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Signs written multiple languages together is necessary but I think design is also important so I hope local government consider their design seriously.
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2019/01/07 23:14
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  • Signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important.

Signs written in multiple languages are necessary, but I think design is also important, so I hope local governments consider their designs seriously. Written -> written in It's written in Japanese. She wrote it in ink. Together は必要はありません。 is -> are Signs は複数のため local government -> local governments (or) the local government 自分の local government だったら、my, our または the を使えます。 もし様々な local government について話したら、government は複数になります。 Design -> designs 使っている design は一つだけではないのため
  • Signs written in multiple dialects are a necessity but the design is vital!

  • Signs written in multiple languages are essential but so is the design!

"Signs written in multiple dialects are a necessity but the design is vital too!" This stresses the importance of what you want to relay to another person. "Dialect" is a synonym for language "Vital" is a synonym for important "Signs written in multiple languages are essential but so is the design!" "Essential" is a synonym of necessary "But so" means that the design is important too.
"Signs written in multiple dialects are a necessity but the design is vital too!" (多言語併記の看板は必要ですがデザインもまた非常に重要です) これは、あなたの伝えたいことの重要性を強調しています。 "Dialect" は "Language"(言語)の同義語です。 "Vital" は "Important"(重要)の同義語です。 ---- "Signs written in multiple languages are essential but so is the design!" (多言語併記の看板は不可欠ですがデザインもまた非常に重要です) "Essential" は "Necessary"(必要)の同義語です。 "But so" は、デザインもまた重要という意味です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • "Signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important"

  • "Signs written in multiple languages are essential but so is the design to complete its affect"

If your personal opinion is that signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important, you could explain this by stating one of the following: "Signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important" or "Signs written in multiple languages are essential but so is the design to complete its affect".
多言語併記の看板は必要だけどデザインも重視すべきであるという意見を持っているなら、次のように言えます。 "Signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important"(多言語併記の看板は必要だけどデザインも重視すべき) "Signs written in multiple languages are essential but so is the design to complete its affect"(多言語併記の看板は不可欠だけどデザインもまたその効果を高める上で重要)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I believe than signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important

  • Design is integral to producing effective signage in multiple languages

If you think signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important, then you may construct an explanation similar to either of the exampled sentences above. In the second example, the statement does not use the first person 'I' or 'we' but it is clearly a personal opinion as the adjective 'effective' has been used.
「多言語併記の看板は必要だけどデザインも重視するべき」と考えているなら、上記二つの文のように説明できます。 二つ目の文は一人称の 'I' または 'we' を使っていませんが、'effective' が使われているので、個人的な意見であることは明白です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Signs written in multiple languages are necessary but considering the design is also important

  • Design is important for signs as well as then being written in multiple languages

If soemthing has a great significance or value then it is said to be 'important' if something is vital and has to be done then you can say it is necessary multiple means more than one so 'multiple languages' means more than one language
「大きな意味を持つ」「重要である」は、'important' で表すことができます。 何かが必要不可欠であるなら、これは necessary で表すことができます。 'multiple' は「複数の」という意味です。ですから、'multiple languages' は「複数の言語」です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • When making a sign, I think it's important to consider both the languages used and the design.

With the sentence, you are clearly communicating your worry for the usage of languages and the design of it. After saying this, your listener will tell you either that they agree or disagree. I hope that this helps :)
この文では、使用する言語とデザインについて明確に懸念を表しています。これを受けて、相手はこの意見に賛成か反対か伝えてくるでしょう。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The language on a sign is important, but so is the visual design.

  • The words on a sign are important, but so is the shape of the sign.

In American English, 'visual design' in this case means the overall creative form the sign takes, including any information it is trying to convey. On the other hand, the 'shape' of the sign refers more to its geometric form, such as whether the particular sign is a circle, square, rectangle, hexagon, or triangle. In the rural U.S., if you find yourself driving down a country road, you might notice an unusual and rather improvised design feature of road signs: bullet holes.
アメリカ英語では、'visual design' はこの場合、それが伝えようとする情報を含めた看板全体の視覚的なデザインを言います。 一方、'shape' は、それが円か正方形か長方形か六角形か三角形かなど、看板の幾何学的な形状を言います。 アメリカの田舎道を車で走ると、道路標識に珍しい即席のデザインがあるのに気が付くかもしれません、銃弾の跡です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
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