世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/16 13:26
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  • What was your favourite TV program?

  • What TV program did you like to watch?

When watching films or TV everyone enjoys different things so you might want to know what their favouriate TV program was 'What was your favourite TV program' is the best way to ask this to find out what you want to know
映画やテレビ番組の好みは人それぞれ違いますから、相手が好きだった番組について聞いてみたいと思うこともあるかもしれません。 'What was your favourite TV program'(好きなテレビ番組は何でしたか)はこれについて確認するベストな言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favorite TV show?

  • Do you have a favorite TV show?

"What's your favorite TV show?" can be asked if you want to know a person's TV program they like to watch is.
"What's your favorite TV show?" (好きなテレビ番組は何ですか?)は、相手にどんなテレビ番組が好きかを尋ねるフレーズです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • "What was your favorite TV program?"

  • "What was your favourite TV show that you use to watch a lot of?"

In order to find out from someone what their favourite television program is that they use to watch previously, you can simply state "What was your favourite TV show that you use to watch a lot of?". This shows that you are referring to programs from a previous time in their life.
昔好きだったテレビ番組を尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 "What was your favourite TV show that you use to watch a lot of?" 「昔はよく見ていたテレビ番組は何ですか」 これは、以前好きだったテレビ番組を尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • In the past, what was your favorite tv show to watch?

  • What was or is your favorite tv show?

  • Remember the show "(name of tv program)" that we used to watch, which episode was your favorite?

Hi! It depends, I would ask it differently depending on the situation and on the answer I want. 1) If I want to know which episode was their favorite from a tv program we both watched I would say: "Remember the show "(name of tv program)" that we used to watch, which episode was your favorite?" OR 2) If I want to know out of all the tv shows in existence, which one was their favorite I would ask: " What was or is your favorite tv show?"
こんにちは! これは状況によります。私なら、状況やどんな答えを求めているかによって言い方を変えます。 1) 相手と一緒に見ていたテレビ番組のどのエピソードが好きだったか知りたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Remember the show "(name of tv program)" that we used to watch, which episode was your favorite?" 「昔見ていた『(番組名)』っていう番組覚えている?どのエピソードが好きだった?」 2) もし全てのテレビ番組の中で何が一番好きだったか知りたいなら、次のように聞けます。 "What was or is your favorite tv show?" 「何のテレビ番組が好きでしたか[好きですか]」
Janinne E DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favorite TV program back in the day?

  • What did you used to watch on TV?

  • What was your all time favorite show on TV?

"What was your favorite TV program back in the day?" "back in the day" is a bit of slang meaning some years ago "What did you used to watch on TV?" "What was your all-time favorite show on TV?" All the expressions above are referring to show or programs that you watched on TV when you were younger. We all have a variety of genres that we liked watching on TV and our taste changes as we grow older. Some of us outgrow certain things that we liked watching as children but now that we are grown up, we don't seem to enjoy it anymore.
"What was your favorite TV program back in the day?"(昔どんなテレビ番組が好きでしたか) "back in the day" は「昔は」という意味のスラング的な言葉です。 "What did you used to watch on TV?"(昔はどんなテレビ番組を見ていましたか) "What was your all-time favorite show on TV?"(どんなテレビ番組が1番好きでしたか) 上記はどれも昔好きだったテレビ番組を尋ねる言い方です。好きだった番組は人それぞれいろいろでしょうね。そして、好みは年齢とともに変化します。子どもの頃好きだったけど大人になって好きでなくなるということもあります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favourite TV programme at that time?

  • What TV programme was your favourite in thos days?

When talking about TV that you used to watch. you want to ask someone what their favorite TV program was. The above suggestions are appropriate for that case.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favorite TV program?

  • Tell me, what's your TV program of choice?

What was your favorite TV program? **The most straight forward way of asking the question. Tell me, what's your TV program of choice? **Can be used if you are talking about your favorite TV program, and would like the other person to tell you what theirs is.
What was your favorite TV program?(好きなテレビ番組は何でしたか) **最もストレートな言い方です。 Tell me, what's your TV program of choice?(好きなテレビ番組は何ですか) **好きなテレビ番組について話していて、相手のそれを尋ねるときに使えます。
Ana Filipa DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favorite TV show?

