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I will hang up the skype once and call you again. でいいのでしょうか。
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2018/11/20 07:47
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  • 1) I will hang up for now and call you back later.

  • 2) I will hang up for now and call you again later.

1) & 2) "一旦切ってまた後でかけ直すね" という意味です. I will hang up :切って for now :一旦 and call you back later / and call you again later:また後でかけ直す (かけ直す:to call back / to call again )
  • I'll call you right back

  • Please wait a moment and I will call you back

  • I'm going to hang up now and then call you right back

Well, it's probably not necessary to state that you will hang up. If you just say that you will call someone back, then they will understand that you need to hang up first to do that! However if time is unimportant or the level of English poor, you may prefer the third example sentence.
「電話を切る(hang up)」と言う必要はたぶんないでしょう。「電話をかけ直す」と言えば、いったん切るのだと伝わります。 しかし、急いでいないときや、英語があまり上手でない場合は、三つ目の例の方がいいかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will call you back in a moment.

  • I will hang up and call you right back.

The phrase 'in a moment' means something that happens quickly, as does 'right back'. Both of these phrases can be used in other contexts too. For example, "In a moment the dog fell in the river" or "I'll get right back to you with the contract."
in a moment'は'right back'と同様、「すぐに」という意味です。これらはどちらも、他の文脈で使うこともできます。例えば: "In a moment the dog fell in the river"(犬はすぐに川に落ちました) "I'll get right back to you with the contract."(契約書を準備してまたすぐにかけ直します)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'll hang up and call you right back.

Using the word 'right' to say 'right back' indicates that you will call the person back immediately after you hang up; it lets the person know that they won't have to wait for you to call.
right' を使って 'right back' と言えば、電話を切った後すぐにまたかけ直すつもりであることが伝わります。相手は、またすぐに電話がかかってくるのだと分かります。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to hang up then call you back.

  • I'm going to hang up then call you right back.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you will end your call then you will call them again. In the first sentence you will notice the term call someone back. This means to return a call to someone. This is a term that is used in both formal settings and informal settings. It would make an awesome addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、電話をいったん切ってまたかけ直すと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 最初の文に"call someone back"という表現があります。これは「電話をかけ直す」という意味です。この表現はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使われます。ぜひボキャブラリーに加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I will hang up and call you again

  • I'll call you right back

  • I'll call you back in a moment

When talking about something happening in a short period of time then you can say 'in a moment' or 'right back' If you end a call you are said to 'hang up'
「すぐに(~が起こる)」は、'in a moment' や 'right back' で表せます。 「電話を切る」は 'hang up' といいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'll hang up and ring you straight back

  • I'll call you right back

"I'll hang up and ring you straight back" To 'Hang up'is an expression used when you finish a phone call. 'Ring you straight back' to 'ring' is to call someone and 'straight back' refers to right away/soon as possible. "I'll call you right back" is referencing that you will ring them back as soon as possible.
"I'll hang up and ring you straight back"(いったん切ってすぐにかけ直します) 'Hang up' は「電話を切る」という意味の表現です。 'Ring you straight back'(すぐにかけ直す) 'Ring' は「電話をかける」ことをいいます。 'Straight back' は「すぐに/できるだけ早く」という意味です。 "I'll call you right back"(すぐにかけ直します)は「できるだけ早くかけ直す」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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