for your flight. The second question is for if you want to know the latest time you are allowed to check in. The third question allows the staff to respond with the time they think is best for you to check in.

チェックインできる最短の時間を知りたいのであれば、最初のWhat is the earliest time that I can check in?を使うことができます。

Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • When can I check in from?

  • How long before my flight can I check in?

  • When does check in open?

'when can i check in from?' asks for a time when you can start checking in.

'How long before my flight can I check in?' This asks how many minutes before a flight you can check in.

'When does check in open?' asks what time you can check in from.

'when can i check in from?' チェックイン開始の時間を尋ねます。

'How long before my flight can I check in?' フライトの何分前からチェックインできるかを尋ねます。

'When does check in open?' 何時からチェックイン開始できるかを尋ねます。

Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How soon can I check in?

  • When's the earliest I can check in?

  • When does check in start?

Any of these queries will suffice.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What's the check in time for flight number...(FL204)?

  • What time do I check in for my flight?

We must "check in to let the airline know we are ready to fly on time and have reached the airport OK.
If we miss our "check in time" we may NOT be allowed to board the plane..
So it is urgent that we establish the time-line and be sure of our correct
"check-in time"

例:What's the check in time for flight number...(FL204)?

例:What time do I check in for my flight?



Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but how long before the check-in closes?

  • How much time should I give myself before the check-in closes?

If you want to have lots of time to be able to have a relaxing journey to the airport, you should leave your house early and arrive at the airport several hours before your flight departs. You can use this first phrase to ask the agent at the check-in desk how much time you have available until the check-in desk closes. Sometimes, you don't need to go to the check-in desk because you may have already done the check-in online. You would go to the desk only if you want to check in a bag,

We can use the second sentence if we need to know how much time we generally we need to allocate to ourselves so we don't arrive to late to check in.




Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • When does check in close for my flight?

  • When can I check in for flight SA354?

  1. When does check in close for my flight?
    It's important to know when check-in closes so that you
    can know how much time you have to work with.
    "Work with" in this instance means how much time you
    have left to browse the shops, have a bite to eat or take a nap
    before you have to check-in.

    2.When can I check in for flight SA354?
    If you ask the airport staff this question then they
    can specify exactly when check-in opens and when it closes.
    You can then decide when you will return to the desk to
    check-in, or alternately you can opt (choose) to do it online.

  1. When does check in close for my flight?(チェックインカウンターは何時に閉まりますか)

※ "Work with" はこの場合、チェックイン前に買い物・食事・昼寝などができる時間がどのくらいあるのかという意味合いです。

  1. When can I check in for flight SA354?(SA354便には何時にチェックインできますか)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • When can I check in before my flight?

  • How long before my flight can I check in?

  • When does check in open up?

When can I check in before my flight?
How long before my flight can I check in?
When does check in open up?

All of these should help your out when you want to find out when check in opens up for a flight. Also, I would use the third one if I were to ask about check in.

I hope this helps.
Have a great day.

When can I check in before my flight?(フライトのどのくらい前からチェックインできますか)
How long before my flight can I check in?(フライトのどのくらい前からチェックインできますか)
When does check in open up?(チェックインカウンターはいつ開きますか)



Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • How many hours before my flight must I check in?

  • How long before my departure time must I check in?

If you want to ask someone how long before your flight you must check in, you can say something like "How many hours before my flight must I check in?" or "How long before my departure time must I check in?". These are both easy and polite ways to express this to someone.


"How many hours before my flight must I check in?"(フライトの何時間前までにチェックインしなければなりませんか)

"How long before my departure time must I check in?"(フライトの何時間前までにチェックインしなければなりませんか)


Kharina DMM英会話講師
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