世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/10 11:10
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  • I gotta go now.

  • See you guys later.

アメリカの文化では、最後まで待つプレッシャーがあまりないので、この場合のフレーズと普通のお別れの挨拶はあまり違いません。 普段理由を言って、バイバイします。 I gotta go now! See you! I have plans now. See you guys later! You guysは友達同士が使う言葉です
  • Sorry, I've gotta go.

  • I'm leaving.

  • I have to go now.

同僚や友達同士でカジュアルに言う場合は"I've gotta go."(I have got to goの略)「行かなきゃ」をよく使います。私ならこれにSorry「ごめんね」をつけると思います。 もしくは I'm leaving. 「行くね」 I have to go now. 「今行かなきゃ」 などでもOKです。 <ボキャブラリー> gotta = got to
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • I'm gonna take off now.

  • Sorry guys, I've gotta get going.

"I'm gonna take off now" is a casual way to say that you need to leave. I suggest only using this phrase in the most casual situations, because it is a slang phrase. - gonna = going to To use it in a conversation it could go something like this: A: Hey guys, I'm gonna take off now. B: No worries, see you later! Thanks for coming. "I've gotta get going" is also another really casual way to tell friends that you need to leave. You can also use it to tell people when you are about to leave, like this: "I've gotta get going in a few minutes." - gotta = got to
「I'm gonna take off now」"" これはカジュアルに、あなたが出て行かなければいけないことを示すことができる言い方です。スラングなフレーズが入るため、カジュアルな場でのみ使うことをお勧めします。(- gonna = going to) こんな会話で使えると思います。 A: Hey guys, I'm gonna take off now. やあみんな、もう僕いかなくちゃいけないんだ。 B: No worries, see you later! Thanks for coming. 心配しないで、また会おう!今日はきてくれてありがとう。 「I've gotta get going」 こちらもカジュアルな言い方で、友達にそこを離れるときに使う言い方です。このように友達にいうことができます。 例 ""I've gotta get going in a few minutes."" もう数分ででなくちゃいけない。 - gotta = got to
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • 1. Sorry to break up the party, but I have to leave now.

  • 2. It's a shame I have to go early. Sorry guys!

  • 3. Please continue enjoying yourselves! I'll catch you all later!

1. Here you are apologising for possibly unbalancing the evening a little by leaving early. 2.Here you state your regret about leaving early. 3. This informal statement encourages your friends to continue their enjoyment of the evening without you.
1. 早めに帰ってしまうことでせっかくの雰囲気が崩れてしまうかもしれない事に対して謝る一言です。 2.自分が 早めに帰らなければいけないことを残念に思っていることを表します。 3. カジュアルな表現ですが、自分の友達に自分が離れた後もパーティを楽しんでもらいたいときに言う言葉です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I have to go.

  • I got to go now.

行かなきゃ、とかもう帰るね。 という場合、I have to go, I got to goなど使います。 I have to go back home.だと、家に帰るね、家に帰らないと。などという意味になります。 See you laterやGood bye.でも十分だと思いますが、See you, I have to go.など付け加えて使っても良いですね。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • Can I be excused guys? I really have to go now.

  • Sorry for being rude guys but I really need to go now.

  • Sorry guys, I have to go now. I will catch up with you later.

Can I be excused guys? I really have to go now. - Excused is to be released from the table. It is just good manners to ask if you can go. Sorry for being rude guys but I really need to go now. - Because it is rude to just eat and leave you say sorry for being a bit rude but it is because you need to go. Sorry guys, I have to go now. I will catch up with you later. - Catch up later is telling them that you will meet up with them later again.
Can I be excused guys? I really have to go now. - Excusedはテーブルから離れる、退席することをさします。 あなたが行くことができるかどうか尋ねるのは良いマナーです。 Sorry for being rude guys but I really need to go now. - 食べるだけ食べて、去ることは失礼なので、帰らなければならないことに申し訳ないと言います。 Sorry guys, I have to go now. I will catch up with you later. - Catch up laterは、また会うことになるということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can I be excused?

This means that you want to go somewhere and you want to leave.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I hate to cut this short but I really have to get going now.

  • I have to go.Let's do this again soon.

  • I hate to be rude but I am going to be late for my meeting if I don't leave now.

"I hate to cut this short but I really have to get going now." To cut something short is to end it before it has reached its full extent. " have to go.Let's do this again soon." You are telling them that you cannot remain with them and you are inviting them to meet up with you again. "I hate to be rude but I am going to be late for my meeting if I don't leave now." Explaining the reason for your departure is a polite gesture to help them understand why you need to leave before the time. rude = To be offensively impolite or bad-mannered.
"I hate to cut this short but I really have to get going now." ①「途中で切り上げちゃってごめんね。もう行かなくちゃ。」 To cut something short=何かを途中で切り上げること。 " have to go.Let's do this again soon." ②「もう行かなくちゃ。また今度ね!」 仲間に、一緒に残れないことを伝え、また会おうね、と誘っています。 "I hate to be rude but I am going to be late for my meeting if I don't leave now." ③「失礼なことをしたくないんだけれど、今出ないと会議に間に合わないの。」 あなたが何故その場を去らなくてはならないのかを丁寧に説明しています。 Rude=失礼
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) Hi! i am going to join for a quick bite but unfortunately I can't stay too long.

