Since 2013, we haven't been to a hospital even once.
「~以降」は英語で 'since ~'と言います。
「一回も~ない」否定文の場合は 'not ~ even once.' となります。
ですから「一回も病院に行ってない」は 'have NOT been to a hospital EVEN ONCE.'
この文章の最初に主語が必要です。こちらは 'we'「私たちは」を利用しています。
"I have not gone to the hospital since 2013."
Gone - Similar to saying "Been to" (I have not been to the hospital since 2013." This event is something you have not done in a long time.
Since - This is a time frame telling when the last time you did something.
For example...
"I have not been to a theme park since March." "It has been years since we visited my parents."
"I have not gone to the hospital since 2013."
Gone - "Been to"に似ています("I have not been to the hospital since 2013."=2013年以降、病院に行っていません)。久しぶりにしたことを表します。
Since - 「~以降/以来」という意味です。何かを最後にしたのがいつなのかを表します。
"I have not been to a theme park since March."
"It has been years since we visited my parents."
You can say "I haven't (have not) been to..." or "I haven't been to..." You can use these expressions when talking about other places you have not seen or visited.
To say the year, you can say either "two thousand and thirteen (2,013)" or "twenty thirteen (20 + 13)". It's common to hear people say either. This is usually personal preference, but both are acceptable. The latter (twenty thirteen) is less formal.
"I haven't (have not) been to..." や"I haven't been to..." は、ある場所に行ったことがないことを表すフレーズです。
年をいうには、"two thousand and thirteen (2,013)" または、 "twenty thirteen (20 + 13)"ということができます。どちらも普通に使われる表現です。これは個人の好みによりますが、どちらも使われる表現です。後者のほうがややカジュアルになります。
We have stayed away from the hospital from since 2013.
If you want to express that you haven't been to the hospital since 2013, any of these sentences are appropriate :-
1. We haven't had a hospital visit since 2013.
Going to the hospital can also be described as a hospital visit.
2. We have stayed away from the hospital from since 2013.
If you have stayed away from a place, it means that you have not visited it.
1. We haven't had a hospital visit since 2013.(私たちは2013年から病院に行っていません)
病院に行くことは"hospital visit"と表すこともできます。
2. We have stayed away from the hospital from since 2013.(私たちは2013年から病院に行っていません)
"stayed away from + 場所"は「〔場所〕行っていない」という意味です。
"The last time I visited the hospital was 2013" We often use the word 'Visited' hospital when describing how often we had been to hospital, as Visited seems less descriptive rather than describing why you were in hospital.
you can also use the word 'since', this term used to describe the last time you did something "I haven't been there since 2013"
"The last time I visited the hospital was 2013"(最後に病院に行ったのは2013年でした)
入院をした回数について言う場合、しばしば 'Visited (the hospital)' という言い方をします。'Visited' は入院をした理由について曖昧だからです。
他に 'since' という言葉も使えます。'since' は何かを最後にしたのがいつなのかを説明します。
"I haven't been there since 2013"(2013年以降そこには行っていません)
the last time we went to the hospital was in 2013.
we last went to a hospital in 2013.
we have not been to a hospital since the year 2013.
if you are trying to tell someone that the last time you went to the hospital was in 2013, you can say something super easy and straight forward like "the last time we went to the hospital was in 2013." we use the phrase "las time" to express that this was the previous time you have been somewhere.
"The last time we went to the hospital was in 2013."(最後に病院に行ったのは2013年でした)
ある場所に最後に行った時を表すときは、"las time" というフレーズが使えます。
The last time my family visited the hospital was in 2013.
We haven't gone to the hospital since 2013.
The last time my family visited the hospital was in 2013. - This sentence can be used to express the most recent time you've been to the hospital.
We haven't gone to the hospital since 2013. - This sentence can also be used to express the most recent time you've been to the hospital. The word "since" is used to describe a time in the past.
Example: I haven't been to America since Donald Trump has been in office. - This sentence expresses that, I never went to America after Donald Trump was elected president, but I have been there before he was elected president.
The last time my family visited the hospital was in 2013.(私の家族が最後に病院に行ったのは2013年です)
We haven't gone to the hospital since 2013.(2013年以降、1回も病院に行っていません)
この文も、最後に病院に行った時を表します。"since" は過去の時間を表します。
I haven't been to America since Donald Trump has been in office.(ドナルド・トランプが大統領になってからアメリカには行っていない)
Some poeple need to go to the hospital regualarly so if you haven't been for a while then you can just say 'we haven't been to the hospital in a while' but if you want to explain the last time you went you would say 'since 2013'
人によって定期的に病院に通っている人もいますね。もししばらく病院に行っていないなら、'we haven't been to the hospital in a while'(病院にはしばらく行っていない)と言えます。
最後に行ったのが2013年なら、'since 2013'(2013年から)と言えます。
My family and I haven't needed to go to the Hospital since 2013.
The last time we went to the Hospital was in 2013.
My family and I haven't needed to go to the Hospital since 2013.
**All of the members of your family haven't suffered any illness that would bring you to the Hospital since 2013.
The last time we went to the Hospital was in 2013.
Before 2013 your whole family had the need for a Hospital visit, but since then, there hasn't been a need to go.
My family and I haven't needed to go to the Hospital since 2013.(私と私の家族は2013年から病院に行っていません)
The last time we went to the Hospital was in 2013.(私たちが最後に病院に行ったのは2013年でした)
When talking about your family, you want to say that you and your family haven't been to the hospital since 2013. The above suggestions are appropriate.
The word since indicate the time frame when last they had been to a hospital.
The sentence is in the past perfect continuous to show an action that started in the past and continued until another time in the past.
The last time me or my family went to the hospital was 2013.
My family has not been to the hospital since 2013.
If you want to explain to someone that you or your family have not visited the hospital since 2013 then good ways of doing this would be to say "The last time me or my family went to the hospital was 2013" or "My family has not been to the hospital since 2013" .
"The last time me or my family went to the hospital was 2013"
"My family has not been to the hospital since 2013"
To say that you have not been to the hospital for a certain amount time (or a certain time), you can say, "We have not gone to the hospital since 2013."
"We have not gone to the hospital since 2013."
Both of these are correct, you could use them both with any group of people. They both give the same answer, one of them is shorter but the other one is good for essays/texts where you have to add more words to. But if you are speaking to someone in person then you could use which ever one is best for you. But they both give the same outcome