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There are many words that have different pronunciation in English.
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2018/12/11 22:04
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  • There are many words with the same spelling but different pronunciation.

  • There are many words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently.

  • heteronyms

❶There are many words with the same spelling but different pronunciation. (スペルは同じだけど発音が違う単語がたくさんある)。 ❷There are many words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently. (スペルは一緒だけど、発音が違う単語がたくさんある)。 ❸There are many heteronyms in English. (英語ではスペルは同じだけど発音が違う単語がたくさんある)。 *heteronyms は スペルが同じだけど発音が違う単語、のことです。 For example “ read” and read”, “tear” and “tear”, “wind” and “wind”. (例えば「リード」と「レッド」、「ティア」と「テェア」、「ウィンド」とー「ワインド」)。 参考までに!
  • There are many words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently.

  • There are many words that are pronounced differently despite being spelled the same.

There are many words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently. 「スペルは同じだけど発音が違う言葉が多いです。」 There are many words that are pronounced differently despite being spelled the same. 「スペルは同じなのに、発音が違う言葉がたくさんあります。」 「In English」なら、「英語で」を追加してね! よろしくお願いします
  • (In English,)there are many words that are spelled the same, but have quite a different pronunciation.

  • (In English,) you'll find many words that are spelled the same, but are pronounced very differently.

TOMさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - In English, there are many words that are spelled the same, but have quite a different pronunciation. - In English, you'll find many words that are spelled the same, but are pronounced very differently. --- be spelled = スペルされる --- be pronounced = 発音される お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • There are lots of words with the same spelling, however are pronounced differently.

  • Many words are pronounced differently although they are spelled the same.

“Although” and “however” are used to say “but”. Ex: -There are lots of words in English with the same spelling but different pronunciation.
“Although” と “However” は “But”(しかし/でも)という意味です。 例: -There are lots of words in English with the same spelling but different pronunciation. (英語にはスペリングは同じで発音が異なる単語がたくさんある)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • There are many words I have seen that have the same spelling but are pronounced differently.

  • Some words have the same spelling but the pronunciation is not the same.

Use the sentences above to express this. These words can confuse us if we are not sure of the context of the text we are reading. We must be sure what the text is generally based on in order not to get confused by the heteronym. Heteronyms are a type of homograph that is also spelled the same and have different meanings but sound different, some examples are: bow, does, lead, row, dove, minute, wind. Context: background, setting
これは上記のように言えます。 こうした単語は文脈がないと混乱しますね。 'heteronym'(同綴異音異義語)を理解するには、文脈が欠かせません。 'heteronym' は 'homograph'(同綴異義語)の一種です。スペリングが同じで、意味と発音が異なる語をいいます。 例えば: bow, does, lead, row, dove, minute, wind. Context: 背景、場面
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • There are many words with the same spelling but different pronunciation.

  • There are many words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently.

Both of my example sentences exhibit parallelism. 'Parallelism' is 'the matching of sentence parts for logical balance, which helps satisfy every reader's innate craving for order and rhythm.' (A quote from 'Garner's Dictionary...') A good example of this is 'the poem is long, complex, and a sonnet.' This sentence mixes two adjectives and a noun, but it is important (for rhythm and order) to be sure that there are either all nouns or all adjectives; in other words, the grammar should match. Match nouns with nouns, adjectives with adjectives, and adverbs with adverbs. They sort of attract each other anyway, so it's not that hard. It's also important not just to keep the grammar parallel but also to keep the ideas or notions parallel in what you are expressing. So, it seems obvious, but you shouldn't say that someone is 'hungry, tall, and Swedish.'
どちらの例文も 'parallelism'(対句法)を用いています。 'parallelism' とは、二つ以上の文の部分を対比させることをいいます。全ての読者が生まれながらにして持つ秩序とリズムへの欲求を満たすことを目的とします。 例えば: The poem is long, complex, and a sonnet. (その詩は長く複雑で、ソネットです。) この文では二つの形容詞と一つの名詞を混ぜていますが、(リズムと秩序のためには)全て名詞か全て形容詞かどちらかに統一することが大切です。つまり、文法を一致させた方がいいです。名詞は名詞と、形容詞は形容詞と、副詞は副詞と対比させます。これらはお互いに引きつけ合うので、そんなに難しくはありません。 また、文法だけでなく考えを対にすることも大切です。当然だと思いますが、'hungry, tall, and Swedish'(空腹で、背が高く、スウェーデン人)のようには言わない方がいいです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • There is a large number of words that have the same spelling but are pronounced differently.

