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2016/04/03 19:19
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  • Sharp was bought by a company in Taiwan.

英語では会社のことでもそのまま「買う」という動詞を使うことが多いです。 「シャープは台湾の会社に買われた」という意味です。
  • SHARP was bought by a Taiwanese company.

  • SHARP was purchased by a company in Taiwan.

上記の英訳文はいかがでしょうか。 直訳すると、一つ目の英訳文は「SHARPが台湾企業に買収されました。」、二つ目の英訳文は「SHARPは台湾にある企業に買収されました。」となります。 「買収する」は、"buy"や"purchase"といった単語を使います。ですので、 "Taiwanese company bought SHARP.「台湾企業がシャープを買収しました。」"や"A company in Taiwan purchased SHARP.「台湾にある企業がシャープを買収しました。」"ということもできます。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • Sharp was bought out by a company in Taiwan.

"Sharp was bought out by a company in Tawain." Bought out - This is past tense, meaning to buy something and become the sole owner / to buy the financial interests in a company.
例文 "Sharp was bought out by a company in Tawain." (シャープは台湾の会社に買収された) Bought out - これは過去形です。「~を買い取る」「会社を買収する」という意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • SHARP was purchased by a Taiwanese Company

  • A Taiwanese Company has purchased SHARP

  • SHARP has been bought/purchased by a Taiwanese Company

The statements are all correct ways of mentioning or stating the company (SHARP) has been bought. bought= purchased, acquired,
これらはすべて、SHARP(会社)が買収されたと伝える正しい言い方です。 bought = 購入する、買収する
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • The company 'SHARP', was purchased by a company based in Taiwan.

  • A Taiwanese company bought SHARP

  • SHARP used to be owned by a Japanese company but was sold to a Taiwanese company.

There are so many different ways to explain this action. The sentences above are some examples. You can start by saying that the company 'SHARP' was originally a Japanese company but was 'purchased/bought' by a Taiwanese company. You can also say that it was sold to a Taiwanese company. You may also clarify by saying that SHARP was 'taken over' by a Taiwanese company. Though this expression ' taken over' hints that the company may have been facing some difficulties. This is an expression that needs to be read in relation to other words or sentences around it.
この状況について表す言い方はたくさんあります。上記の文はその一例です。シャープがもともと日本の会社であったと始めて、それが台湾の会社に買収された(purchased/bought)と伝えてもいいです。 また、台湾の会社に売却された(sold)と言うこともできます。'(SHARP was) taken over'(吸収合併された)を使って具体的に伝えることもできます。ただ、この'taken over'という表現は会社が困難に直面していたことをほのめかします。この表現は文脈を通して読み解く必要があります。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • The Sharp Company was bought by a Taiwanese company

  • A Taiwanese company has taken over Sharp

  • Sharp has been sold to another company

If the company Sharp does not exist any longer, we can say it has been bought by another company or it has been sold to another company. Sometimes companies "merge", if the two companies has combined, then you can say Sharp has merged with a Taiwanese company, but that is only if they have agreed on a certain business deal. Otherwise, the company is now owned by the Taiwanese company, whether it changes its name or not. Bought by... Sold to... now owned by...
シャープという会社がもう存在していないなら、"bought"(買収された)または"sold"(売却された)が使えます。 会社はすること"merge"(合併する)もあります。その場合、"Sharp has merged with a Taiwanese company"(シャープは台湾の会社と合併した)と言えます。ただ、これは特定の取引に合意した場合に限ります。 それ以外の場合には、名前が変わっても変わらなくても"owned"が使えます。 Bought by...(買収された) Sold to...(売却された) now owned by...(所有された)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • A Taiwanese company has purchased SHARP.

"A Taiwanese company has purchased SHARP" is a formal or professional way to say that SHARP was bought by a Taiwanese company
"A Taiwanese company has purchased SHARP" (台湾の企業がシャープを買収した) これは、シャープが台湾企業に買収されたことを伝えるフォーマル(専門的)な言い方です。
Regina M DMM英会話講師
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