世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/26 01:52
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  • What are you like when you get drunk?

「もし酔ったらどうなるの?」と聞きたいなら、英語でこのようは自然です。 What are you like when you get drunk? What do you do when you're drunk? (この聞き方は一番直接。「あなたが酔っぱらったら、どういう事をするの?」見たい) If you were to get drunk, what would happen? 「もし酔ったらどうなるの?」 もし= if もし酔ったら=if you were to get drunk; if you get drunk どうなるの?=what would happen? 例文: Yuri: Naomi, what are you like when you get drunk? 優里さん:尚美ちゃんが酔っぱらったらどうなるの? Naomi: I get really loud. What do you do when you get drunk? 尚美さん:大声で話すようになる。優里さんは酔っぱらったらどうなる? Yuri: I actually don't drink that much. 優里さん:実は、そんなにお酒飲まないよ。 英語頑張りましょう:)
  • What are you like when you get drunk?

  • What are you like when you drink?

  • How do you act when you get drunk?

Any of the three suggestions are accurate translations.
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • Do you change when you drink?

  • If you get drunk, does your personality change?

  • What kind of drunk are you?

- Do you change when you drink- Basically what you are asking is if a person's personality changes when they drink (or are drunk). You could also just flat out ask them, "if you get drunk, does your personality change?" A super casual way to ask is, "what kind of drunk are you?" Native English speakers will usually reply something like, "a happy" or "a sad" drunk. A: Hey, let's go out after work! B: Sure, but what kind of drunk are you? A: I'm a super happy drunk. I like to sing. B: Haha, awesome.
Do you change when you drink 基本的にお酒を飲むと変わるかどうか尋ねる表現する。 「if you get drunk, does your personality change?」と尋ねることもできます。 「what kind of drunk are you?」は非常にカジュアルな方法です。 英語のネイティヴスピーカーは、「a happy drunk」 や「a sad drunk」と答えることが多いです。 A: Hey, let's go out after work! 仕事の後飲みに行こう。 B: Sure, but what kind of drunk are you? もちろん。飲むとどうなりますか? A: I'm a super happy drunk. I like to sing. 笑上戸です。歌も好きです。 B: Haha, awesome. ははは。いいですね。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • 1. How does drink affect you?

  • 2. What happens when you drink too much?

  • 3. Can you hold your drink?

1. You want to know the precise changes made when your friend drinks. 2. You ask, in general, what happens to your friend when he drinks? 3. This expressions asks if your friend can remain in control of his thoughts and movements when he has drunk alcohol. "Can you hold your drink?" "No, one glass of wine and I start kissing everyone!"
1. その友達に、酔ったらどんな変化があるのか知りたいときに使います。 2. 友達に、酔った時に何が起こるのかを尋ねる一般的な文です。 3. この表現は、酔っぱらった時でも自分をしっかりコントロールできるかを尋ねる文です "Can you hold your drink?" ちゃんとアルコールで自制できるの? "No, one glass of wine and I start kissing everyone!" いや、ワイン一杯でキス魔と化すよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are you like when you drink?

  • How does drink affect you?

It is a good and useful question to ask :) I recommend any of the two sentences, although, the seconds one is a more medical question when the first one is a casual one.
これは使える質問ですね。 二つともおすすめの言い方ですが、二つ目はより医学的です。一つ目はカジュアルな言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • What are you like when you drunk?

What are you like means what is your behavior like when you drunk. People usually act different when they are drunk.
What are you like when you drunk? は、お酒を飲んだときの人の変化や行動について聞く表現です。 お酒を飲んだとき、人は変わってしまいますからね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How do you get when you have had a few drinks

  • How do you handle your alcohol

"How do you get when you have had a few drinks" By asking this question you are asking about someone's actions when they are drunk. "How do you handle your alcohol" This is also asking how someone acts when they are drunk. Handling your alcohol means how you can control yourself after having a few drinks
"How do you get when you have had a few drinks" 「お酒を飲んだとき、あなたはどうなるの。」 誰かがお酒を飲んだときのその人の行動を聞く表現です。 "How do you handle your alcohol" 「お酒を飲んだとき、あなたはどうやって自分をコントロールするの。」 こちらの表現も、誰かがお酒を飲んだときのその人の状態を聞く表現です。 Handling your alcoholというのは、お酒を飲んだ後にどのように自分自身を コントロールするかを意味します。
Fafie DMM英会話講師
  • How are you when you are drunk?

  • What are you like when you drink?

These are both ways of asking someone how they act when they drink alcohol. Ex: A: what are you like when you drink? B: I get really loud and happy when I drink!
どちらも「お酒を飲んだらどうなるの?」と尋ねる言い方です。 例: A: What are you like when you drink?(お酒を飲んだらどうなるの?) B: I get really loud and happy when I drink!(飲むとうるさくて陽気になります)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • How do you act drunk?

If you are wanting to ask someone what they are like when they are drunk then you could say the above here is an example, Tom - How do you act drunk? John - I get very happy and start dancing around the room.
お酒に酔うとどうなるか質問したいなら、上記のように言えます。 以下、会話例です。 トム - How do you act drunk?(酔っ払ったらどうなりますか) ジョン - I get very happy and start dancing around the room.(陽気になって踊り出します)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • What sort of drunk are you?

  • When you have been drinking, what do you get like?

  • What are you like when you're drunk?

What sort of drunk are you?' This is a casual way of asking what someone is like when they have been drinking alcohol. In this sentence, we can use 'drunk' as a noun and ask them what 'sort of drunk' they are or in other words, what sort of person they would classify themselves as when they are drunk. A few examples of their reply might be 'I'm a funny drunk', 'I'm a giggly drunk', 'I'm a violent drunk' etc
What sort of drunk are you?'(あなたは酔っ払うとどうなりますか) これは「あなたは酔っ払うとどうなりますか」のカジュアルな言い方です。 この文では 'drunk' を名詞として使って、'What sort of drunk are you?'、つまり「酔っぱらうとどうなるタイプですか」と尋ねています。 この質問に対する返答としては、例えば: 'I'm a funny drunk'(酔うと陽気になります) 'I'm a giggly drunk'(笑い上戸です) 'I'm a violent drunk'(酔うと暴力的になります) などなど。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • What will happen when you're drunk?

  • What are you like when you get drunk?

Lilyさんの回答と同じです。 酔っぱらうはget drunkでもbe drunkでも大丈夫です。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • What are you like when you get drunk?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「What are you like when you get drunk?」 =もし酔ったらどんな感じなの? (例文)What are you like when you get drunk?// I start laughing a lot. (訳)もし酔ったらどんな感じなの?//たくさん笑います。 単語: drunk 酔っ払う お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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