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2018/12/26 09:38
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  • I usually have Sushi three days a week.

I usually have Sushi three days a week. 「私は通常、週に3回寿司を食べます。」 お寿司を食べるのがたまに週2回になったり、必ず週3回ではない場合があるなら、usually「通常・普通」を付けてあげると良いです。 「食べる」は eat の他にも have や enjoy を使うこともできますよ! 「週3回」は three times a week や three days a week 「週3日」とも言えると思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I eat sushi three times a week

そのまま「週に3回寿司を食べる」の訳になります。 I eat~:私は○○○を食べる three times: 三回 week: 週/一週間
  • I love sushi, I eat it three times per week!

  • I eat sushi three times every week!

When we love or really like something, we like to eat it as often as we can. Sushi is one of my favorite foods, I would eat it every day if I could but I only eat it three times a week. I eat sushi three times every week! I love sushi, I eat it three times per week!
すごく好きなものなら、毎日でも食べたいですね。 Sushi is one of my favorite foods, I would eat it every day if I could but I only eat it three times a week. (すしは私の大好物の一つです。毎日でも食べたいですが、実際は週に三回しか食べていません) I eat sushi three times every week!(週に三回すしを食べます) I love sushi, I eat it three times per week!(すしは大好きです。週に三回食べています)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I eat sushi three times a week

  • Three times a week I eat sushi

"I eat sushi three times a week" and "Three times a week I eat sushi" these are common phrases with the same outcome, these explain that three times a week you would have sushi, to eat/consume sushi three days out of seven.
"I eat sushi three times a week"(私はすしを週に三回食べます) "Three times a week I eat sushi"(私はすしを週に三回食べます) これらは一般的な言い方です。意味は同じです、「私はすしを週に三回食べます」と言っています。「七日のうち三日すしを食べる」ということ。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I eat sushi three times a week

  • Three days a week i eat sushi

If you do something three times in a week then you say 'three times a week' you could also say 'three days a week'
週3回/日を'three times a week' や'three days a week'と言うことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I eat sushi three times a week.

  • I have sushi three times a week.

  • 3 times a week, I eat sushi.

I eat sushi three times a week. - This would be the most common way of saying it. "I eat..." is very direct but you could also say "I have...". To say the frequency of something you do, you say the phrase "... times a week". If you do it only one time or two times a week, you can change it to "once/twice a week". If it's more than two times a week, then it's better to just use the number.
I eat sushi three times a week.(週に3回寿司を食べます) これが最も一般的な言い方だと思います。 "I eat..." は非常に直接的です。"I have..." と言うこともできます。 何かの頻度について言うときは、"... times a week" というフレーズが使えます。「週に1回/2回」なら、"once/twice a week" に変えることができます。「週に3回」以上なら、単に数字を使った方がいいです。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I eat sushi three times a week.

  • I usually eat sushi three times per week.

To explain that you eat sushi three times a week, you can say: "I eat sushi three times a week." "I usually eat sushi three times per week."
「週に3回寿司を食べる」は次のように言えます。 "I eat sushi three times a week."(私は週に3回寿司を食べます) "I usually eat sushi three times per week."(私は普通週に3回寿司を食べます)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I normally eat sushi three times per week.

  • I consume sushi three times a week.

  • I eat sushi three times weekly.

to express that you eat sushi three times a week you could say something along the lines of "I eat sushi three times a week". we can use words like "per week" or "weekly" to show the time frame of how often we eat sushi.the word "consume" in this sentence also means "to eat".
「週に3回寿司を食べる」は次のように言えます。 "I eat sushi three times a week"(週に3回寿司を食べる) 「一週間につき」は "per week" や "weekly" などで表せます。 "consume" はここでは "eat"(食べる)を意味します。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Sushi is my three times a week routine

  • I usually have sushi three times a week

  • I love sushi and enjoy it at least three times a week

You want to explain that you eat sushi three times per week. The above suggestions are suitable for that context. You can add colour to the conversation by expressing how you feel ('I love..'/'I enjoy...') - as in the third example. The other examples may seem a little bland and short in isolation
「私は週3回寿司を食べます」と言いたいということですね。上記の文を使うことができます。 自分の気持ちを表すことで('I love..'/'I enjoy...')、会話に彩りを加えることができます。三つ目の例をご覧ください。 他の二つの例はこれだけだと少しさみしい印象です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy my sushi three times in a week.

  • In a week, I eat sushi three times.

  • I love eating sushi, I eat it three times in a week.

To express the fact that you eat sushi three times a week, use any of the sentences above. Sushi is a delicious, light meal enjoyed by many people, it is healthy for you and tastes great too! Salmon and tuna are very healthy as they are high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids.
上記どの文でも「私は週3回寿司を食べます」と伝えることができます。 寿司は人気の軽食です。健康的で味もおいしいです。 特にサーモンとマグロは、タンパク質とオメガ3脂肪酸を豊富に含んでいて、とても体にいいです。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I eat sushi three times a week

  • Three days a week I eat sushi

There's not a lot of ways to say it because it's a very simple sentence. My first sentence could be just reversed but basically, your example was a correct one too.
これはすごくシンプルな文なので、言い方はそれほど多くありません。 一つ目の文の語順を変えることもできますが、基本的に、あなたの考えた文も正しいです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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