世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/12/06 04:07
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  • Learning languages widens the possibility of meeting more different types of people.

  • Learning languages increases the possibility of meeting more different types of people.

表現の説明: 言語を習得するは英語で"learning languages"に翻訳できます。直訳は"acquiring languages"ですがちょっとおかしいなんで、"learning languages"の方が適切だと思います。 もっと--> more" 色んな人-->"different types of people" 出会う-->ただの"to meet"に翻訳できます。 可能性が広がる--> "widens the possibility"はもちろんいいですが、この場合で"increase"「増える」も使えます。なぜなら、英語でどっちの言葉を使っても同じことを言っています。要は、色んな人に出会う確率が上がるという意味ですね。 翻訳:「言語を習得することでもっと色んな人に出会う可能性が広がる」 "Learning languages widens the possibility of meeting more different types of people." "Learning languages increases the possibility of meeting more different types of people."
  • Learning English (or other language) opens the door to meet new people.

"Learning English opens the door to meet new people." You can change English for German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, French, etc. and it will have the same meaning. Opens the door - This expression means to give you new opportunities or possibilities in your life. One of those opportunities is to meet new people.
"Learning English opens the door to meet new people."(英語を学ぶことでいろいろな人と出会うチャンスが広がる) "English" を "German" "Spanish" "Chinese" "Korean" "French" などに変えることもできます、意味は変わりません。 Opens the door - 人生に新しい機会を与えることをいいます。 いろいろな人と出会うこともその機会の一例です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • You are able to meet more people by learning a second language.

This is another way to express the idea that you mentioned above. In this case, "able" is talking about your capacity or possibility. I hope that this helps. :)
上記のように表すこともできます。 この場合、"able"は能力や可能性について言っています。 お役に立てば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Learning a language broadens our social network.

  • Language is the key that opens the door to diverse relationships.

Diverse' means 'varied' or 'many different kinds'. Saying that something 'opens a door' means it is an 'entry point to something else'.
Diverse'は「多様な」「多くの異なる種類の」という意味です。 「___ opens a door」とは、「(___ が)〔あることへの〕入り口となる」という意味です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Learning a language allows me to meet different people

  • It is possible to meet different people when learning a different language

When speaking another/different language than your own you are able to communicate with other people so you can therefore get to meet and see them as well If something is able to be done then it is said to be 'possible'
外国語が話せると、より多くの人たちとやりとりできるようになるわけなので、人と出会う機会も広がります。 何かが可能なら、それは 'possible' と表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It becomes less challenging to meet more people if you know a different language.

  • By learning a new language, I can increase the amount of people I meet.

  • Learning a new language can help me meet new and different people.

It becomes less challenging to meet more people if you know a different language. If something is challenging, it is hard to achieve. The above sentence then simply means that it is much easier to achieve your goal of meeting new people by learning/speaking a different language. For example, if your Native language is not English and you go to an English speaking country, it will be much easier to travel and meet new people if you know English as well. Thereby increasing your chances of making new friends. By learning a new language, I can increase the amount of people I meet. Increase means to become more, or to rise. This then means that you can meet more people, if you are learning/can speak a different language. Learning a new language can help me meet new and different people. The above sentence simply means, that by learning a new language, you can open up the possibility of meeting new people. These can be people that you might not have had the chance to meet, had you not known how to speak their language.
It becomes less challenging to meet more people if you know a different language. (違う言語を知っていたら、もっとたくさんの人に簡単に会えるようになる。)   何かがchallengingとは、成し遂げるのが大変という意味です。上の文は、違う言語を話せると、新しい人に会うのが簡単になるということを表しています。  例えば、あなたの母国語が英語ではなくて、英語圏に行くと、英語を知っていたら旅行しやすく、新しい人に会うのがずっと簡単になるということです。   By learning a new language, I can increase the amount of people I meet. (新しい言語を学ぶことで、会う人が増える。) Increaseとは、増えるという意味です。ですので、違う言語を知っていると、会う人が増えるということです。    Learning a new language can help me meet new and different people. (新しい言語を学ぶことは、色々な人に会えるようになる。)   この文は、新しい言語を学ぶことで、新しい人に会う可能性が広がるという意味です。相手に言語が話せないと、その人たちに会う可能性がなかったかもしれないということです。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • Learning another language widens your social circle.

  • Learning a second language allows you to meet different people.

  • It's easier to meet different people after learning a new language.

Learning another language widens your social circle. - Your "social circle" is the group of people you know or are friends with or are your acquaintances. If you can speak two or more languages, the more people you are able to be friends with. Learning a second language allows you to meet different people. - "Allows you" means 'lets you' or 'makes available to you'.
Learning another language widens your social circle.(外国語を学ぶことで社交の輪が広がる) →"social circle" は知り合いや友達の輪を指します。「話せる言語が多ければ多いほど、友達も増やせる」と伝えています。 Learning a second language allows you to meet different people.(外国語を学ぶことで、それまでとは違う人と知り合いになれる) →"allows you" は「~を可能にする/~できるようにする」という意味です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Learning a new language will widen the possibility of me meeting different people.

Learning a new language will widen the possibility of me meeting different people. 新しい言語を習得することはいろいろな人と出会う可能性を広げてくれる。 learning a new language は「新しい言語を習得する」という意味の英語表現です。 acquire を使っても良いでしょう。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
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