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2019/01/13 06:32
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  • My children will come home for New Years.

  • My kids will come home at the New Year.

大人になっても”my children”とか”my kids”を言います。 それより”my son” “my son and daughter” “my daughters”の方が良いと思います。 My son is 25 years old and my daughter is 22. 年末年始 - New Years, the new year 別に暮らして、両親の家に帰る時”come home”を使えます。 My children will come home My children are coming home My son will come back home
  • It is customary for kids to come to their hometown for New Year!

  • My child will come home for New Year!

  • I am going home for New Year!

"It is customary for kids to come to their hometown for New Year!" "Customary" meaning that it is a tradition for many people to go to their hometowns for the New Year celebration. If you are married, the couple alternates their visits their own parents and their in-laws. "Home" is sometimes a reference of where you live or your parent's house in your hometown. As parents, irrespective of their age, we will always call them our kids.
"It is customary for kids to come to their hometown for New Year!"(新年には子どもが故郷の町に帰る慣習があります) "customary" は、新年を祝うために人々が故郷の町に帰る慣習があることを表します。 結婚しているカップルはお互いに自分の両親と義理の両親に会いに行きます。 "Home" は今自分が住んでいる所を指すことも、故郷にある親の住む家を指すこともあります。 親は年齢に関係なく自分の子どもを "kids" といいます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My kids are grown now, and are coming to visit us during New Years.

In American English, we often say 'kids' rather than 'children' though both are acceptable in nearly all situations. Alternatives for the word 'grown' would be 'grown up', 'adults', 'older', 'on their own', 'living independently', etc. Even though any adult who is living independently surely has their own home, they may still speak of return visits to their parent's residence as 'going home for the holidays.' I hope that this is useful to you in your English study.
アメリカ英語ではしばしば 'children' ではなく 'kids' と言います。ただ、ほぼ全ての状況でどちらの言葉も使えます。 'grown' の代わりに使える言葉には 'grown up' 'adults' 'older' 'on their own' 'living independently' などがあります。 独立して暮らしている大人は皆自分の家を持っているわけですが、それでも親の家に帰ることは 'going home for the holidays'(休暇に実家に帰る)と表されます。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • My children will visit for the holidays

  • My children will come home for New Years

"My children will visit for the holidays" Is a common statement, To visit is to come and go usually within the day. "My children will come home for New Years" To 'come home for...' is a term used normally for going back to where your parents live or had lived when you where a child.
"My children will visit for the holidays"(子どもたちが休暇に戻ってきます) = 一般的な言い方です。'To visit' は「〔普通日帰りで〕~を訪れる」という意味です。 "My children will come home for New Years"(年末年始に子どもたちが帰省します) = 'To come home for...' は、実家に帰るときや、あるいは自分が子どもの頃を過ごした所に帰るときに使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • My kids will be back home on New Year's.

  • My kids will return home for New Year's.

「年末年始は子供達が帰ってくる」は”My kids will be back home on New Year's. ”や”My kids will return home for New Year's. ”で大丈夫です。 「帰ってくる」はreturn home やback homeで大丈夫です。 日本西暦による年末年始は来月の三日・四日ですよね。どうぞ楽しんでください。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • My adult and independent children are staying with us for the New Year break.

If your children are fully grown adults and they live separately from you and you want to say that they will come visit for the New Year holidays, then you will find the above exampled sentence quite adequate! Of course this sentence indicates that they will stay at your place. If they are staying somewhere else (not in your home) you should say, '..visiting us and staying in this area'.
成長して別々に暮らしている子どもたちが年末年始に帰ってくると言いたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 もちろんこの文は、子どもたちが話し手の家に滞在するという意味です。もし(家でなく)別の所に滞在するなら、'..visiting us and staying in this area' と言った方がいいです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My adult children will come home for New Years.

In American English, when parents talk about their older children and want to make it clear that those children no longer live with them, they call them "adult children." Also, when we talk about the holidays of New Years Eve and New Years Day, we just say New Years. I hope that this helps. :)
アメリカ英語では、大きくなってもう一緒に住んでいない子どもを表すとき、"adult children" という言葉が使われます。 また、大晦日と元旦のことは単に "New Years" と言えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • My children will come home for the New Year

When your kids are grown up you might not see them very often but Christmas and New year is usually a time when families get together to celebrate o you would say 'my children will come home for New Year'
子どもとは大きくなると顔を合わせる機会が少なくなりますが、年末年始にはみんながそろうことが多いですね。 'my children will come home for New Year'(子どもたちが年末年始に帰ってきます)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My kids will be coming home for New Years.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「My kids will be coming home for New Years.」 (意味)年末年始は子供達が帰ってきます。 <例文>My kids will be coming home for New Years. We're going to celebrate New Years together. <訳>年末年始は子供達が帰ってきます。一緒にお正月をお祝いします。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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