❶Thanks everyone!
❷Thanks guys!
Thanks guys for making this day special!
Thanks は Thank you の略で、Thank you に比べると少しカジュアルな印象があります。
special は「特別」という意味になります。
If you are speaking to alot of people and want to thank them then you can say 'thank you all!' or 'thanks/thank you evryone!' if you know the people and they are your friends an informal term is 'thanks/thank you guys!'
'Thank you all!'(みんなありがとう)
'Thanks/thank you evryone!'(みんなありがとう)
その人たちのことを知っていて、友達なら、インフォーマルな'Thanks/thank you guys!'(みんなありがとう)が使えます。
If your friends held a birthday party for you and you want to thank all of them.and say something like "Thank you, everyone" then you may try one of the example sentences given above.
I would like to thank everyone for their hard work.
I appreciate the hard work.
Thank you all for the service.
Thank you very much
Your good work is appreciated.
I would like to thank everyone for their hard work.(みなさんの努力に感謝したいです)
I appreciate the hard work.(みなさんの努力に感謝します)
Thank you all for the service.(みなさんの努力に感謝します)
Thank you very much (どうもありがとうございます)
Your good work is appreciated.(みなさんの努力に感謝します)
・Thanks everyone.
・Thank you everyone.
thank you so much などとすると「本当にありがとう」となります。