タコは octopus です。
octo は[ラテン語](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/68407/)「[8](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/57419/)」という意味なので8本足のタコは "octopus"。
October が10月なのに "Octo(8)" なのは、古代ローマ歴では3月が年始だったので、3月から数えて8番目の月だったからだそうです。
In the UK any raw seafood dish with rice in the Japanese style will be referred to as 'sushi'. If octopus is involved then it will be referred to as 'octopus sushi'. Perhaps some people are very familiar with sushi dishes and will refer to them by their Japanese name - but in general that is not the case.
"I'm in the restuarant sampling some octopus sushi right now."
イギリスでは、日本式のごはんに乗ったどんな生魚も 'sushi'とされます。タコの寿司は、'octopus sushi'と言います。
"I'm in the restuarant sampling some octopus sushi right now."
Almost all Westerners are familiar with what sushi is and what it is made of. We understand that sushi can have different meat and vegetables or sauces so all you need to do is say what those are. In this case, that would be the octopus meat. We would call this octopus sushi. I hope that this helps. :)
The sushi dish made with octopus can be referred to as "octopus sushi".
You may use this term in the following ways:
-I tried octopus sushi yesterday and I actually liked it.
-I don't like the sushi they usually make with salmon but I really enjoy the one they make with octopus.
「タコのにぎり」は英語で "octopus sushi" と言えます。
-I tried octopus sushi yesterday and I actually liked it.(昨日タコのにぎりを食べてみました。おいしかったです)
-I don't like the sushi they usually make with salmon but I really enjoy the one they make with octopus.(サーモンの寿司は好きではないですが、タコの寿司は大好きです)
The type of fish on top of the rice is called, "octopus," ( ock toe puss ).
When there is a piece of fish on top of a small amount of rice like shown in the picture, we would call this, "sashimi," which I believe is the Japanese name as well.
Therefore we would call this all together, "octopus sashimi."
「たこ」は英語で octopus と言います。
ちなみに「寿司」は英語でそのまま sushi と言うことが多いです。
「刺身」は sashimi です。
I love octopus, it tastes delicious.
Have you ever eaten octopus before?