It felt gross when the dentist took the tartar off my teeth
I didn’t like it when the dentist took the tartar from my teeth.
歯石 - tartar
歯石を取り - remove the tartar, take off the tartar
気持ち悪い - gross, bad feeling, feels disgusting
It felt gross, it was gross, I felt bad, it felt disgusting
歯医者で歯石を取る - the dentist took off the tartar from my teeth, the dentist removed the tartar from my teeth
There is a large calculus deposit「大きい歯石が」 stuck on my teeth.「歯についています」
A calculus deposit is sometimes called tartar「歯石Calculus depositはTartarも呼ばれています」. Not like the tartar sauce on my fish though.「でも、このフィッシュフライのTartar sauceと違うけどね」