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suicaはJR東日本が販売しているICカードで、pasmoは首都圏の私鉄が販売しているICカードです。 と説明したいのですが、うまく伝えることができません。 何と言ったら伝わるか教えていただきたいです。
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2019/01/02 20:56
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  • Suica is a prepaid IC card issued by JR east Japan.

「suicaはJR東日本が販売しているICカードです」は”Suica is a prepaid IC card issued by JR east Japan. ”で大丈夫です。 外国人の中で分からない人もいるかもしれませんので、”Suica is a popular smart card issued by East Japan Railway."のほうが分かりやすいと思います。 pasmoは首都圏の私鉄が販売しているICカードです。 Pasmo is a smart card issued by private transport companies. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • A SUICA card is a prepaid IC card that is used by JR East Japan.

A "prepaid card" is a card that you put a certain amount of money on and then later use it. In this sentence, it is okay to use the word "card" twice because you are explaining what it is. I hope that this helps! :)
"prepaid card" とは前払い式のカードをいいます。この文では "card" という単語を2回使っていますが、それが何かを説明しているわけなので問題ありません。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • A SUICA card is a prepaid IC card used in JR East Japan

  • I use my SUICA card on the railway in Japan

prepaid uses the prefix 'pre' meaning before So it has already some money on it before using. In England we have Oyster cards that work in the same way "Don't forget your SUICA card, we're taking the train!"
"prepaid" には「前もって」を意味する接頭辞の 'pre' が使われています。 これは、あらかじめお金をチャージしておくことを表します。 イングランドにはこれに似た 'Oyster card' というカードがあります。 "Don't forget your SUICA card, we're taking the train!" (電車に乗るから、SUICA忘れないでね)
Katie C DMM英会話講師
  • The SUICA card is a prepaid card issued by JR East Japan.

When giving information about what a SUICA card is, you want to state that it's a prepaid IC card issued by JR East Japan. The above example statement explains that point quite clearly.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Suica is a prepaid IC card issued by JR East Japan

This is the easiest way to explain what you mean when you put money on something before you use it it is called 'prepaid' 'issued by' explains who deals with the card and gives it out
これが最も簡単な言い方です。 使う前にお金をチャージする必要があるなら、これは 'prepaid' で表せます。 'issued by' はそのカードの発行元を示します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • There is a card that is issued by JR East Japan, it is a prepaid card.

By starting with the JR is something that is issued in the JR East Japan you can then explain what it is by telling the person that is listening what it is. For example if one was to say 'there is a place in London where you can be issued a new drivers licence.'
まず「JR東日本が発行しているカードがある」と伝えて、それからそれがどういうものなのか説明できます。 例えば: 'there is a place in London where you can be issued a new drivers licence.'(ロンドンに新しい運転免許証を発行してくれる場所がある)
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • You can buy your SUICA card at any railway station in Japan.

  • The SUICA card can be recharged with money at any time.

The SUICA card is a prepaid /rechargeable card that is used as a "train pass" (for travelling by train) in Japan. Prepaid - means that you pay ahead of time (before you use it). Rechargeable - means that you may put more money on the card when/if needed.
The SUICA card is a prepaid /rechargeable card that is used as a "train pass" (for travelling by train) in Japan. (SUICAは、日本で電車の定期券として使われるプリペイド式のカード/リチャージ式のカードです) 'Prepaid' は「前払いの」という意味です。 'Rechargeable' は必要に応じてカードにお金を補充できることを表します。
Ana Filipa DMM英会話講師
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