世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/10 02:11
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  • Don't bring politics into sports!

持ち込むで to bring in という表現を使います。 政治もそうですが人種差別的な物もあるので politics より racism と言う方が良いと思います。 ただ 人種差別は海外でもデリケートな問題なので 使う際は気を付けて下さい。
  • You shouldn't bring such a serious conversation into a fun environment.

  • Now isn't the time to talk about politics.

  • I think we should keep politics separate from sports.

In the first example, I provided a sentence that could be used very informally to a person you are well acquainted with. If you are not very familiar with the person you are speaking to and you want to remain very respectful, polite and not make the person you are speaking to feel bad or insulted, you can use the last statement. In the second statement, this is something you can say that is very direct and is neither rude or impolite.
一つ目の例では、仲の良い相手に使えるとてもインフォーマルな文を紹介しました。 相手とあまり親しくなくて、礼儀正しく丁寧にその人の気持ちを害することがないように言いたいなら、三つ目の例が使えます。 二つ目の例はとても単刀直入な言い方で、無礼でも失礼でもありません。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Don't bring politics into sports.

  • Let's keep politics separate from sports.

We can use the terms 'bring into' or 'separate' to express our desire to not combine these two topics of politics and sports. -Don't bring politics into sports. -Let's keep politics separate from sports.
政治とスポーツは「切り離すべき」と言うときには 'bring into' や 'separate' を使うことができます。 -Don't bring politics into sports.(スポーツに政治を持ち込むな) -Let's keep politics separate from sports.(政治とスポーツは切り離して考えよう)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • "Don't bring politics into sports"

  • "Politics and sports should be kept separate"

In order to express to someone that you do not believe that politics should be brought into sports, you can simply state, "Politics and sports should be kept separate. This shows you believe there should be a clear line between these two issues, and communicates that you do not want to be involved.
「政治をスポーツに持ち込むべきでない」は、次のように言えます。 "Politics and sports should be kept separate." (政治とスポーツは切り離すべき) この文は、「スポーツと政治は切り離すべき」という意味で、話し手がそこには関わりたくないと思っていることを表します。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Keep politics out of sport!

  • Politics have no business in sport!

  • Sports and politics is not a good combination!

"Keep politics out of sport!" "Politics have no business in a sport!" "Sports and politics is not a good combination!" All of the above sentences can describe the fact that sports and politics are not friends. These two topics should be kept apart or separate. Sports is an enjoyable topic whereas politics can be a very controversial topic.
"Keep politics out of sport!"(政治にスポーツを持ち込まないで) "Politics have no business in a sport!"(政治にスポーツを持ち込むべきでない) "Sports and politics is not a good combination!"(政治にスポーツを持ち込むべきでない) 上記どの文も、スポーツと政治は相性が悪いと伝えています。 この二つのトピックは切り離すべきですね。スポーツは楽しいトピックですが、政治の話では激しく意見が割れることがあります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Don't bring politics into sports

  • Keep politics out of sport

There are some subjects that get people arguing as they have different opinions, religion, politics and sports are some of those so it is always best to keep them seperate so as not to cause an argument a simply way to say this is 'keep politics out of sport' although you can also say 'don't bring poloitics into sports'
言い争いになりやすい話題というのはありますね。例えば、宗教、政治、スポーツ。これらは一緒に論じない方がいいです。 シンプルな言い方は 'keep politics out of sport'(政治とスポーツを一緒にするな)です。 'don't bring poloitics into sports'(政治をスポーツに持ち込むな)という言い方もできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Politics should not be a part of sports.

  • You should not include politics in sports.

You should not include politics in sports. This phrase is used when you are telling the person who may not know that they have combined the two or when showing disapproval to something that has been said. Politics should not be a part of sports. This is a more stern way of saying that sports and politics should not be mixed together.
You should not include politics in sports.(政治をスポーツに持ち込むべきではない) は、自覚なくこれをしている人へのアドバイスや、あるいは相手への非難として使うこともできます。 Politics should not be a part of sports.(政治をスポーツに持ち込むべきではない) は、「政治をスポーツに持ち込むべきではない」のより厳格な言い方です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Don't mix politics with sport!

  • There's no place for politics in sport!

  • Political opinions should not have any influence on sporting activities

I want to tell someone not to bring politics into sports. Above are a couple of suggestions which may fit taht scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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