Lots of people have taught me English through their messages and moments
「たくさんの人」は "lots of people" も言います。"have taught me English" は「私に英語をおしえてくれました」という意味です。"through their message and moments" は「メッセージやモーメンツで」を表します。
Lots of people have taught me English through their messages and moments 「沢山の人にメッセージやモーメンツで英語を教えてもらいました。
Many people taught me English through all of their messages and moments
Many people taught me English through all of their messages and posts
Many people
○○ taught me English
through all of their messages and posts
through messages and postsは通じますが、ちょっと不自然だと感じたのでall of theirを入れました。