世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




「わたしの話した英語が不自然だったら、なるべく自然な英語に直してね。」と言いたいです。 授業の前に先生にお願いしたいです。
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2019/02/09 22:36
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  • If my English sounds unnatural~

  • If my English sounds unnatural could you help me fix it?

「だったら」は英語で「if」です。 ① If my English sounds unnatural~ 私の英語が不自然に聞こえたら〜 ② If my English sounds unnatural could you help me fix it? 私の英語が不自然に聞こえたら手伝って直してくれませんか?
  • I would like you to correct any mistakes I make.

  • If my English sounds unnatural, then I'd be happy for you to correct it.

  • I would like you to correct any English that does not sound natural.

All of these sentences would be suitable. Using the word 'mistake' is more specific than 'sounding unnatural' and may lead to more strict and frequent corrections of grammar and pronunciation. If you would rather be corrected on the phrases, or expressions you are using then the second 2 sentences are perfect.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • I want to speak like a native - please correct any unnatural phrases

I want to speak like a native - please correct any unnatural phrases. It's a good idea to let your teacher know what your goal is, so by explaining your goal at the beginning really helps your teacher. Secondly it's a good idea to let your teacher know when to correct you. Should they do it immediately or wait until you have finished speaking. You can also use other words to replace "Unnatural" like strange or weird.
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please fix my English is it sounds abnormal?

  • Could you please correct me if my English is uncommon?

  • I would like you to correct my English if it sounds unnatural.

abnornal: not normal uncommon: not common reiterate: to repeat something for clarity Upon making a request you could say, "I would like you to correct my English if it sounds unnatural." It is very direct and matter of fact. This way your teacher knows exactly what you would like corrected. You could also reiterate you request by asking these questions at the beginning of the lesson. "Could you please correct me if my English is uncommon?", "Could you please fix my English is it sounds abnormal?"
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct me if I make any mistakes

  • If I make any mistakes, please correct me

Native speakers will say like this: “Please correct me if I make any mistakes”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Teacher, could you correct me if I make any mistakes? B: Yes, sure. No problem!
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my mistakes if I sound unnatural.

  • I want to sound natural, please correct me if I am not.

  • I would like to be corrected if my speech does not sound natural.

All of these sentences would be acceptable ways to ask for correction. Saying "correct me if I do not sound natural" gives your teacher something specific to look for when you are speaking. All of these sentences are common and direct ways to ask for correction.
Dajsha DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please correct my English when it sounds unnatural.

  • I want to make sure my English sounds natural - could you please correct me when it doesn’t?

  • I’d appreciate it if you could correct my English if it sounds unnatural.

All three of these examples politely ask your tutor to correct you whenever your English doesn’t sound natural. The second phrase is probably the most simple to use.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my English if it sounds unusual.

  • If I say something that is uncommon, please correct me.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you want them to correct you when you say something unnatural in English. In these sentences you will see the words unusual and uncommon. Both of these words mean unnatural or abnormal. These two words would make fantastic additions to your vocabulary.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please correct my mistakes ?

  • Can you please suggest more natural sounding expressions during class?

Many students want to be corrected during their English lessons so that they can learn from their mistakes. If you would like your teacher to correct you during an online lesson, you can use any of the following expressions:- 1.Can you pleasee correct my mistakes? You can use this statment to let the teacher know that its ok to correct your mistakes because sometimes teachers are hesitant to correct all the mistakes of their students because they may not want to discourage the student. 2. Can you please suggest more natural sounding expressions during class? If you ask the teacher to suggest more natural sounding expressions during class it means that you want your speech to sound more natural and more like a native speaker. In this case, the teacher can correct your speech by suggesting expressions that are used by native English speakers.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know when my English sounds unnatural.

Examples: Please let me know if I make any mistakes. When my English sounds unnatural, please let me know, I want to improve my English fluency. If I make any mistakes with grammar, pronunciation or vocabulary, please let me know!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind correcting my English if it doesn't sound natural?

  • If I make some mistakes that make me sound unnatural, can you please correct them?

We always want to be able to speak our language flawlessly without any errors. It's normal for us to make mistakes, even in our own language. Sometimes, we hear people speaking our language very well but some of the sentences just aren't natural and it is obvious that the speaker is not a native one, but the grammar is usually correct. We can use either of these two sentences if we want our teacher to help us sound natural by teaching us a more native way of saying a certain sentence.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my English when it doesn't sound okay.

  • Could you please correct me when my English sounds unnatural?

When you want to communicate with your teacher that you would like them to correct your English when it sounds unnatural; then you may ask in the following ways: -Please correct my English when it doesn't sound okay. -Could you please correct me when my English sounds unnatural?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my English if it sounds unnatural.

  • Please correct my English if it seems unnatural.

  • Please correct my English when it sounds unnatural.

Within these three sentences we can let our teachers know that we want to have corrections for natural speech. We can use the phrase, "if it sounds," or, "if it seems," to describe this effect.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct me if my English is unnatural

  • Please correct my unnatural English

You can refer to English that is not the norm as 'unnatural', 'unusual' or 'uncommon'. So you may have either an uncommon word or an unnatural phrase, for example. You could also speak in terms of what is normal or not normal. Eg: 'Would an English person normally say _________?'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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