世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/16 18:31
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  • Come to Japan between July and August

  • Come to Japan from late July to the middle of August

一つ目の英文、"Come to Japan between July and August" とは、「7月から8月までの間に日本に遊びに来て」という意味です。でも、この英文はほとんど7月の中心なので、気を付けてください。。 二つ目の英文、"Come to Japan from late July to the middle of August" とは「7月末から8月の中旬の間に日本に遊びに来て」を表します。理由をあげたい場合、Because I have summer vacation from late July to the middle of August, I want you to come at that time" 「私の夏休み期間である7月の終わりから8月の中旬に来てほしい
  • "Come to visit me in Japan anytime between July and August"

In order to tell your friend that is coming to Japan that your summer break is between July and August, you can state "Come to visit me in Japan anytime between July and August". This makes your friend aware of the times in which you free to spend time with them in Japan.
日本に来る友達に、自分の夏休みは7月から8月までだと伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Come to visit me in Japan anytime between July and August". (7月から8月までの間に日本に会いに来てください) このように言えば、いつなら日本でその人と一緒に過ごす時間があるのか伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Please schedule your visit between July and August!

  • Please come between July and August!

"Please schedule your visit between July and August!" "Please come visit between July and August!" July and August are summer months in Japan, and we have lots of festivals happening at that time. It is very humid but there are many ways to keep cool. So, it would be a good idea for you to come to Japan between July and August.
"Please schedule your visit between July and August!"(7月から8月までの間に来てください) "Please come visit between July and August!"(7月から8月までの間に来てください) July and August are summer months in Japan, and we have lots of festivals happening at that time. It is very humid but there are many ways to keep cool. So, it would be a good idea for you to come to Japan between July and August. ↓ 【訳】 7月8月は日本では夏です、この時期にはたくさんのお祭りがあります。すごく蒸し暑いですが暑さをしのぐ方法はたくさんあります。なので、7月から8月までの間に日本に来るといいでしょう。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My summer break in Japan between July and August, So come for a visit then.

The example above would be a good way to express to someone that July and August would be the best time for them to come and visit because that is when your on summer break.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Come anytime from July to August because that's when the summer break is.

  • The summer break is from July to August, come during that time.

  • Can you make it here around July to August?

If you would like to have your friend come over to Japan during the summer break, let them know when they can come by using the sentences above. It is always so much fun having a friend over, you can catch up and do the things you enjoy together. "My summer holiday starts in July, it is only a month long, when can you come?" "Come over to Japan in July, I have a month away from school for the summer holiday."
友達に夏休みの間に日本に来てもらいたいなら、上記の文でそれについて知らせることができます。 友達を家に招くのは楽しいですね、最近の話をしたり、好きなことを一緒にしたり。 "My summer holiday starts in July, it is only a month long, when can you come?" (私の夏休みは7月から1カ月間です。いつ来られますか) "Come over to Japan in July, I have a month away from school for the summer holiday." (7月に日本に来てくださいよ。夏休みで1カ月学校が休みなんです)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Can you make it between July and August?

  • Is between July and August good for you?

Your friend is coming to Japan, and you summer break is between July and August.You want to tell the person to come between July and August. Either of the above suggestions is good.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "I'm free from July to August. You can come and visit me then, just let me know your exact dates."

You are telling your friend that you are "free" (no commitments) for the months of July and August (a two-month period). You also extend your invitation to your friend to come and visit you in Japan during that period. Also, it's good that you know the exact dates that your friend chooses to come and visit you, as you can start making plans for their visit.
「7月から8月までの間は時間がある」と伝えて、その間に日本に来るよう誘っています。 また、相手が来る具体的な日付(exact dates)が分かると、予定を立てやすいと思います。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Come visit between the end of July and the middle of August.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Come visit between the end of July and the middle of August. 7月下旬から8月中旬の間に遊びに来てよ。 ほかには: ・That's when my summer break is. そこが私の夏休みなの。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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