「 12/29-1/3は日本では年末年始で銀行が休みなので、支払は1/10になります。」
Because in Japan during the New Years holiday 12/29 to 1/3 the banks are closed. payment will be made on 1/10.
The banks are closed for the New Year's holiday.
closed = 閉まっている、休み
bank(s) = 銀行
New Year's holiday = 年末年始
The Japanese banks are closed during the New Year's holiday.
The Japanese banks are closed during the New Year's holiday.
欧米(例えばアメリカ)などはクリスマスの方に重きを置いているので、New Year's holiday というと1日当日だけだと思われることもあります。しっかりと期間を説明する必要があるでしょう。
The Japanese banks are all closed from December 29th to January 3rd. It's the New Year's holiday. Therefore, payment will be made on January 10th.