世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/02 12:09
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  • How would you like your noodles done?

  • How hard would you like your noodles?

これは英語圏で言うところの「お肉の焼き加減はいかがですか?」と聞かれるパターンと似てて、ただ対象を変えただけの感じにした質問形式で伝えることもできますよね。 通常、お肉の場合は、”How would you like your steak done?” と聞くので、そこを “noodles" にすればいいかもしれません。 また、実際の硬さは ”very hard", (バリカタ)、”hard"(カタメ)など、あとは様々な形容詞と副詞の組み合わせで表現するしかないと思います。 逆に、”How hard would you like your noodles?” と言えば、直訳の、”硬さはどうしますか?” と聞くことができますので、もしかしたらこちらの方が何を聞いているのかがちゃんと伝わるかもしれませんね。 参考になればと思います!!
Hara Ken English teacher
  • How firm would you like your noodles?

  • How well do you want your noodles done?

Hey there! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! このフレーズを初めて聞かれたら、わからなくて何も言えなかったです。英語で言えるといいですね! How firm would you like your noodles? 英語のフレーズの直訳は 麺はどのぐらい硬くてよろしいですか? Would you like = よろしいですか? Would you like water? = お水でよろしいですか? 硬さ 「硬い」の直訳は「hard」ですが、料理でよく使う言葉は「firm」です。 How well do you want your noodles done? この場合は、「firm」ではなく「well done」になっています。「well done」はよくステーキの時に使います。直訳は 麺はどのぐらいやきますか? A: How well would you like your stake? B: Medium, please! Medium well, please! Rare, please! あと、質問だけではなく例の選択肢を挙げたらわかりやすいと思います。 Like… Soft, firm, normal? How firm do you want your noodles, like soft, firm, normal? How well do you want your noodles done, like soft, firm, normal? 特に外国人は麺の文化がないので選択肢から選べると嬉しいと思います! よろしくお願いします! 応援しています! アーサー
  • How do you want your noodles?

  • How do you like your noodles?

  • Hard or soft noodles?

If the restaurant clerk was speaking English, I imagine he'd be using these casual phrases. For example, in a restaurant in the US, you may hear: "How do you want your meat (cooked/done)?" "How do you like your meat (cooked/done)?" At a fast food restaurant you will always hear, "for here or to go?"
レストランの店員さんが英語を話すなら、これらのカジュアルなフレーズを使っているだろうと想像します。 例えば、アメリカのレストランなら、このようなフレーズを聞くことがあるでしょう。 "How do you want your meat (cooked/done)?" "How do you like your meat (cooked/done)?" ファーストフード店だったらいつもこう聞かれるでしょう。 "For here or to go?"
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • How do you like your noodles?

  • Do you like your noodles hard or soft?

"How do you like..." You can use this structure when asking about a wide variety of dishes or drinks. "How do you like your steak?" "Well done please." "How do you like your whisky?" "On the rocks please." "And do you like your noodles hard or soft?" "Just slightly soft please."
"How do you like..."この構文は飲み物は食べ物について尋ねるときに使われる構文です。 "How do you like your steak?" 焼き加減はいかがしますか? "Well done please." ウェルダンでお願いする。 "How do you like your whisky?" ウィスキーはどうします? "On the rocks please." ロックでお願い。 "And do you like your noodles hard or soft?" 麺の硬さはどうしますか? "Just slightly soft please." ちょっと柔らかめでお願いします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How would you like your noodles to be done?

You can ask : "How would you like your noodles to be done?" "Would you like your noodles to be hard, medium or soft?" "How do you like your noodles?" Example : A : How would you like your noodles to be done? B : Hard please. A : Okay. C : Would you like your noodles to be hard, medium or soft? D : I would like my noodles medium please. C : Okay, thank you.
次のように尋ねることが出来ます。 【例】 "How would you like your noodles to be done?" (麺はどうのようにしますか?) "Would you like your noodles to be hard, medium or soft?" (麺はどうしますか、カタメ、ふつう、柔らかめですか?) "How do you like your noodles?" (麺はどうしますか?) 【例文】 A : How would you like your noodles to be done? (麺はどうのようにしますか?) B : Hard please. (カタメでお願いします) A : Okay. (かしこまりました) C : Would you like your noodles to be hard, medium or soft? (メンバどうしますか、カタメ、ふつう、柔らかめですか?) D : I would like my noodles medium please. (普通でお願いします) C : Okay, thank you. (かしこまりました、ありがとうございます)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • May you please tell how would you like your noodles done?

The customer will then explain to you how they would like them done. Whether well done, medium to well or medium done.
お客様がどうして欲しいか説明します。 よく茹でる、普通、あまり茹でない。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How would you prefer your noodles?

  • preference

Example "I prefer my noodles cooked until soft please". "I would like my noodles cooked firm please". " I would like my noodles slightly chewy, with a soft bite".
例文 "I prefer my noodles cooked until soft please". 麺は柔らかめでお願いします "I would like my noodles cooked firm please". 麺は硬めでお願いします " I would like my noodles slightly chewy, with a soft bite". 麺は軽く噛んで少し歯ごたえがあるのが好きです
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • How do you want your noodles cooked?

