I want to see with my own eyes, if the earth is really blue and round as they say.
I want to see with my own eyes, (自分の目で確かめたいんだ、)
if the earth is really blue and round as they say.
I want to confirm the Earth is round and blue with my own eyes.
I want to look at the Planet with my own eyes to see if it is round and blue.
Earth is round and flat = 地球は青くて丸い
Confirm ~~ with my own eyes = ~~を自分の目で確かめる。
*With my own eyes = 自分の目で
「I want to confirm the Earth is round and blue with my own eyes」このフレーズを使えば良いと思います。
または、「I want to look at the Planet with my own eyes to see if it is round and blue」つかいます。