  • Which TV program did you enjoy most?

  • Did you have a favorite TV show?

Everyone who watches TV has a program they enjoy most. If you would like to find out which program someone likes most, use the sentences above. Some people enjoy watching movies and so they usually tune into the movie channels whereas some people like cartoons or documentaries. Favorite: something you like the most.
テレビを見る人ならみんな一番好きなテレビ番組があることでしょう。相手の一番好きなテレビ番組を知りたいなら、これらの例がぴったりです。 映画が好きな人もいるので、アニメやドキュメンタリーが好きな人もいれば、映画番組になることもあるでしょう。   Favorite: 一番好きな
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favorite TV show?

  • What's your favorite TV series?

When referring to television programs, they're most commonly referred to as "TV shows" or "TV series". These shows or series generally are made up of "seasons", set periods of time the program is aired or runs on TV. These usually last for a year. So you'll most likely hear people refer to certain "seasons" of a TV show (i.e. season one, season two, etc.) So, to ask someone what their favorite television program is, you ask "What's your favorite TV show?" or "what's your favorite TV series?" Either is acceptable, and these are natural and commonly understood ways to ask.
テレビ番組のことを"TV shows" や "TV series"と言います。このテレビ番組は、 "seasons"(シーズン)でできていて、ある決められた期間で放映され、たいてい1年ほど放映されます。例えばシーズン1やシーズン2のように、テレビ番組の「シーズン」という言葉をよく耳にすることでしょう。   そして人に好きなテレビ番組を聞くには、 "What's your favorite TV show?" (好きなテレビ番組はなんですか?)や "what's your favorite TV series?"(好きなテレビ番組は何ですか?)と尋ねるといいでしょう。どちらも自然でよく使われる表現です。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favourite show at a child?

  • Did you watch TV as a child?

  • What was your favourite tv show back in the day?

You should always ask about a time frame when asking these questions. Because peoples favourite TV shows and movies always change when they get older. So its important to always state the time you mean when you ask this question. e.g. 'What was your favourite TV show last year?' OR 'what is your favourite TV show now?'
このような質問をするときには、いつのことかを伝えるといいでしょう。なぜなら、その人の好きな番組や映画は年を取るにつれて変わっていくからです。 ですので、このような質問をするときは、いつのことを言っているのかを伝えるのが大事です。 例: 'What was your favourite TV show last year?' (去年好きだったテレビ番組は何ですか?) 'what is your favourite TV show now?' (今好きなテレビ番組は何ですか?)
Bradley A bradleya
  • What was your favourite tv program?

Yokoさん、ご質問ありがとうございます。 What is ~ の代わりに、What was ~ で、過去のことを聞けますね。 例文 What was your favourite meal? 「一番好きな食事はなんでしたか?」 例文 What was your objective? 「目的は何でしたか?」 ご参考になれば、幸いです。
  • What was your favorite thing on TV that you used to watch?

  • What was your #1 TV program you used to watch?

Yokoさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - What was your favorite thing on TV that you used to watch? - What was your #1 TV program you used to watch? --- #1 = number one --- ...used to + V = 前よく~していた(こと) お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • What is your favorite TV show?

  • What's some of your favorite TV program's?

  • Which TV show is your favorite?

when trying to ask someone what their favorite TV program is, you can just say something as simple as "What's your favorite TV show?". By using the word "what" in your sentence, you turn the sentence into a question therefore asking whomever it is what their favorite TV show is.
好きなテレビ番組を尋ねるなら、シンプルに "What's your favorite TV show?" と言えます。"what" を使うことでこれを疑問文に変換し、「好きなテレビ番組は何ですか」と尋ねています。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favorite television show?

  • What used to be your favorite television show?

