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正月早々家族全員発熱しました(>_<) まさに寝正月。
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2019/01/03 15:18
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  • At the New Year, all our family got sick with a fever and our plans were ruined."

"At the New Year," would initially mean on New Year's Eve (31st December) or New Year's Day (1st January). "All our family," will include each member of your family (parents and children). The number of people involved is not stated and is not important for the meaning of the statement, as "all" covers the entire family. "With a fever," shows what illness each member of the family caught. "And our plans were ruined," further shows that there was a consequence to all the family being ill, as what you planned did not happen.
"At the New Year" は、大晦日または元日からの数日間をいいます。 "All our family" には家族全員(親と子)が含まれます。何人が参加するかは重要な情報ではないので伝えていません、"All" が家族全員を指すからです。 "With a fever"(発熱で)は、家族全員が何の病気にかかったかを伝えます。 "And our plans were ruined"(計画が台無しになった)は、家族全員が病気になった結果何が起きたか(予定していたことができなかった)を伝えます。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately, our whole family got sick over New Year's, so we had to cancel our plans.

  • Due to my whole family becoming sick over New Year's, we had to cancel all of our plans.

Unfortunately, our whole family got sick over New Year's, so we had to cancel our plans. / Due to my whole family becoming sick over New Year's, we had to cancel all of our plans. - These sentences can be used to express that your family became sick during New Year's, and you and your family had to cancel plans because of this. In this sentence "Due" means "because". Example: "Due" to the rain, we had to play basketball inside. = Because of the rain, we had to play basketball inside.
Unfortunately, our whole family got sick over New Year's, so we had to cancel our plans. (残念ながら正月に家族全員で病気になってしまい、計画をキャンセルしないといけませんでした) Due to my whole family becoming sick over New Year's, we had to cancel all of our plans. (正月に家族全員で病気になってしまい、計画をキャンセルしないといけませんでした) これらの文は「正月に家族で病気になってしまい、計画をキャンセルしないといけなかった」と言いたいときに使うことができます。 この文では、"Due" は "Because"(~が理由で)という意味です。 例: "Due" to the rain, we had to play basketball inside. = Because of the rain, we had to play basketball inside. (雨のため、屋内でバスケットボールをしなければなりませんでした)
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • My whole family came down with something on New Year's, and we missed out on our plans.

  • My entire family caught a bug, and we were too sick to do anything for New Year's.

To "come down with something" or "catch a bug" are other terms used to say that one is sick. The expression "missed out" in this context means that they didn't get to have the experience that was expected due to unforeseen circumstances. "Whole family" or "entire family" can be used to express that everyone living in the household was involved. These terms may also include extended family members who are not living in the household, but in this case, that usually would not be mistaken because of the context of the statement.
"come down with something" または "catch a bug" は 'get sick'(病気になる)の別の言い方です。 "missed out" はここでは「予期せぬ出来事によって、できなくなった」という意味です。 "whole family" と "entire family" は同じ家に住む家族全員を指します。これらの表現は一緒に住んでいない近親者も含む場合があります。ただ、ここでは文脈からそのように誤解されることはないでしょう。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • My whole family was sick over New Year and our plans were ruined

  • All our family went down with a bug at New Year and all our arrangements came to naught

At the beginning of the year, all of your family got sick (fever) and your plans were ruined. You can explain that point by using one of the above-suggested example statements. To 'come to naught' means to be unsuccessful, or fail to achieve a desired outcome. naught = nothing
「正月に家族全員が病気になって(発熱)、計画が台無しになった」。これは、上記の文のどちらか一つを使うことで説明できます。 'come to naught' は「うまくいかない/失敗に終わる」という意味です。 naught = nothing
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Our whole family got sick during the New Year holiday and our plans were ruined

  • Our entire family got sick during New Year and it runined all our plans

When it comes to Christmas and New Year most families get together to celebrate and plan to do nice things together so if people get sick you might not be able to do anything you would say 'this runied your plans' or your 'plan were ruined' Whole and entire mean the same thing (all of the family)
年末年始には家族で集まって何か計画を立てている人が多いですね。風邪を引いてしまうと全て台無しになってしまいます。 'it runied your plans' または 'your plans were ruined' と言えます。 'whole' と 'entire' は同じ意味です。ここでは「家族全員」を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Everyone in our family got sick during the Year end & New year holidays, unfortunately, so that we had to cancel all of the schedules.

