世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




宗教関係なく、クリスマスのタイミングで先生にプレゼントと一緒に渡すカードへの書き方を教えてください。 伝えたいことは 「英語がまだ上手に話せない娘に、いつも親切に教えてくえてありがとうございます。」
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2018/12/15 12:04
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  • Thank you for being kind to my daughter who can't speak English very well yet

「英語がまだ上手に話せない娘に、いつも親切に教えてくれてありがとうございます。」 "Thank you always for kindly teaching my daughter who can't speak English very well yet." など
  • Thank you for being kind to my daughter who can not speak English very well.

「英語がまだ上手に話せない娘に、親切にしてくれてありがとう」は英語では「Thank you for being kind to my daughter who can not speak English very well.」になります。 「英語がまだ上手に話せない娘に、親切にしてくれてありがとう」は「Thank you for always being nice to my daughter who can not speak English very well yet.」になります。
  • Thank you for always being so nice to my daughter even though she still doesn't speak English well.

  • Thank you for always being so nice to my daughter even in spite of the fact that she still doesn't speak English well.

英語は-->"English" まだ-->"still"や"not yet" 上手-->"good"に翻訳できるけど、この場面で"well"の方がいいと思います。 話せない-->"can't speak English" いつも新設してくれてありがとう-->"thank you for always being so nice/kind" 翻訳:「英語がまだ上手に話せない娘に、親切にしてくれてありがとう」 "Thank you for always being so nice to my daughter even though she still doesn't speak English well."
  • Thank you for being polite to my daughter!

  • Thank you for your kindness towards my daughter!

  • Thank you for showing my daughter goodwill!

When writing thank you cards, we can use many different ways, but if we want to be clear and concise, then we can use the above sentences or: "Thank you for being kind to my daughter, I know her English is not very good but you did not make her feel uncomfortable or self-conscious!
感謝状を書くときに使える表現はたくさんありますが、簡潔かつ明快に伝えたいなら、上記あるいは下記の文が使えます。 "Thank you for being kind to my daughter, I know her English is not very good but you did not make her feel uncomfortable or self-conscious!" (娘に優しくしていただきありがとうございました。娘はあまり英語がうまくありませんが、楽しく恥ずかしがらずにレッスンが受けられました)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I appreciate your kindness towards my daughter and would like to thank you as she is not able to speak the language properly yet.

This statement will go nicely in a thank you card.
この文はサンキューカード(thank you card)にピッタリです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for your kind attention to my daughter - despite her only speaking a little English right now

  • My daughter really appreciates your kind interest in her as she develops her English skills

You want to write a card to your daughter's teacher. You want to say 'thank you for always being so nice to my daughter even when she can't speak English so well yet.'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your kindness towards my daughter doesn't go unnoticed

This would be a good example to say to the teacher that you always see the kindness they show towards your daughter.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your kindness and patience towards my daughter even though her English is not the best.

To express your appreciation and gratitude to your daughters teacher for being always being nice to your daughter, you can use this sentence: -Thank you for your kindness and patience towards my daughter even though her English is not the best.
娘の先生に「娘にいつも優しくしてくれてありがとう」と伝えたいなら、次の文が使えます。 -Thank you for your kindness and patience towards my daughter even though her English is not the best. (英語がまだ上手でない娘に優しくしていただいてありがとうございます)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for being so nice to my daughter even though she can't speak English well yet

  • Although my daughter can't speak English well, you have always been so nice thank you!

When you want to tell someone you appreciate them or what they have done then you would say 'thanks' or 'thank you' this lets them know you are grateful even though means that someone has done something even when the other person might not be very good at something
人に感謝の気持ちを伝えるときは、'thanks' または 'thank you' と言えます。これで感謝していることが伝わります。 'even though' は「[though 節の主語]が~が上手でないのに[主節の主語]が・・・をしてくれた」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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