Taro「鈴木さん、(集合)時間なのに、まだ来てないよ。(遅刻)」 Jiro「また、あいつかー。しょせん、派遣社員なんてそんなもんだよ。」=T:It's the time,but Suzuki hasn't come yet. J:Such a bummer, he hasn't again. A temporary worker is usually like that.
It's our meeting time, but Suzuki hasn't arrived yet.
the time だとなんの時間かがわかりにくいので、our meeting time(私たちの集合時間)に変えました。
It's our meeting time, but Suzuki hasn't arrived yet.
J:Such a bummer, he is late again. Temporary workers are usually like that.