For example: There is a large number of words that have the same spelling but are pronounced differently such as: read and read, route and route, and lead and lead. I hope that this helps :)
There is a large number of words that have the same spelling but are pronounced differently (発音は違うけれど、スペルは同じ単語がたくさんある。) 例えば、read と 過去形のread route (同じルートという意味でも違う発音をしたりする。) lead(リードする)と lead(鉛筆の芯) お役に立てれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Heteronyms

A heteronym is a word that has the same spelling but different pronunciation, for example: " I would like to "present" you with this "present" I bought for you!" In English, we have many words that are spelled the same with different pronunciations, here are a few examples: Bass - a stringed musical instrument Bass - a fish Close - to shut a door or something Close - nearby Object - to complain about something that you don't agree with Object - a thing like a pen, paper, etc.
"heteronym"(同形異音語)とは、スペルが同じで発音の異なる語を言います。 例えば: "I would like to "present" you with this "present" I bought for you!" (あなたのために買ったプレゼントをプレゼントします) 英語にはスペルが同じで発音の異なる語がたくさんあります。 例えば: Bass - 弦楽器のベース Bass - 魚の種類 Close -〔ドアなどを〕閉める Close - 近い Object - 異議を唱える Object -〔ペン・紙などの〕物体
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • There are words that have the same letter but are pronounced differentely

  • Words may be spelled the same but have different sounds and meanings

  • These words may be spelled the same but it is

Words may be spelled the same but have different sounds and meanings. Some words may have the same letters and be pronounced differently and mean different things. fair (appearance) fair (county fair) fair (reasonable)
Words may be spelled the same but have different sounds and meanings. 「言葉には、つづりが同じでも発音や意味が異なるものがあります」 Some words may have the same letters and be pronounced differently and mean different things. 「言葉には、つづりが同じでも発音や意味が異なるものがあります」 fair (外見) fair (カウンティーフェア) fair (公正な)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • Many words are spelled the same, but we say them in different ways.

  • There are lots of words with the same spelling, but with different definitions.

  • Lots of words are spelled the same way, but are pronounced differently.

Heteronyms' is what we call words that are spelled the same, but they have different definitions and they are also pronounced differently. Some common heteronyms include: 'Read' - 'Have you read this book?' 'What books do you like to read?' 'Tear' - 'A tear fell from her eye.' 'She decided to tear up the piece of paper.' 'Present' - 'I bought you a present.' 'I would like to present you with something.' 'The past is very different from the present.'
Heteronyms' は、スペルが同じでも意味と発音が異なる語をいいます。 'Heteronyms' の例としては: 'Read' →'Have you read this book?'(この本は読みましたか) →'What books do you like to read?'(どんな本が好きですか) 'Tear' →'A tear fell from her eye.'(彼女の目から涙が落ちた) →'She decided to tear up the piece of paper.'(彼女はその紙をびりびりに破いた) 'Present' →'I bought you a present.'(あなたにプレゼントを買いました) →'I would like to present you with something.'(あなたにお贈りしたいものがあります) →'The past is very different from the present.'(過去は現在とは全く違う)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • They are spelt the same, however, they are not pronounced the same.

  • Homograph - spelt the same, pronounced differently.

  • Spelt the same, sound different

They are spelt the same, however, they are not pronounced the same. Homograph - spelt the same, pronounced differently. Spelt the same, sound different All basically stating the same thing, really, however you have the specific name for these words, homograph, which might help you explain the issues quickly. However, not everyone will know this term, so best to keep it simple with, words that are pelt the same, but sound different.
They are spelt the same, however, they are not pronounced the same.(スペリングは同じだけど発音が異なる) Homograph - spelt the same, pronounced differently.(同形異義語 - スペリングは同じで発音が異なる) Spelt the same, sound different(スペリングが同じで発音が異なる) 言っていることはどれも基本的に同じです。 こうした単語は 'Homograph'(同形異義語)と呼ばれます。この一言で説明できるわけですが、ただ、'Homograph' は全ての人が知っている言葉ではありません。ですからシンプルに 'words that are spelt the same, but sound different'(スペリングは同じで発音が異なる語)と言うのがベストだと思います。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Many words have identical spelling but are pronounced differently

  • A lot of words with the same spelling are pronounced differently

When talking about words that have the same spelling but are pronounced differently. You want to say that there are many words that have the same spelling but are pronounced differently. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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