1.) I traveled to 10 countries mainly in Africa and Asia. (アジア・アフリカをメインに10か国ほど旅行しました) 「アジア」は英語でそのままAsiaと訳せます。「アフリカ」も英語でそのままAfricaと訳せます。「メインに」は英語でmainlyと訳せます。「10か国」は英語で10 countriesと訳せます。「旅行しました」は英語でI traveled toと訳せます。
:Of the ten countries I've visited, most of them are in Asia and Africa. > In this sentence, you are saying
that up until now, you have visited ten countries and many of these countries are in the mentioned continents (Asia and Africa).
: The phrases I've been to.../ I've traveled to.../ I've visited... are the same.
Of the ten countries I've visited, most of them are in Asia and Africa.(訪れた10カ国のうちほとんどはアジアとアフリカです)
I've been to.../ I've traveled to.../ I've visited(行ったことがある)
When we enjoy traveling as a hobby, we get to see many different places and enjoy the cuisine from each place. Asia is the largest continent, with 48 countries. The reason Asia is as big as it is because 62% of the world's population lives there. Africa is the second largest continent with 54 countries.
"I have visited 10 countries mainly in Asia and Africa!"
"I like traveling in Asia and Africa!"
"I have visited 10 countries mainly in Asia and Africa!"(アジアとアフリカをメインに10カ国ほど旅行しました)
"I like traveling in Asia and Africa!"(アジアとアフリカを旅行するのが好きです)
You travelled to 10 countries, mainly in Asia and Africa - and you want to explain that fact. Above a are a couple fof suggestions. Probably better to add some other relvant information to add a little colour, as in the second example.
I have traveled extensively in Asia and Africa.'
To do something 'extensively' means to do it to a large or detailed degree. By saying we have traveled in Asia and Africa extensively, we are saying that we have done a lot of travelling in these areas and have covered many countries there.
'The majority of the countries I have visited have been in Asia or Africa.'
'Majority' means the most, so when we say the majority of the countries I have visited are in Asia and Africa, we are saying that most of the countries we have visited are in this area.
I have traveled extensively in Asia and Africa.'(私はアジア・アフリカを広く旅行しています)
'extensively' は「広範囲に/徹底的に」という意味です。'I have traveled extensively in Asia and Africa.' は「アジアとアフリカの多くの国を旅行した」という意味です。
'The majority of the countries I have visited have been in Asia or Africa.'(私が行ったことのある国はほとんどアジアとアフリカの国です)
'majority' は「大多数」という意味です。'The majority of the countries I have visited have been in Asia or Africa.' は「私が行ったことのある国はほとんどアジアとアフリカの国だ」という意味です。
When discussing your travels there are different ways to express yourself. If you want to focus or emphasize on the fact that you have traveled to 10 countries I would use the phrase "I've been to 10 countries, most of them are in Asia and Africa". On the other hand if you wish to focus on the fact that the countries are in Africa and Asia I would say "I've mainly traveled to Asia and Africa, visiting 10 countries there".
"I've been to 10 countries, most of them are in Asia and Africa"(10カ国に行ったことがあります、ほとんどはアジアとアフリカです)
"I've mainly traveled to Asia and Africa, visiting 10 countries there"(主にアジアとアフリカに行き、10カ国を訪れました)
"I traveled to 10 countries predominantly in Asia and Africa" "Predominately" used to describe something that is mainly or most of.
"I have traveled many countries within Asia and Africa" a more formal and politer way of describing this sentence. "within" used as a term when describing something inside another thing.
"I traveled to 10 countries predominantly in Asia and Africa"(アジア・アフリカをメインに10カ国旅行しました)
= "Predominately" は「主に/ほとんど」の意味です。
"I have traveled many countries within Asia and Africa"(アジアとアフリカのたくさんの国を旅行しました)
= よりフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。"Within something" は、それがあるものの内側にあることを表します。
I've traveled to 10 countries is a fine way to say this, but you can also say I've been to and I've visited, they all mean the same thing.
I've traveled to 10 countries(10か国旅行しました)も大丈夫ですが、~へ行ったことがあるという意味の I've been to や I've visitedを使うといいでしょう。どちらも同じ意味です。
If you have visiting somehwere then you can also say you have 'traveled'
mainly says that you done this thing the most or more than anything else (mostly in Asia and Africa)
「どこどこを訪れた」は 'traveled' でも表すことができます。
'mainly' は、一番多くしたことを表します(mostly in Asia and Africa)。
You can replace mainly with mostly when trying to express this information. When chatting about travel in English, we love to keep things general and add specifics if there are questions. You could also say something like "The majority of my travels have been in Africa and Asia, so far I've been to 10 countries." There are so many ways to say this phrase!
The majority of my travels have been in Africa and Asia, so far I've been to 10 countries."