  • B) You guys must please excuse me as i have to get going.

A) Hi! i am going to join for a quick bite but unfortunately I can't stay too long. *Quick bite - Will be joining until the food comes and leave shortly after eating. Example - Lets grab a quick bit before you leave the city. B) You guys must please excuse me as i have to get going. *You guys - referring to more than one person not only particularly a guy *Please Excuse me - Forgive me, as in Excuse me, please let me pass, or Pardon me for asking, or I beg your pardon, I don't think so I hope this helps :-)
A, Quick bite=軽く食べること。 食べ物が運ばれて来るまで一緒にいるが、食べ終わったらすぐに出ること。 例文:Lets grab a quick bit before you leave the city. あなたが出る前に、軽く食べて行こう。 B. You guys=男性に限らず、一人以上の人に対して言う。 Please excuse me=Forgive me、先に失礼します。 Pardon me for asking=すみません、ちょっとお尋ねします、何ておっしゃいましたか? I beg your pardon、I don't think so=なんですって?それは違うと思いますけど。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry guys, I have got to go.

  • I'm off now guys.

  • I must take my leave now.

Sorry guys, I have got to go. - A simple way to politely apologise about the fact that you have to leave. I'm off now guys. - I use this one when I am eating with friends, It's a casual phrase which is good when you leaving will not affect the other people. I must take my leave now. - This is a way to say that you must leave, sounds like you have something important to do.
Sorry guys I have got to go. - 先に帰ること伝えるときの丁寧で簡単な表現です。 I'm off now guys. - 友達と食事をしていて先に帰るときによく使う表現です。 I must take my leave now. -重要な約束があって先に帰るというニュアンスを含んだ表現です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I have to rush off early...

  • Sorry to be a party-pooper...but I have to rush off early, to make a meeting I arranged.

Sometimes we might have a very busy social calandar...and perhaps we may try to "cram a little too much into our day;-)" This inevitably means we "run out of time". In this case must finish and leave a meal early ... "due to another commitment!" We must say sorry and explain..."I have to rush off early..."
ときに私達は付き合いでとても忙しいかもしれません。 そしてときに日中にかけても予定を少し詰め込みすぎるかもしれません。 これは時間が足りないことを意味してしまいます。 こんなときは他に約束があるので食事を早く切り上げないといけません。 申し訳ないという気持ちを込めて次のように説明できます。 例文:"I have to rush off early..."(急いでいるので早めに切り上げさせてください。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Sorry guys, I have to leave early. I will see you later"

  • "I gotta get going now, I need to leave early sorry"

  • "Sorry, I have to go now"

If you are eating with friends but you have to leave early, you could express this by saying any of the following: "Sorry guys, I have to leave early. I will see you later", "I gotta get going now, I need to leave early sorry" or "Sorry, I have to go now".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I have to run!

  • Excuse me but I have to leave early.

'I have to run!' is a statement of urgency and tells people that you have to leave early. 'Excuse me but I have to leave early.' is a polite way of excusing yourself from the dinner table and allows people to be more understanding because you are saying it politely and asking to be excused from the table. At the same time that you are leaving the dinner table don't forget to thank everyone.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry but I'm going to have to leave early.

  • Unfortunately I need to get going. I have to be home by 9.

  • I'm heading off now. See you's tomorrow/next week.

If you have to leave unexpectedly you can apologize for having to leave early. 'I'm heading off' is an informal way to let people know that you are leaving. To leave- to go away from somewhere. Example: I'm leaving home now, see you in 10 minutes.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Sorry guys, I gotta go now.

  • I need to split, I'm running late already.

  • This has been great but I need to get going. Let's catch up soon again!

When you refer to a group of friend, you could use a word "guys". This can be used for both male and female friends. "To split" and "to get going" are other colloquial words you could use instead of "to leave/to go". "To run late" is an expression you can use instead of "to be late" The third example is a little bit more complex: You are letting your friends know that you enjoyed your time together but you need to go and you are also suggesting to meet up again soon.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so sorry but I have to leave now.

  • I've got to go now, I'll see you guys later.

If you need to leave yours friends early when you hang out, you can say something like "I'm so sorry but I have to leave now." or "I've got to go now, I'll see you guys later.". These are nice and polite ways to excuse yourself from the situation.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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