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2016/04/17 11:11
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  • break up

基本的には他のアンカーの方が回答されている通りで、break up という動詞を使います。 ですので、we broke up. と過去形で表現します。 もし、別れてたのを友達が知らなかったら、Yeah, we've broken up for 2 months now. (もう別れてから2ヶ月たつよ)と時間の経過がある場合は現在完了形で表現します。 お役にたてば幸いです☆
  • Break up

  • Split up

付き合っていたカップルが別れた際に使う表現んです。 Break up Split up どちらも全く同じように使えます。 また、共に「別れ」という名詞としても使えます。 例文 彼ら、別れたって聞いたよ。 I heard they broke (split) up. 前の彼氏との別れはひどかった。 The break up with my bf was really bad.
  • A) We broke up.

  • B) We are no longer seeing each other.

  • C) We decided to go our separate ways.

Hello AI :-) I hope this helps! A) We broke up. B) We are no longer seeing each other. C) We decided to go our separate ways. Any one of these sentences would be acceptable :-)
こんにちは、AIさん、参考になるといいです! A) We broke up. (別れました) B) We are no longer seeing each other. (もう会ってない) C) We decided to go our separate ways. (別々の道を行くことにした) どの文でも大丈夫だと思います。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • We've broken up

  • We've split up

  • We're no longer an item.

The last one is perhaps a little more formal, but all are acceptable.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • 1, They are ex's.

  • 2. They split up

  • 3. They used to go out together

"He's her ex-boyfriend" The prefix 'ex' denotes this has now stopped or come to an end. Eg. Ex-husband. To 'split up'/'break up' means 'to separate from each other'. Eg They broke up a year ago
"He's her ex-boyfriend" についている接頭語exは終わったこと、すでにストップしていることを意味します。例えばEx-husband:前夫. Split up/break up は両者が別れたことを指します。Eg: They broke up a year ago: 彼らは一年前に別れた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • They broke up.

  • They are divorced.

They broke up. This can be used when the couple was never married. It means that they are no longer affectionate or want to be with one another. Note: You can replace 'they' with the names of persons. Example A: Jane and John fought yesterday B: My mom told me that they broke up. They are divorced. This can be used when the couple was married. The marriage has been legally dissolved. The couple is no longer considered to be married. Example A: I haven't seen Jane and John in years. B: They are divorced now.
- "They broke up." 結婚をしていないカップルに使えます。 もう一緒にいたくないと別れたカップルの事です。 メモ: 'they' の代わりに人の名前にする事もできます。 (例) A: Jane and John fought yesterday ジェーンとジョンは昨日喧嘩した。 B: My mom told me that they broke up. ママがいってたけど、彼ら別れたんだって。 - "They are divorced." 離婚という意味です。 法的に離婚した事。 (例) A: I haven't seen Jane and John in years. ジェーンとジョン数年みてないな。 B: They are divorced now. 彼らは別れたよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • They called it quits.

Call it quits' can be used to describe the termination of almost any type of partnership, especially a romantic relationship. In a sentence, you can say: "It's sad that Mike and Jane called it quits after dating for so long."
Call it quits' 関係の終わりを意味します。特に恋愛関係を指します。 "It's sad that Mike and Jane called it quits after dating for so long." 長い交際期間のあとでマイクとジェーンが破局したのはさみしいことだね。
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • break up

If you break up with your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, your relationship with that person ends. -------------------------------------------------------- Examples : My boyfriend had broken up with me. Since the break-up of his marriage he had not formed any new relationships.
彼氏や、彼女、夫、妻などの関係がおわること。 --------------------------------------------------------   例 My boyfriend had broken up with me.(私の彼氏が別れを望んだので)別れた Since the break-up of his marriage he had not formed any new relationships.彼は離婚してから誰とも交際していない
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • They broke up

  • They split up

You can use both of these phrases which mean absolutely the same and are used to say that this particular couple is not in a relationship any more.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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