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海外のセブンイレブンで紙コップのコーヒーを買おうとしたのですが、蓋がなかったので、聞きたい時の言葉です。 Is there a cover of this? で通じますでしょうか??ニュアンスがわからないので、もっと自然なネイティブな人が使う英語も知りたいです!!宜しくお願い致します!!
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2016/04/10 02:58
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  • Do you have a lid for this?

「ありますか?」は do you have...? で聞けます。 Do you have a lid for this? これの蓋、ありますか?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Is there a cover for this?

  • Is there a lid for this?

for ~ で「〜のための」という意味ですので、Is there a cover for this? またはIs there a lid for this? で通じます。 経験上、コーヒーカップの蓋はcoverではなく、lidのほうがしっくりきます!
  • Can I get a lid please?

  • Can I get a cover for my cup please?

Both cover and lid can be used here, in any situation.
この場合は、シチュエーションに関係なく、cover と lid、どちらも使えます。
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • Please may I have a lid for my coffee ?

  • May I have a cover for my cup,please?

  • Is there a lid or cover for my coffee cup?

Be careful of using "can" for such requests.Remember " can" speaks about ability while " may " is a polite way of requesting something. Is there a lid or cover for my coffee cup? -This is used in instances where the coffee shop might not issue covers/lids when selling coffee.
Be careful of using "can" for such requests.Remember " can" speaks about ability while " may " is a polite way of requesting something. こういう場合のcanの使い方にはお気を付けください。canは「能力」を表し、mayが一方で丁寧な要望を表すのだと覚えておいてください。 Is there a lid or cover for my coffee cup? コーヒーに蓋やカバーはありませんか? -コーヒーショップがカバーや蓋をくれないときに使える表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have the lid as well for my the cup.

  • I would like lid for my coffee cup, please.

This is a polite way to request for the cover/lid for the cup. If the lid is available the person assisting will then give you.
これは、カップのためのカバー/蓋を尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 蓋が利用可能な場合は、お店の人があなたにあげます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Would you have a cover for the cup please?

  • Do you have a lid for the cupo please?

A cover = Something that covers or is laid, placed, or spread over or upon something else, as: a. A lid or top. b. A binding or outer part for a book or magazine. c. A bedcover. d. A protective overlay, as for a mattress or furniture. 2. A lid - is exactly the same as a cover, definition (a) in this sense. "Would you have a cover for the cup please?" "Yes, certainly sir."
A cover = 何か覆っているもの、何かの上に横たわっている、広がっているもの、例えば a. A lid or top. ふたなど b. A binding or outer part for a book or magazine. ほんのカバーなど c. A bedcover. ベッドカバー d. A protective overlay, as for a mattress or furniture.マットレスや家具のカバー 2. A lid - is exactly the same as a cover, definition (a) in this sense. この場合、lidがカバーと同じ意味になります。 例 "Would you have a cover for the cup please?" "Yes, certainly sir."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a cover for my cup of coffee.

  • Does this cup come with a lid?

Any of these statements can be used to ask for a cover for your cup of coffee.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Coulld I have a lid for my coffee, please?

  • Is there a cover for this?

To ask for a lid, you should feel free to use any of these two sentences. They mean the same, except in the first one I used the word "lid", whereas, in the second "cover".
ふたが欲しいわけですね、上記の表現を使ってみてください。これらは同じ意味ですが、一つ目の例では "lid"(ふた)、二つ目の例では "cover"(覆い)を使っています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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