世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/12/31 11:38
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  • Passenger seat

[運転席]( the driver's seat 助手席=the passenger seat 後ろの席=the back seat 例: I like sitting in the passenger seat. 私は助手席に座るのが好きです。 Do you want to sit in the passenger seat or the back seat? 助手席と後ろの席、どっちに座りたい?
  • front seat

  • passenger seat

色々な言い方はありますが、一般的に使う言い方はfront seat だと思うので、使いました。 お役に立ちましたか?^_^
  • passenger seat

  • front seat

  • shotgun

The name for the seat directly next to the driver is called 'the passenger seat' or 'the front seat.' 'The front seat' is more commonly used in the US by native speakers. You may also refer to the 'front seat' as 'the shotgun seat', or 'shotgun' for short. The reason is because, in the Wild West, the person in this seat would be holding a shotgun for protection. This expression is common even in the present.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Passenger seat (formal)

  • Copilot (informal)

  • Shotgun (informal, used in a truck or an SUV)

In a formal situation we refer to the seat parallel to the Driver as the Passenger Seat. The Passenger Seat per many local and national laws must only be occupied by an adult or one that is about to be an adult. The passenger is often referred to as the co-pilot in which he or she gives directions to the Driver or holds food or drink which he or she gives to the driver. In an extremely informal setting, on a pickup truck or an SUV, the seat is referred to as the Shotgun seat. Teenagers who "call Shotgun" are saying that they are reserving the seat for themselves, and everyone else will need to go to the back.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Passenger seat

  • Front seat

The seat in a motor vehicle that is positioned in the front, next to the driver is called the 'passenger seat' or the 'front seat'. For example: - Today, James sat in the front seat when his Dad drove him to school. - I was (sitting) in the passenger seat when the policeman stopped our car for speeding.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Front passenger seat

  • Front seat

1. Front passenger seat 2. Front seat The front passenger seat is the seat next to the driver's seat at the front of any vehicle. It is often referred to as the 'front seat' as well. When you use the term 'front seat', others automatically know that you are referring to the front passnger seat because the driver sits in the driver's seat. Example: He was sitting in the front seat when the collision occurred.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Passenger seat

The term passenger seat is used to refer to the seat next to the driver of the vehicle. A slang term used to describe this is "shotgun". There is a common game if you call "shotgun" first while you are walking back to the vehicle you are travelling in, that means that you are claiming the passenger seat.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Passenger seat.

The seat next to the driver is called the passenger seat. I am sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Passenger seat

The seat that is next to the driver would be called the, "passenger seat." Sometimes we play a game that whoever says, "shotgun," first when you all see the car, that person gets the passenger seat.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Passenger seat

You call the seat next to the driver's seat the passenger seat as displayed in the picture. The empty seat is the one where the passenger would sit in. Could also be; The front seat or the front passenger seat.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • passenger seat

「助手席」はpassenger seatと言います(*^_^*) 車関連の用語です(*^_^*) rear seat「[後部座席](」 side mirror 「サイド[ミラー](」 rear-view mirror 「バックミラー」 steering wheel 「ハンドル」 wind shield「フロントガラス」 accelerator, gas pedal「アクセル」 blinker「ウインカー」 license plate「ナンバープレート」 side brake「ハンドブレーキ」 hood 「ボンネット」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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