"Could you speak a little slower?"
"I'm new to learning English. Can you speak slower, please?"
* speak slower: ゆっくり話す
* new to: まだ〜〜始めたばかり
* learning English: 英語の勉強
Could you slow down a little for me please? I'm having trouble picking up everything that you're saying.
This answer is a great way of asking your teacher to slow down their speaking speed and also provides a reason as to why you're requesting this.
Beginner students can find native accents tricky to understand and so the slower someone speaks (in any new language) will always make them easier to understand.
Can you please adjust your speaking speed? I'd like it if you spoke a little slower
When you want to ask your teacher to speak a bit slower; then you may ask in the following ways:
-Could you please speak a little slower?
-Can you please adjust your speaking speed? I'd like it if you spoke a little slower
-Could you please speak a little slower?(もう少しゆっくり話してもらえますか)
-Can you please adjust your speaking speed? I'd like it if you spoke a little slower(話す速度を調節してもらえますか。もう少しゆっくり話してもらいたいです)
I would appreciate it very much if you can speak slowly please.
The expression 'speak more slowly', used in the first request, implies that the teacher was already speaking slowly, but, you would like him/her to speak 'more' slowly so that you can understand what he/she is saying. The adverb 'more' is a comparative word. In this case you would like the teacher to speak 'more' slowly than he/she was speaking before. In all your preferred requests, please remember to include the adverb 'please'. It signifies politeness and not a command. In the last request, you indicate your appreciation beforehand if the teacher can speak 'more slowly' by saying 'I would appreciate it very much'.
So, you may say:
Will you please speak more slowly?
Please slow down a little.
I would appreciate it very much if you can speak slowly please.
一つ目の例の 'speak more slowly' は、「既にゆっくり話してくれているけど、もっとゆっくり話して欲しい」というニュアンスです。
副詞の 'more' は比較語です。ここでは、「もっと」ゆっくり話して欲しいと伝えています。
どのようにお願いするにしても副詞の 'please' を加えることを忘れないでください。'please' は、それが命令でなく丁寧なお願いであることを表します。
最後の例では、'I would appreciate it very much'(~してくれたらありがたい)と、前もってお礼を伝えています。
Will you please speak more slowly?(もう少しゆっくり話してもらえますか)
Please slow down a little.(もう少しスピードを落としてください)
I would appreciate it very much if you can speak slowly please.(ゆっくり話していただければありがたいです)
Can you slow it down for me?.. Modify the speed (to suit the student)
As teachers we may need to modify the speed of our speech dlivery to suit the student
Listening skills are probably the most misunderstood aspect of learning English!
When we learned to speak our first language...there were no books initially, nor any formal lesson..
.It was all about immersion in the sound of someone else speaking.
It is perfectly fine to ask your teacher to modify the speed of their speech patterns to accommodate the students current abilities. And it is best to speak up and let them know you are having difficulty;-))
Simply say; "Can you please slow it down a little for me...?
"Can you please slow it down a little for me...?"
Would you mind speaking a little bit slower for me please?
I can't keep up, could you repeat it a bit slower please?
We would usually say this if we are not understanding what the teacher is saying because of the speed that he or she is speaking. It can be very daunting sometimes when we are listening to a foreign language and we cannot make out one word of what is being said. Particularly if we are beginners. We are not at the level yet where we can keep up with native speakers way of speaking. The teacher won't mind this request at all, as it is his or her job to have patience and make sure everyone understands the lesson