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2019/02/17 16:24
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  • mutton

  • lamb

こんにちは。 羊肉は「mutton」といいます。 「lamb」は子羊の肉のことです。 羊自体は「sheep」と呼びます。 ・羊肉:mutton ・子羊肉:lamb ・牛肉:beef ・豚肉:pork ・鶏肉:chicken 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Lamb

  • Mutton

羊肉美味しいですね。 羊の肉と言えば主に子羊肉で lamb meatが人気だと思います。 (meat と付けなくても可能です) 一般的な羊肉だと mutton と言います。
  • Lamb

  • Hogget

  • Mutton

Each of these words are used to describe a lamb in its different phases of development. A lamb is a baby sheep, it is small and tender. A Hogget is a sheep that has passed one year of age. A mutton is a sheep over two years old. The darker the meat, the older the sheep. Lamb is light pink in color whereas hogget and mutton are darker. Tender: soft
羊肉は羊の年齢によって呼び方が変わります。 "lamb" は子羊のことです。肉は軟らかいです。 "hogget" は一歳以上の羊をいいます。 "mutton" は、2歳以上の羊のお肉をいいます。 羊の肉は年齢が高くなればなるほど色が濃くなります。 "lamb" は薄いピンクですが、"hogget" と "mutton" はもっと濃い色です。 Tender: 軟らかい
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • "Mutton"

  • "Lamb"

  • "Lamb chop"

Generally speaking, "mutton" is more of an old-fashioned word used in the UK to describe the meat of an older sheep. That meat is not normally very tender, unless it is cooked for a long time. On the other hand, "lamb" is used and marketed as meat that comes from a young sheep. The meat is very tender and not so fatty, unlike "mutton." One of the most popular cuts of "lamb" would be a "lamb chop," which includes part of a rib. You would generally eat "lamb" with a "mint sauce" condiment. The sweet and slightly bitter taste of the "mint sauce" adds to the natural flavor of the "lamb."
イギリスでは、"mutton"(マトン)は大人の羊肉を表す少し古風な言葉です。この肉は、長時間調理したものでない限り、あまり軟らかくはありません。 一方、"lamb"(ラム)は子羊の肉をいいます。この肉は "mutton" と違い、軟らかく脂身も少ないです。"lamb" の最も人気の部位の一つに "lamb chop"(ラムチョップ)があります。これはあばら骨のついた部分です。"lamb" は普通、ミントソースをかけて食べます。甘くて少し苦いミントソースが "lamb" の風味を引き立てます。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Mutton

  • Sheep

Mutton is the word used to describe the meat from an adult sheep. It can often get confused with the word lamb. Lamb is different to mutton in that it is the word to describe a young sheep or the meat that comes from it.
"Mutton" は大人の羊の肉をいいます。"Mutton" はよく "Lamb" と混同されます。 "Lamb" は "Mutton" とは異なります。"Lamb" は「子羊」または「子羊の肉」を指します。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • Lamb

  • Mutton

Lamb is the young sheep when it is a baby. Mutton is when the sheep has aged and got older. There is a common phrase/ funny joke in English, where people will say 'they are mutton dressed as lamb' this basically means that someone is dressed too young for their age' Lamb is very good accompanied with mint sauce.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Lamb.

Lamb is commonly used in the UK to describe meat of a sheep.
イギリスでは羊の肉は一般的に 'Lamb' と呼ばれます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Mutton

  • Lamb

Mutton' is the meat of a sheep. 'Lamb' is the meat of a young sheep. 'I am making a stew with mutton and vegetables.'
Mutton' は羊の肉です。 'Lamb' は子羊の肉です。 'I am making a stew with mutton and vegetables.' (羊の肉と野菜でシチューを作っています)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Lamb

  • Mutton

羊肉はlambといいます。 Lambは子羊です。大人の羊はあまり食べないから子羊の肉食べます。 Muttonは大人の羊の肉けれどあまり食べない。 ラム肉は美味しいけどなんか臭い Lamb is really delicious but it smells 羊肉の美味しいお店を見つけた I found a really delicious lamb restaurant
  • Lamb

  • Mutton

Lamb and mutton are both types of meat that come from a sheep. A lamb is the youngest form of a lamb. After two years, it is known as mutton. "I would like to have the lamb, please. I like it cooked well done" "He likes to eat mutton which was seasoned with garlic."
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • lamb

  • mutton

  • Roast Lamb

All of these words refer to the meat of sheep. Lamb refers to baby sheep and the meat is soft and pink. Mutton refers to older sheep and the meat is tougher and darker in colour. Lamb is a very popular choice in the UK for a 'Roast Dinner', which is typically eaten on a Sunday. "We had a delicious Roast Lamb on Sunday".
Katy A DMM英会話講師
  • Lamb.

  • Mutton.

Lamb Mutton The meat from a sheep is called, either, Lamb or Mutton. Lamb is the meat from the young, baby, and Mutton is the meat from the older animal. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Lamb

「羊肉」が英語で「lamb」と言います。 例文: 私はジョンが子羊の肉が好きなことを知っています。 ー I know that John likes lamb. 私は牛肉より羊肉の方が好きだ。 ー I prefer lamb over beef. 通常,羊肉や鶏肉で作られます。 ー Kebabs are usually made from lamb or chicken. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Lamb

  • Mutton

We would call this type of meat, "lamb," in American English (most typically) whereas in British English you might use the word, "Mutton." Both words can be used interchangeably in English to have the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Lamb.

Lamb is widely used to describe the meat that people eat from sheep. A lamb is a baby sheep/young sheep. Lamb meat is nice to eat because it is really tender. Common lamb dishes are: roast lamb and lamb kebabs.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • lamb

  • mutton

ご質問ありがとうございます。 英語で lamb や mutton と言うことができます。 日本でも「ラム」や「マトン」は聞きますね。 「羊肉」という意味の英語表現です。 「羊」は英語で sheep となります。 次のような言い回しで使うことができますよ。 ・Do you prefer lamb or chicken? 羊肉と鶏肉、どちらにされますか? お役に立てれば嬉しく思います。
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