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2019/03/09 16:02
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  • Only eating 3 sausages for a whole day.

息子さん心配ですね。 My son who does not like to eat has gone a whole day only eating 3 sausages. は食べることが嫌いな息子が、1日の食事をウインナー3本のみで過ごしたことがありますと言う意味です。 お役に立ちましたか?^_^
  • There was even a day when he only ate three sausages.

  • One day he ate nearly nothing -- only three sausages.

In American English we often employ the word 'even' as a way to express something that is surprising or out of the ordinary, e.g.: 'There were even real dinosaurs at the zoo.' Use a dash (--) to set off an abrupt break, interruption, or summary; or if your sentence has too many commas. It is the most underused punctuation mark in the English language, and can be quite useful if you learn it well. I hope this is useful to you.
アメリカ英語では驚きや普通でないことを表すときに 'even' という言葉をよく使います。 例えば: 'There were even real dinosaurs at the zoo.'(その動物園には本物の恐竜までいた) 突然の中断や妨害、サマリー (要約) を表すときや、文中にコンマが多すぎるときには、'--'(ダッシュ)を使いましょう。これは英語では最も活用されていない句読点で、しっかり使い方を学べばすごく便利です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • My son hardly eats anything. One day he only ate 3 sausages for the whole day!

  • He practically starved himself.

  • It's as if he's trying to fast.

"My son hardly eats anything. One day he only ate 3 sausages for the whole day!" - saying "hardly" means very little/barely/scarcely. Emphasising that it was for "the whole day" makes it sound more dramatic. "He practically starved himself." - to say someone "practically" did something means they almost did it. As if he actually nearly did starve himself. "It's as if he's trying to fast." - fasting means to not eat, or only eat very little. So by only eating very little, it seemed that he way intentionally trying to fast.
"My son hardly eats anything. One day he only ate 3 sausages for the whole day!"(私の息子はほとんど何も食べません。1日でソーセージ3本しか食べなかった日もありました) - "hardly" は「とても少ない」「ほとんどない」という意味です。"for the whole day"(丸一日で)と強調すると、ドラマチックな言い方になります。 "He practically starved himself."(自分自身を餓死させようとしたも同然) - "practically" は「ほとんど~する」という意味です。自分自身を餓死させようとしたように見えたということです。 "It's as if he's trying to fast."(絶食しようとしているみたい) - "fasting" は「(ほとんど)食べない」という意味です。ほんの少ししか食べず、意識的に絶食しようとしているように見えたということです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • He only ate 3 sausages today/yesterday/on Tuesday.

  • He only ate 3 sausages the other day.

  • He ate just 3 sausages the whole day and nothing else!

You would simply say that 'he only ate 3 sausages....' and then state when this happened. Examples are today, yesterday, on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday etc, one day last week, the other day. 'The other day' doesn't specify an exact day, so could be used if it doesn't matter which day or if you don't remember exactly when it was. Saying 'the whole day' shows that you mean he literally ate nothing else all day.
シンプルに 'he only ate 3 sausages....'(彼はソーセージ3本しか食べなかった)と言った後、それがいつ起きたのか明示できます。 例えば: today(今日) yesterday(昨日) on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday etc(月曜日/火曜日/水曜日など) one day last week(先週のある日) the other day(この前) 'the other day' は明確な日は伝えていません。ですから、何日であるかが重要でないとき、あるいはそれがいつか覚えていないときに使うことができます。 'the whole day' と言うと、丸一日の中でそれしか食べなかったという意味になります。
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • My son can eat just three sausages and be ok for the rest of the day

  • My son doesn't have much of an appetite

An appetite is the room for food a person has. Big appetites mean there is a lot of room for food, whereas little or no appetites mean you don't need much to be full.
appetite' は空腹感をいいます。 'big appetite' は空腹感が大きいときをいいます。 'little/no appetite' は空腹をあまり感じていないときをいいます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • One day, my son only ate 3 sausages throughout the whole day

When talking about your son, who doesn't like eating.- and you want to explain that one day he only ate 3 sausages all day, you may explain by way of the above example statement.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • On one occasion he only ate 3 sausages the whole day.

  • The other day he only ate 3 sausages

"On one occasion he only ate 3 sausages the whole day" The term 'One occasion' is a term describing, one time. "The other day" Is used to describe a day, It can be used to describe yesterday or a day up until roughly a year ago. A very casual and commonly used phrase.
"On one occasion he only ate 3 sausages the whole day"(1日にソーセージ3本しか食べなかったときもありました) 'One occasion' は「かつて」の意味です。 "The other day" は特定の日を表します。これは、昨日から一年くらい前の日まで表すことができます。非常にカジュアルで一般的なフレーズです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • He only ate three sausage for the whole day.

  • Once, he only ate three sausages for the entire day.

If you would like to emphasize that your son does not like eating, by saying that he only ate 3 sausages all day, you could do so in the following ways: "He only ate three sausage for the whole day." "Once, he only ate three sausages for the entire day."
「1日にウインナー3本しか食べないこともあった」と言って、子どもが食べるのが嫌いなことを強調したいなら、次のように言えます。 "He only ate three sausage for the whole day."(1日にウインナー3本しか食べなかった) "Once, he only ate three sausages for the entire day."(1日にウインナー3本しか食べないこともあった)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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