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2019/01/16 12:34
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  • It was minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today.

  • It was 5 below in Sapporo today.

「マイナス5」は色々な言い方があります。 カタカナのままの"minus"でもいいし、"negative"でもいいです。 "below"は「下」との意味で、ここでは「0度より下」になります。 天気の話をしているなら「度」("degrees")を言わなくても伝わります! 例: It was minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today. 今日札幌の気温はマイナス5度でした。 minus 5 degrees = マイナス5度 in Sapporo = 札幌では today = 今日 是非使ってみてください!
  • It is negative 5 degrees in Sapporo today.

一般的には摂氏で表すかと思いますが、アメリカでは華氏を使います。 その場合は"negative"「マイナス」を抜いて、"41 degrees"と言います。 ちなみに、"negative" の代わりに "minus" を使うこともできます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • It was negative five degrees in Sapporo today

  • It was negative 5 degrees today.

If it is clear to both the speaker and the listener what location you are talking about, you can leave out the name of the city. 1: "What was the weather like in Sapporo?" 2: "It was negative 5 degrees today."
どこについて言っているのかが文脈から明白な場合には、町の名前は省くことができます。 1: "What was the weather like in Sapporo?"(札幌の天気はどんな風でしたか) 2: "It was negative 5 degrees today."(今日はマイナス5度でした)
Roberto M DMM英会話講師
  • It is minus 5 in Sapporo today.

  • The temperature in Sapporo is -5.

  • It is below freezing in Sapporo right now.

Minus 5' refers to negative 5 degrees in temperature. We can also say that the temperature is below 'freezing' as this is anything below 0 degrees. When mentioning the temperature in degrees, it is important to mention whether this is in celcius or fahrenheit as this will differ depending on what part of the world you are in.
Minus 5' は、気温のマイナス5度を指します。 また、0℃以下なのでthe temperature is below 'freezing' とも言います。 気温のことを話すときは、国によって異なるので、摂氏か華氏かを伝えるのが大切です。  
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The temperature dropped to minus 5 in Sapporo today!

  • It was freezing in Sapporo, minus 5 degrees!

"The temperature dropped to minus 5 in Sapporo today!" "It was freezing in Sapporo, minus 5 degrees!" "freezing" is another word to describe really cold conditions When the temperature drops below zero, then it goes into a negative, we can use the word "minus" (preposition) or "negative" to describe the cold or freezing or really icy conditions in an area/city/country.
"The temperature dropped to minus 5 in Sapporo today!"(今日の札幌はマイナス5度まで気温が下がりました) "It was freezing in Sapporo, minus 5 degrees!"(札幌は凍える寒さでした、マイナス5度でした) 気温は零度以下になると "negative"(マイナス)に入ります。 零度以下は、"negative" または "minus"(前置詞)で表せます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • It was minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today.

  • It was sub-zero, minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today.

"It was sub-zero, minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today." Sub-zero is a temperature that is below 0 degrees. "It was minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today." Minus is a more common alternative the word negative when referencing temperature
"It was sub-zero, minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today."(今日札幌は気温マイナス5度でした) "Sub-zero" とは零度以下の温度をいいます。 "It was minus 5 degrees in Sapporo today."(今日札幌は気温マイナス5度でした) 気温について言う場合、"Negative"(マイナス)よりも "Minus"(マイナス)の方が一般的です。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • It was minus five in Sapporo today

  • The temperature in Sapporo today was minus five Celsius

When asked how the weather is today, you want to answer that it was negative 5 degrees in Sapporo today. Above are a couple of suggestions appropriate for that scenario. The normal measurement of temperature in the UK these days is Celsius.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is minus five degrees in Sapporo today.

  • Today in Sapporo the temperature is negative five degrees.

  • In Sapporo the temperature is minus 5 degrees.

Use the sentences above to explain that it was very cold in Sapporo. "It was really cold today in Sapporo, it was minus five degrees." Five degrees is very cold temperature and you would need to dress very warm to make sure you don't get sick.
札幌がすごく寒かったことを説明するなら、上記の文を使ってみてください。 "It was really cold today in Sapporo, it was minus five degrees." (今日の札幌はすごく寒かったです、マイナス5度でした) マイナス5度は寒いですね。暖かくして風邪を引かないようにしないといけません。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • It was 5 below in Sapporo today.

  • In Sapporo, it was minus 5 today.

It was 5 below in Sapporo today. - This sentence can be used to express the temperature being 5 degrees below zero. In Sapporo, it was minus 5 today. - This sentence can also be used to express the temperature being 5 degrees below zero.
It was 5 below in Sapporo today.(今日札幌はマイナス5度でした) この文は「気温がマイナス5度だった」を表すとき、使うことができます。 In Sapporo, it was minus 5 today.(札幌は今日マイナス5度でした) この文も「気温がマイナス5度だった」を表します。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
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