Even though I’ve been studying English so much, I haven’t got better at all.
Despite studying English, I haven’t made any progress.
〜〜at all - 全然 〜〜
全然お腹空いてない - not hungry AT ALL
上達 - progress, get better
全然上達しない - no progress at all, haven’t gotten better
Haven’t made any progress with English at all, haven’t gotten better at English at all
こんなに - like this, this much
〜〜してるのに - 〜〜But 〜〜however
勉強してるのに - studying however, studying but
Been studying SO MUCH but
So muchはこんなによりちょっと強いけれど英語だとso much絶対言う。
I haven't made much progress in learning English despite the amount of time I've put into it.
"I haven't made much progress in learning English despite the amount of time I've put into it."
「全然」上達しない、というときは "I haven't made any progress" になります。