People who live in China · those who have nationality. I would like to say "I often see Chinese tourists abroad".
He is Chinese.
一人について話している時に、「Chinese」か「A Chinese person」がナチュラルです。例えば:
He is Chinese
She is a Chinese person
中国全体について話すときに、「The Chinese」の方がいいです。例えば:
The Chinese speak Mandarin.
因みに、国籍について話している時に、大文字を使ってください。Japanese, Chinese, Australianですね。
This term is used for someone from China. Also, many native speakers refer to the language spoken in China as "Chinese," even though it is officially called Mandarin. I hope that this helps :)
You can say 'He is Chinese.' or 'She is Chinese.' or 'They are Chinese citizens.'
Alternatively, you can say 'That Chinese person is interesting.' Or 'That Chinese woman is kind.' To refer to the people of China collectively, you can say 'The Chinese are flourishing economically.'
'He is Chinese.' (彼は中国人です)
'She is Chinese.'(彼女は中国人です)
'They are Chinese citizens.'(彼らは中国人です)
'That Chinese person is interesting.'(あの中国人は面白い)
'That Chinese woman is kind.'(あの中国人女性は親切です)
'The Chinese are flourishing economically.'(中国人は経済的に繁栄している)
A person from China is simply called 'chinese' although you can also call them 'a chinese person' if there is more than one chinese person then you can call them 'the chinese' or 'chinese people'
中国出身の人はシンプルに 'Chinese' と呼ばれます。他に 'a Chinese person' とも言います。中国出身の人が二人以上いるなら、'the Chinese' あるいは 'Chinese people' と言えます。
Someone born in China or someone with Chinese citizenship is called any of the above words.
When we are born in a certain country, we gain citizenship there, when we live there for a certain amount of time we also gain citizenship, it works differently in all countries.
Is the term given to a native person from China.
'China-man' is describing a man who is a native of China.
'China-Women' is describing a women who is a native of China.
「中国人」という言葉を英語で伝えると、「Chinese person」という表現も「person from China」という表現も使っても良いと考えました。「Chinese」は「中国の〜」という意味があって、「person」は「人」という意味があります。複数形は「people」です。「from China」は「中国から」という意味があります。「Person」と「people」の代わりに、「man」や「woman」や「girls」など入れても良いです。
「中国人」を英語にしたら、Chinese (person) と言います。シチュエーションによって、person は必要だけど、いらない時もあるます。複数の場合、person ではんく、people になります。
My friend is Chinese. 「私の友人は中国人です。」
There are a lot of Chinese and Vietnamese people who live in this area. 「この辺、住んでいる中国人とベトナム人が多いです。」
There are a lot of Chinese tourists who visit Kyoto. 「京都には中国の観光客が多いです。」
You want to know how to describe a person from China, or someone who has citizenship in China. Above are some example descriptions for this case.
"Mr Chan is a Chinese citizen from Hong Kong."
"Mr Chan is a Chinese citizen from Hong Kong."
「中国人」は英語で Chinese (person) と言います。
peron は「人」という意味の英語表現です。
また、Chinese は「中国語」などの意味もあります。
I have a Chinese friend who teaches me Chinese.