  • How do you like your noodles?

Both of these sentences can be used when asking someone how they want their noodles cooked.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • How would you like your noodles to be prepared?

  • Would you like your noodles soft or firm sir/ma'am?

  • How should we prepare your noodles?

Use the questions above when asking how someone would like their noodles prepared. The customer can choose between firm noodles, soft noodles or wet noodles. Noodles are a great snack and meal, you can add many different ingredients to your noodles to make the dish more filling and flavorful. "How should I prepare your noodles, sir?" "Please prepare my noodles with a lot of noodle gravy, I like my noodles wet, thank you." firm: solid, hard
麺の好みを尋ねるなら、上記の質問が使えます。 お客さんは固い麺か柔らかい麺かぬれた麺かを選ぶことができます。 麺料理は食事にもおやつにもなります。いろいろな具材を加えると風味が増して食べ応えのあるものになります。 "How should I prepare your noodles, sir?"(麺はどうなさいますか) "Please prepare my noodles with a lot of noodle gravy, I like my noodles wet, thank you."(麺にグレイビーソースをたくさんかけてください、ぬれた麺が好きなので。よろしくお願いします) firm: 固い
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • How firm do you want your noodles?

これは How FIRM do you want your noodles と言えます。 How hard do you want your noodles は言えなくはないですが、食べ物には hard より firm の方を使います。例えば硬さのあるリンゴは a hard apple ではなく、a firm apple と言います。例外はパンです。例えば a hard bread, such as French bread(フランスパンのような硬いパン)と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • How would you like your noodles prepared?

  • How do you prefer your noodles?

  • Would you like your noodles cooked hard or soft?

You may ask your customer any of these questions:- 1. How would you like your noodles prepared? 2. How do you prefer your noodles? 3. Would you like your noodles cooked hard or soft?
お客さんに次のように質問できます。 1. How would you like your noodles prepared?(麺はどのくらいの硬さにしますか) 2. How do you prefer your noodles?(麺はどのくらいの硬さにしますか) 3. Would you like your noodles cooked hard or soft?(麺は硬くしますか、それとも柔らかい方がいいですか)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • How well do you want your noodles done?

  • Do you prefer hard or soft noodles?

To ask this question feel free to use any of these sentences. The second one gives the options, whereas, the first want is an open question, which means a customer should know from what he could choose.
上記の文どちらも使うことができます。 二つ目の例では選択肢を提示しています。 一方、一つ目の例はオープンな質問です。この文は、相手が既に選択肢を知っている場合に使うことができます。 ※ オープンな質問=「はい」「いいえ」では答えられない質問
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • How well do you want your noodles done?

  • Do you prefer your noodles well done or al dente?

1. This is an open ended question, which means that a customer can suggest any possible way of cooking noodles. 2. In this question, you are offering your customers two possible ways: either well done (meaning well cooked) or "al dente" which means the noodles are still firm well bitten.
1. これはオープンクエスチョンです、つまりお客さんが好きな麺の硬さを提案できます。 2. この質問ではお客さんに二つの選択肢を提示しています。一つは "well done"(よくゆでる)もう一つは "al dente"(少し硬め)。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • How do you like your noodles?

  • How do usually eat your noodles?

  • Do you prefer your noodles hard or soft?

These are different ways to ask how the customer likes their noodles. It is important to know what the customer enjoys and what they like, so that they could keep showing up to your business. Some customers can be complicated, while others don't care and don't have any specific liking, that's why it is important to ask different questions regarding their likes and dislikes. Below are a few examples on how you can do this. How do you enjoy your noodles? Do you like your noodles dry or do you prefer them another way? Do you enjoy your noodles with a side, such as bread? and if you have a side do you prefer the noodles to be soft? Do you enjoy your noodles with dressing or hot sauce, if you're using dressing do you prefer the noodles to be a little hard? Do you enjoy vegetables in your noodles or would you just like plain noodles?
お客さんに麺の好みを聞きたいということですね。いろいろな言い方ができます。 お客さんの好みを把握することは常連客をつくる上でとても大切です。好みが複雑な人もいれば、あまりこだわりのない人もいます。いろいろな質問をして相手の好みを確認することが大切です。 下に、例をお示ししました。 How do you enjoy your noodles?(麺の好みを教えてください) Do you like your noodles dry or do you prefer them another way?(麺は乾燥した麺でいいですか、それとも他に好みがありますか) Do you enjoy your noodles with a side, such as bread? and if you have a side do you prefer the noodles to be soft?(麺にパンなどのサイドディッシュはつけますか、もしつけるなら、麺は柔らかめがいいですか) Do you enjoy your noodles with dressing or hot sauce, if you're using dressing do you prefer the noodles to be a little hard?(麺にはドレッシングをつけますか、それともホットソースがいいですか。もしドレッシングをつかうなら、麺は硬めがいいですか) Do you enjoy vegetables in your noodles or would you just like plain noodles?(麺に野菜を入れましょうか、それとも麺だけの方がいいですか)
Berta DMM英会話講師
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