世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/02 19:45
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  • Do you have any other colors of this?

  • Do you have any more colors of this?

any other colorsで他の色、Do you have ~?で「~はありますか?」となります。 この場合のyouはお店のことです。 any more colorsでもっと色があるかとなります。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Do you have this in another color?

You can also specify the color you want.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Does this come in any other colors?

  • Is this the only color you have?

Does this come in any other colors?=これの色違いはありますか? Is this the only color you have?=この色しかないの? 和訳でも分かるように、上記の方が丁寧な聞き方です。 色と置き換えてサイズや形について聞きたい場合にも使えます: Does this come in any other shape? Is this the only size you have?
  • Do you have this in any other colours?

  • Does this come in other colours?

  • Is this the only colour?

Any of these phrases will suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this in any other colors?

  • Is this the only color you have?

  • Do you have this in a different color?

Any one of the three translations suggested will work.
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this in "Blue"?

  • What are the color options that I have?

->Do you have this in "Blue"? ->Asking for a specific color is telling the person what color you would like and then he does not have to show you all the colors and waste time. ->What are the color options that I have? -> color options = different colors to choose from.
->Do you have this in "Blue"? ->特定の色について尋ねることはその人にあなたがどの色が欲しいかを伝えることができ、全ての色を見る時間を省ける! ->What are the color options that I have? -> color options = 選ぶことのできる様々な色
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Does this come in any other colors?

  • What colors does this come in?

  • Do you stock this in any other colors?

"Does this come in any other colors? Asks them to tell you if the product comes in other colors. "What colors does this come in?" Asks them to tell you what other colors it comes in. "Do you stock this in any other colors?" asks them if they have the product in a different color.
Does this come in any other colors? その商品に他の色があるかどうか尋ねています。 What colors does this come in? その商品に他にどんな色があるか尋ねています。 Do you stock this in any other colors? 他の色の商品があるかどうか尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this in a different color?

Do you have this in a different color? これの色違いはありますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 in a different color は「別の色で」という意味の英語表現です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
  • Do you have any other colors of this?

  • Is this the only color you have?

These two sentences should help you to express your problem at the shop, so they will find a way how to help you with the problem and find a common solution.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please see this in a different color?

  • Do you have this in any other colors?

  • Do you only have it in this color?

Can I please see this in a different color? In this sentence you are asking if you can see the product in a different color. You are also being kind and respectful by saying please, rather than just demanding or straight up asking the person if they have the product in any other colors. Do you have this in any other colors? This sentence is a bit different than that of the first answer, because you are simply asking if they have the product available in any other colors. Do you only have it in this color? This is similar to the second answer, because while you are not necessarily asking them if they have the product in different colors, you are implying that you would like to know if they have the product available in other colors.
Can I please see this in a different color?(別の色を見せてもらえますか) この文では、「この商品の別の色を見せてもらえますか」とお願いしてます。命令をしたり、あるいは直接的に「別の色はありますか」と聞くのではなく、'please' を使って丁寧に尋ねています。 Do you have this in any other colors?(他の色はありますか) これは最初の例とは少し違います。シンプルに「この商品の色違いはありますか」と尋ねています。 Do you only have it in this color?(これはこの色しかありませんか) これは二つ目の例と似ています。「別の色はありますか」とは言っていませんが、別の色があるかを確認しています。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this in another color?

・「Do you have this in another color? 」 (意味)これの色違いはありますか? <例文>Do you have this in another color? I don't really like red. I'm looking for a blue one. <訳>これの色違いはありますか?あまり赤は好きではありません。ブルーのを探しています。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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