These two expressions, "Is it ok if I hug you?" and "May I give you a hug?"are common expressions to use when seeking permission to give someone a hug.
The expressions "Is it ok" and "May I" are the words you use to show that you are asking permission before you do something.
"Is it ok if I hug you?"(抱きしめてもいいですか?)と "May I give you a hug?"(抱きしめてもいいですか)どちらもハグをしていいか尋ねるときによく使われます。
"Is it ok"(~しても大丈夫ですか?)と "May I"(~してもいいですか?)は、何かをする前に相手の許可を求める表現です。
If you want to ask someone's permission before hugging them, you can use any of the following statements:-
1. Do you want a hug? 抱きしめて欲しいですか?
2. Can I give you a hug? 私はあなたに抱擁を与えることができますか?
3. Can I hug you? あなたを抱きしめることはできますか?
It is polite to ask someone if you can give them a hug, becasue some people may be offended if you hug them without first asking permission, especially if you have not been friends with that person for a long time.
1. Do you want a hug?(抱きしめてもいい?)
2. Can I give you a hug?(抱きしめてもいい?)
3. Can I hug you?(抱きしめてもいい?)
This is a good question to ask even between friends because everyone has their own personal space and consent is important. Depending on how close you are with your friend, you can just ask, "Can I give you a hug?" or "Can we hug?" If you ask this to a friend, you need to have a friendly expression or smile on your face otherwise you will come across as creepy or weird. You can also be cute and ask in a cute voice, "Hugs?" and use your hands to gesture. If you do it this way, it will be too irresistible for your friend to refuse. But if they say no, then please respect that they are not yet comfortable with the idea.
Only ask this question if you think your friend will embrace the idea.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"Can we hug?"
また、かわいい感じで、手でジェスチャーをしながら "Hugs?" と尋ねてもいいです。このようにされたら相手は断れないと思います。ただ、もし「ノー」と言われたときには、その人の「まだ受け入れられない」という気持ちを尊重しましょう。
A hug is when you cuddle with someone else so you might ask your friend if you can have a hug you would say 'can I hug you?' if you want to hug someone to maybe make them feel better you might ask 'can I give you a hug?'
hug' とは人を抱きしめることをいいます。友達に 'hug' しても良いか尋ねたいと思うことがあるかもしれません。
'can I hug you?'(ハグしてもいいですか)と言えます。
もし相手を慰めるために 'hug' したいなら、'can I give you a hug?'(ハグしてもいいですか)と言えるかもしれません。
When I become friends with someone I don't usually ask for their permission to hug, I just do it. However, if you want to ask you can use these expressions:
-Can I give you a hug?
-Is it OK to hug you?
-Can we hug?
-Can I give you a hug?
-Is it OK to hug you?
-Can we hug?