世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/03/10 23:59
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  • My upstairs neighbor woke me with their footsteps.

  • I came awake when my neighbor above me stomped on my ceiling.

In American English we very often use the words 'upstairs' and 'downstairs' to refer to our neighbors who live in the apartments above and below us. 'Came awake' is an alternative way (and perhaps less confusing way) to express 'wake' in the past tense. The word 'stomp' is a way to describe a violent or angry footfall. For instance, little children often stomp their feet when they don't get what they want. I hope this is useful to you.
アメリカ英語ではアパートの上あるいは下の階に住む人のことを 'upstairs' あるいは 'downstairs' という言葉でよく表します。 'came awake' は 'woke'(目が覚めた)の別の言い方です。'came awake' の方が意味が明瞭かもしれません。 'stomp' は乱暴にあるいは怒って足を踏み鳴らすことをいいます。例えば、小さい子は欲しいものが手に入らないとよく 'stomp' します。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • I was woken up by the footsteps of the person living upstairs

上の階に住んでいる人は the person living upstairs でも良いと思います。 上の階にだと on the upper floor などもありますがこの場合は upstairs が 言いやすいからか使われることが多いです。 足音で起こされたは I was woken up by footsteps になりますが人が含まれるので I was woken up by the footsteps of the person になります。
  • My apartment walls are so thin, the sound of the footsteps above me can wake me up

Usually sound is easily heard through thinner walls.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • My upstairs neighbor kept me awake with their footfalls!

  • The floors are thin and my neighbors are heavy walkers!

When we live in an apartment building and we have neighbors above us, it is sometimes difficult to fall asleep when they walk heavily on the floor. But remember, if you have neighbors below you, you might be doing the same and they might also have difficulty falling asleep. You can use the expression to describe loud walking: "heavy walkers" or "footfalls" or "footsteps"
アパートに住んでいると、上の住人の足音がうるさくてなかなか眠れないということがあるかもしれません。ただ、覚えておきたいのは、もし自分の下にも住人がいるなら、その人に対して自分も同じことをしている可能性があるということです。 足音がうるさいことは次の表現で表せます。 "heavy walkers"(足音がうるさい人) "footfalls"(足音) "footsteps"(足音)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My neighbor upstairs has a heavy foot

In English we use the term heavy foot to mean that people walk very strongly, that they are not gentle walkers. If the person in the apartment above you is making too much noise while walking they have a heavy foot.
英語で、heavy footとは、うるさく歩く人のことを意味します。上の階に住む人の足音がうるさいなら、 they have a heavy footと言えるでしょう。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • The sound of my upstairs neighbor's footsteps woke me up.

When you live in an apartment and want to talk about the person who lives directly above you, in American English, we call them an "upstairs neighbor." "Footsteps" are the way that we refer to the specific movement and sound that human feet make. I hope that this helps. :)
アパートのすぐ上の階の住人はアメリカ英語では "Upstairs neighbor" といいます。 "Footsteps" は、人の歩き方や足音を指します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I was awoken by footsteps coming from the apartment above

  • Footsteps on the floor of the apartment above, woke me up

You were woken up by the sound of the footsteps of the person living in the apartment above you. You wish to explain this fact. Any of the above examples should be appropriate in this case.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Upstairs is so heavy-footed, He wakes me in the night.

Heavy-footed - When someone walks strongly/loudly on the floor.
"Heavy-footed" は大きな足音を立てて歩くことをいいます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I was woken up by the sound of footsteps of the person living above me

  • My upstairs neighbour woke me up with their footsteps

When living in an apartment it is not easy if you have people living above you as they can make alot of noise without even meaning to the person who lives above you is also called your 'upstairs neighbour'
アパートで上の階に人が住んでいると生活音がしたりでなかなか大変なことがあります。 上の階の人のことは、'upstairs neighbour' ともいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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