世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/12 02:28
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  • There is a big difference between "knowing" and "doing".

  • "To know" and "to do" are really different.

上記の英訳文はいかがでしょうか。 直訳すると、一つ目の英訳文は「"知っている"ということと"する"ということには、大きな違いがあります。」、二つ目の英訳文は「"知っている"と"する"は本当に違います。」となります。 「できる」というのは、実際に「する」ということなので、動詞"do"を使いました。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • There is a definite difference between knowing something and doing something!

  • Practical versus theoretical

There is a definite difference between knowing something and doing something! Some people have the skills to do both and others are not that lucky, they only have one of the two skills. I know how to play soccer but I am not able to do it. Practical versus theoretical "Practical" is when you have the knowledge to actually do something "Theoretical" is only having the knowledge to do something but not the practical knowledge to do something
There is a definite difference between knowing something and doing something!(知っているのと、実際にするのでは明確な違いがある) 幸運にもどちらの能力も持ち合わせている人もいますが、どちらか一方しかできない人もいます。 I know how to play soccer but I am not able to do it.(サッカーの仕方は知っています、でも実際にやることはできません) Practical VS. theoretical "Practical" は実用的な知識を表します。 "Theoretical" は実用的でない知識を表します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • There's a big difference between knowing something and actually being able to do it

  • To know something and do something are totally different

You can know lots of things and how to do them but it does not mean you are actually able to do them 'to know something and do something are totally different' is a simple way of expressing this
「知っているからといってそれができるとは限らない」 'to know something and do something are totally different'(知っていることとできることは全く別物)は、そのシンプルな言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • To know something is different than knowing how to do something

  • Knowing something and being able to do something are two different things

When explaining to someone this sentence, you want to explain that knowing something is not the same as knowing how to do something. A good example for this is seen in math problems. An individual might know the subject, but when asked to solve a complex problem, they might have a difficult time performing the task. When performing a task, many different problems may arise, making the task more difficult than anticipated.
これは、 "To know something is different than knowing how to do something"(何かを知っていることと、そのやり方を知っていることは同じではない) と説明できます。 この一つの例として数学の問題があります。その教科は知っていても、問題を実際に解くよう頼まれると困ってしまうと。 何かを実際にしようとすると、さまざまな問題に直面し、「思っていたよりも難しい」ということはよくあります。
Estter DMM英会話講師
  • There's a big difference between knowing something and actually being able to do it

  • Knowing something and actually having the ability to do it, are two completely different things

Knowing something and being able to do something is a big difference.You want to explain that point - and the above examples may help.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • To know and to do are very different

  • To be able to complete a task is very different compared to knowing about it

"To be able to complete a task is very different compared to knowing about it" often the truth, to be able to perform a task takes somewhat much more skill than being able to just know about it. There is often a misconception between this, you see some people who are very intelligent and know how to perform a task but they do not have the 'hands on' skills to complete it, this is known as being "good with your hands" or being practical.
"To be able to complete a task is very different compared to knowing about it"(仕事ができるというのとそのやり方を知っているというのは全く違います) その通りですね。単にやり方を知っているというだけでは仕事はできません。それよりもはるかに多くのスキルが求められます。 これにはしばしば思い違いがあります。頭が良くて仕事のやり方は分かるけどその技術がない、ということがあります。これは "good with your hands"(手先が器用)や "practical"(実用的)といいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Those who can 'do' those who can't 'teach.'

  • Easier said than done.

when you say that something is easier said than done you are literally saying that someone can say something however it would be very hard for them to do what they have just said. Those who can 'do' those who can't 'teach.' This is saying that when someone is able to do something they are the ones to do it directly. When someone cannot do something they often teach others about it because they have 'read' and understood the various principles but could not practically put it into practice.
"Easier said than done" は「言うのは簡単だけど、それを行動に移すのは難しい」という意味です。 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Those who can 'do' those who can't 'teach.'(できる人は「する」、できない人は「教える」) は「できる人は実際にそれをする。できない人は(知識はあっても実行できないから)それを人に教える」という意味です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Knowledge versus ability...

  • There's a huge difference between theory and practice...

  • I'll take practice over theory any day!

It is one thing to have knowledge of something and understand the theory...And quite a different matter altogether, to put that knowledge into practice! Experience is our true teacher and in life, and we soon find the value of doing things instead of learning about things;-) It is a case of theory over practice and in the end, nothing beats the real world experience of doing...
知識があって理屈を理解していることと、それを実践できることは全く別の話です。 経験に勝る教師はいません。人生ではすぐに、学ぶことよりも実践する大切さに気付かされます。理論よりも実践。結局、経験に勝るものはないということです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Knowing how do something doesn't mean you are able to do it.

  • There is a difference between knowing how to do something and being able to do it.

  • You can know technically how to do something, but still need to learn how to practically do it.

"Knowing how do something doesn't mean you are able to do it." is a very simple and straight forward way of making a statement without any explanation and is much like the slightly longer statement - "There is a difference between knowing how to do something and being able to do it.". If you want to be a little more clear on the difference between 'technically' and 'practically' you can insert those words in your statement. 'Technically' refers to having the knowledge and understanding while 'practically' refers to the skill of being able to put that knowledge into action. A good way to use these references in a statement is - "You can know technically how to do something, but still need to learn how to practically do it.".
"Knowing how to do something doesn't mean you are able to do it."(やり方を知っているからといって、それができるわけではない)は、非常にシンプルでストレートな言い方です。これは "There is a difference between knowing how to do something and being able to do it."(やり方を知っているのとそれができるのは違う)とよく似ています。 'technically' と 'practically' の違いについてもう少し明確にしたいなら、これらの語を文に加えることもできます。'technically' は知識を持つこと、'practically' はその知識を実践する能力を指します。 例えば: "You can know technically how to do something, but still need to learn how to practically do it." (知識だけでなく、その実践方法も学ばなければならない)
Claire L DMM英会話講師
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