"No matter how old, I've lived (life) thinking the age I'm at now is the most enjoyable. I don't think about wanting to go back." など
「何歳であっても」=「In spite of my age」または「Regardless of how old I am」、「今の年齢が」=「part of my life」または「time of my life」、「(人生で)一番楽しい」=「the most enjoyable」または「the happiest」、「と思って生きて来ました。」=「I have come to think」、「昔に戻りたいとは思いません」=「Even if I could, I wouldn't want to return to the past」、ということでこのように表現できます:「I have come to think that, in spite of my age, this has been the most enjoyable part of my life. Even if I could, I wouldn't want to return to the past.」