People are put at ease when given an easy to understand reference
When I say ◯◯ people are put at ease and are grateful
A.Were are you from?→どこから来たの?
B.Wichita County.→ウィチタ郡
A.I'm sorry (Looks bewildered)→すみませんが。。{分からなさそうな顔}
B.It's in Kansas→カンザス州のところだよ
A.I don't know where that is....→また知らないところだよ
B.North of Texas, West of Colorado!→テキサス州の北、コロラド州の東だよ
A.Oh thank you for kindly giving me an easy to understand reference.→あっ!分かりやすい基準点を使って丁寧に説明してくれてありがとう。