世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/10/09 07:09
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  • Could I get a to-go cup for this?

  • I still have some coffee. Can I get a to go cup?

"Could I get a to-go cup for this?" You are asking if it is possible to get a cup. It can be called a to-go cup, a takeaway cup, etc. "I still have some coffee. Can I get a to-go cup?" Here you explain why you need a cup. Then you politely ask for the cup! Always be polite! Happy sipping
"Could I get a to-go cup for this?" こういったコップのことをto-go cupまたはtakeaway cupなどと言います。 "I still have some coffee. Can I get a to-go cup?" これはカップが必要なことを説明して、丁寧にお願いする言い方です。 常に丁寧に言いましょう。 良い一服を。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Could I put this in a takeaway container please?

  • Could I have a takeaway cup please?

You sit down and order a large Americano with milk and a wonderfully presented delicacy named 'pain au raisin,'which appears to be a light pastry with raisins. The waitress brings over your order and you sip your coffee slowly, taking in the relaxed ambiance of the cafe and the delightful background music, and watch the world pass by the window looking onto the street. You cannot consume all your coffee and call over the waitress: "Could I put this in a takeaway container please?" "Yes, madam, I'll bring one over to you."
アメリカーノのLサイズとpaiin au raisinというレーズンの入った菓子パンのようで、すごく美味しそうなお菓子を頼んだ。 ウェイトレスが品物をもってきて、コーヒーをゆっくり口に運ぶ、ゆったりとした味わいのあるカフェと心地よい音楽に溶け込みながら窓を通して外の世界の時の流れを見やる。 コーヒーを全部飲めず、ウェイトレスを呼んでこう言います 例 "Could I put this in a takeaway container please?" 持ち帰り用のコンテナに詰めても良いですか? "Yes, madam, I'll bring one over to you." かしこまりました。お持ちしますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, Could you please put this in a take away cup?

  • Excuse me, Could I please have a paper cup?

"Excuse me, Could you please put this in a takeaway cup?" This politely asks the staff at the coffee shop to put your coffee into a takeaway/paper cup. "Excuse me, Could I please have a paper cup?" This politely asks them to give you a cup so you can put your coffee in it yourself.
"Excuse me, Could you please put this in a takeaway cup?" これは丁寧にカフェの店員に、テイクアウェイ用の紙カップを貰う言い方です。 "Excuse me, Could I please have a paper cup?" これは紙パックを丁寧にお願いする文です。 これでコーヒーをそれに入れることができますね。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can I take this away?

  • Can I have a take away cup?

If you want to take away something from a restaurant, you can say: Can I take this away? If you want to take away coffee in a cup, you can say: Can I have a take away cup? Take away cup - A cup that you can take away. It can also be a disposable cup or plastic cup. In the case of food you could say: Can I have a doggy bag for this? A doggy bag is the name of a bag or container for taking away food in. I hope that helps!
レストランから何かを持っていきたい、そんなときはこういいます。 Can I take this away? もしカップに入ったコーヒーを持ち帰りたいのなら、こうです。 Can I have a take away cup? Take away cup -テイクアウェイ用のカップ これは、a disposable cup またはplastic cup. とも言えます。 食べ物の場合は、こういいます。 Can I have a doggy bag for this? A doggy bag は、テイクアウェイ用のプラスティック容器のことです。 I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have this to take away?

  • Please put this in a cup to go

When you want to ask to take away your coffee, then you can say: -Can I have this to take away? -Please put this in a cup to go.
コーヒーの持ち帰りをお願いしたい時は、次のように言えます。 -Can I have this to take away? これを持ち帰ることはできますか? -Please put this in a cup to go. これを持ち帰り用のカップに入れて下さい。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Can I take the rest of my drink to go?

  • Can I have a cup to take my drink home with me?

  • Can I take this drink home with me?

When you're in a cafe and you want to take your drink home with you, you can also say, "Can I have a cup to take my drink home?" As long as they understand that you want a cup to take home the cafe workers should be able to help you. "Can I have a disposable cup to take my drink home?" "Can I take the rest of my drink home?" "I can't finish my drink. Can I take it home?"
カフェにいて、飲み物を家に持ち帰りたい時は、Can I have a cup to take my drink home? と言うこともできます。 家に飲み物を持ち帰るためにカップが欲しいと伝われば、店員は対応してくれるはずです。 Can I have a disposable cup to take my drink home? 自宅に持ち帰るために使い捨てのカップを頂けますか? Can I take the rest of my drink home? 残りの飲み物を持ち帰ってもいいですか? I can't finish my drink. Can I take it home? 飲み物を飲みきれません。持ち帰ってもいいですか?
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get this coffee to go?

  • Could you put this coffee in a 'To-Go Cup'?

"Could you put this coffee in a 'To-Go Cup'?" A 'To-Go Cup' is a disposable cup that restaurants and cafes use to give to customers who want to take their drinks home or order their drinks 'to- go' (take away).
"Could you put this coffee in a 'To-Go Cup'?" (コーヒーをテイクアウトのカップに入れてくれませんか?) 'To-Go Cup' とはレストランやカフェがドリンクを家に持ち帰りたい人や、ドリンクを'to- go'(テイクアウト)でオーダーしたい人の為に使う、使い捨てのカップのことです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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