What was your favorite television show? - This sentence is past tense, referring to a favorite television show of the past. This sentence can be used in conversation to inquire about a tv show/program the person used to enjoy. What used to be your favorite television show? - In this sentence, the word "used to be" describes an activity that took place in the past. The word "used to be" means "was" in this question sentence. Example: I "used to be" a student at Harvard University. = I "was" a student at Harvard University. I "used to be" happy, until I got married. Now I'm extravagantly (very) happy. = I "was" happy until I got married. Now I'm extravagantly (very) happy.
What was your favorite television show?(一番好きなテレビ番組は何でしたか) この文は過去時制です。過去に好きだったテレビ番組について聞いています。この文は、昔好きだったテレビ番組について聞くときに使うことができます。 What used to be your favorite television show?(昔好きだったテレビ番組を教えてください) "used to be" は過去の活動を説明します。この文では、"used to be" は "was" を意味します。 例: I "used to be" a student at Harvard University. = I "was" a student at Harvard University. (私はハーバード大学の学生でした) I "used to be" happy, until I got married. Now I'm extravagantly (very) happy. = I "was" happy until I got married. Now I'm extravagantly (very) happy. (結婚するまでも幸せでしたが、今はすごく幸せです)
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favourite TV program?

If you was asking them what program was there best from the past you would say "What was your favourite TV program?" But if you wanted to ask in a way you mean now you would say "What is your favourite program?".
昔好きだった番組を聞くなら、"What was your favourite TV program?"(一番好きだったテレビ番組は何でしたか)と言えます。 今好きな番組を聞くなら、"What is your favourite program?"(一番好きなテレビ番組は何ですか)と言えます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favorite TV show?

  • Which TV show did you like the most?

  • Which TV show was your favorite?

"What was your favorite TV show?", can be used to ask someone what TV program he/she enjoyed the most in the past. The verb, "was", refers to the past. A word that is commonly used for, "TV program", is "show". Use, "TV", before the word, "show", to refer to a television program. It is not necessary to use, "TV", before, "show", if it has already been stated that the topic of conversation is television. "Which TV show did you like the most?", is another way to ask for the information mentioned above. The verbs, "did like", refer to the past. "TV show", refers to the program on television. By using, "the most", one can express the same idea that is expressed by the word, "favorite". "Which TV show was your favorite?", can also be used to ask someone which TV program he/she enjoyed the most in the past. The verb, "was", refers to the past. The word, "favorite", refers to the TV program that a person enjoyed the most out of all the TV programs he used to watch. All of these questions are commonly used in conversation.
"What was your favorite TV show?" (好きなテレビ番組は何でしたか?) これは、人に昔どんなテレビ番組が好きだったかを聞くのに使うことができます。動詞 "was"は、過去形です。テレビ番組を表すよく使われる言葉は、 "show"です。showの前にTVと付ける必要はありませんが、そのように言うこともできます。   "Which TV show did you like the most?" (どのテレビ番組が一番好きでしたか?) これは、別の言い方です。動詞"did like"は過去形です。"the most"は、"favorite"と同じ意味で使われます。   "Which TV show was your favorite?" (どのテレビ番組が好きでしたか?) これは、昔どのテレビ番組が好きだったかを聞くフレーズです。 "favorite"は、その人が一番好きだったテレビ番組を指します。 これら全ての質問は、日常会話でよく使われます。
Darya G DMM英会話講師
  • What did you like to watch to watch on TV?

  • What was your favorite thing to watch on TV?

We can use these to find out the TV programs they liked to watch
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • What used to be your favorite television show?

  • What was your favourite TV program?

What used to be your favorite television show? (あなたが以前好きだったテレビ番組はなんですか?) used to be=以前~だった/~したという意味、昔の習慣や行動を表すことができます。 What was your favorite TV program? (あなたの好きなテレビ番組なんでした?) What is your favorite TV program? (あなたの好きなテレビ番組はなんですか?)という現在の事を聞く疑問文のbe動詞を過去形(was)に変えることで過去のことを聞くことができます。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • What was your favourite TV show growing up?

  • When you were young, what did you like to watch on TV?

  • What was your favourite television programme?

What was your favourite TV show growing up?' 'Growing up' refers to the past and so implies that you are asking them what their favourite TV show used to be. Using 'was' rather than 'is' is important here as it is using the past tense and therefore you are asking about their previous favourite TV programme, rather than a current one.
What was your favourite TV show growing up?'(子どもの頃に好きだったテレビ番組は何ですか) 'growing up' は過去を指します。ですから、これは「昔好きだったテレビ番組は何ですか」というニュアンスです。 ここでは 'is' でなく 'was' を使うのがポイントです。過去時制を使って、昔好きだったテレビ番組を尋ねているからです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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