世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/11/15 20:04
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  • I thought my (language) class was twice a week but it's actually three times a week.

  • I applied for the class thinking it was twice a week when it was actually three times a week.

1) I thought my (language) class was twice a week but it's actually three times a week.

2) I applied for the class thinking it was twice a week when it was actually three times a week.

「週2回」は twice a week
「週3回」は three times a week
「実際は」は actually


  • I thought the class was twice a week but it was actually three times a week

  • i didn't realise the class was three times a week i thought it was only two times

If you think something then you would say you 'thought' or you 'didn't realise'
so you could say ' i thought the class was twice a week but it was actually three times a week'

"~だと思ったを、 'thought' や'didn't realise'と言います。


' i thought the class was twice a week but it was actually three times a week'

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I thought this class was twice a week, but in fact, it is 3 times a week.

This expression is used to express what you thought information/times were and then to clarify the correct information/time.
"I thought this class was twice a week, but in fact, it is 3 times a week."

Thought - This is to have an idea about something that you were thinking was true.

in fact - meaning actually or really


"I thought this class was twice a week, but in fact, it is 3 times a week."
Thought - ~だと思っていた

in fact - 実は

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I got mixed up. The class is three times a week, not two.

  • I thought the class was twice a week, but it was actually three times a week.

  • I was confused. I thought the class was twice a week, but it's three times per week.

"I got mixed up:" is a simple way of stating that you were confused about something. You can also say, "I was confused."
You can follow that with stating how many times the class is held and with not two. It is understood that you are referring to time since you already said three times for the correct amount.
You can also say twice instead of the word two.
Per week is another way of stating that it is each week.
The middle phrase starts with what you initially though, twice a week, but then states how many times it is actually taking place.

"I got mixed up" は「勘違いしていました」のシンプルな言い方です。"I was confused" と言うこともできます。

この後、"The class is three times a week, not two"(従業は週2回でなく、3回だった)と続けることができます。既に "three times" と言っているので、"not two" だけでそれが回数であることが伝わります。

"two" の代わりに "twice" を使うこともできます。
"per week" は "each week"(毎週)の別の言い方です。


Staci DMM英会話講師
  • My mistake, I thought the class was twice a week not three times a week.

This would be a good way of expressing that you had forgotten about how many lessons you had a week.


Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't know the class was three times a week. I thought it was twice a week.

  • I misinterpreted the amount of days, and thought I only had to take the class twice a week, but the actual number of days is three.

I thought is another way of saying what you're thinking.

Misinterpreted is when you misheard information or mixed up information. This can be used when you gather the wrong information or when you thought you understood something but didn't have the correct understanding of the information that was provided to you.

"I thought" は自分の考えを表す言い方です。

"Misinterpreted" は何かを聞き間違えたときや勘違いしたときをいいます。何かを間違って理解したときに使えます。

Berta DMM英会話講師
  • I mistakenly thought classes were held twice a week but its actually three times a week.

  • Sorry, I was wrong, classes are held three times a week not twice.

  • I learned classes are three times a week whereas I thought it was thrice a week.

To express that you had the incorrect information about how often classes will be held each week, use the sentences above.
You can apologize if your mistake caused any kind of inconvenience for anyone.

You can also say:
"I'm sorry I missed class, I made a mistake thinking class was only twice a week."

Whereas: but, in contrast
Mistakenly: by mistake, not on purpose
Thrice: three times



"I'm sorry I missed class, I made a mistake thinking class was only twice a week."

Whereas: しかし、その一方で
Mistakenly: 誤って、故意ではなく
Thrice: 3回

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I thought classes were twice a week, not three times

  • My impression was that classes were only 2, not 3 times per week

  • I underestimated the number of lessons per week by one!

You want to explain that you thought the class was twice a week, but it was actually three times a week. Above are a couple of example statements to fit that predicament.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
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