  • 2. Oh....please don’t ask me about that. All of our families spent the most of the times ON our beds because of sick. I was disappointed that my plan had to be canceled.

  • 3. Thanks to sickness, we had good rests during the holiday. We try to think that we just postponed the plan to the coming year end.

わかります、この気持ち! なぜなら、私も「寝正月」だったからです。ホントに悔しいですよね。 こんな風に回答してみました。 1. まずは「事実」をそのまま表現してみました。 Everyone in our family got sick during the Year end & New year holidays, unfortunately, so that we had to cancel all of the schedules. (年末年始の休み中に、あいにく家族全員風邪を引いてしまいました。なので、全ての予定をキャンセルしなくてはなりませんでした) 2. は休み明けに同僚から、How was your New Year holiday?(新年の休みはどうだった?)と聞かれた時に回答したくなる内容を書いてみました。 Oh....please don’t ask me about that. All of our families spent the most of the times ON our beds because of sickness. I was disappointed that my plan had to be canceled. (もう・・お願いだから聞かないで。家族全員、ほとんどの時間をベッドの上で過ごしたんだから・・・体調不良で。ほんとがっかりでした。私がたてた予定をキャンセルしなくちゃならなかったんだから) 3. は「開き直り」な感じで回答してみました。 Thanks to sickness, we had good rests during the holiday. We try to think that we just postponed the plan to the coming year end. (病気になったおかげで、私たちは休みの間充分な休息をとることができました。私たちはプランを来たる次の年末へ延期しただけと考えるようにしてます) 今度の年末こそは!体調を整えて楽しみましょうね。 ​
  • Due to sickness in the whole family, our New Year's plans were ruined.

"Due to sickness in the whole family, our New Year's plans were ruined." Due - meaning because of or as a result of. "Due to bad weather, my flight was canceled." Sickness - This is a general term that can refer to a cold or the flu. "There is a sickness going around the office." Whole - Entire, everyone. "The whole pie was eaten in 5 minutes." Ruined - Destroyed, not able to take place. "She ruined the party with her rude comments."
"Due to sickness in the whole family, our New Year's plans were ruined." (家族全員が風邪を引いて、正月の計画が台無しになりました) Due -「~が原因で」「の結果として」という意味です。 "Due to bad weather, my flight was canceled." (悪天候でフライトがキャンセルになりました) ---- Sickness - これは、風邪やインフルエンザを指す一般的な言葉です。 "There is a sickness going around the office." (オフィスで風邪がはやっています) ---- Whole - 全体、全員 "The whole pie was eaten in 5 minutes." (パイが丸々一つ5分でなくなってしまった) ---- Ruined - 台無しにする、できなくする "She ruined the party with her rude comments." (彼女の品のない言葉によってパーティーが台無しになった)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Our New Year plans were ruined because we all got sick!

  • Our New Year plans were blown out the water due to illness!

  • Our holiday plans were shattered owing to illness!

Our New Year plans were destroyed because we all got sick! "destroyed" - a synonym for ruined Our New Year plans were blown out the water due to illness! "blown out the water" - (idiom) meaning that plans were destroyed Our holiday plans were shattered owing to illness! "shattered" - another synonym for ruined
Our New Year plans were destroyed because we all got sick!(みんな風邪を引いてしまったので、正月の計画がつぶれてしまった) "destroyed" - "ruined"(台無しになった)の同義語です。 Our New Year plans were blown out the water due to illness!(風邪で正月の計画がつぶれてしまった) "blown out the water" - 英語のイディオムで、「計画がつぶれた」の意味です。 Our holiday plans were shattered owing to illness!(風邪のせいで休暇の計画が台無しになった) "shattered" - これも "ruined" の同義語です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
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